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Your search for db/109 found 46 page(s) in the detailed catalogue
Your search for db/109 found 4 page(s) in the Collection Summary. Results

Results for db/109 in the detailed catalogue

ADX/109 Corporation of Aberystwyth Accounts  

DSO/109: Llanfarian and District Horticultural Show  

Research Aircraft Establishment: Aberporth  

ADX/1489 Ronald Everson Collection   

T/AMP Abandoned Mine Plans  

VC: Vale of Clettwr Hunt Collection  

ABM/KH/1: Correspondence etc.   

RE/P Roberts & Evans Papers relating to Public Institutions  

Shipping Registers Index  

Shipping Registers Index  

Shipping Registers Index  

Shipping Registers Index  

Shipping Registers Index  

Shipping Registers Index  

Shipping Registers Index  

Borough of Cardigan: Secretary's Department  

Shipping Registers Index  

DB/3: Bridge End Foundry Co. Ltd.  

ADX/433: Tregaron R.D.C - Cheque Books and Receipts  

Shipping Registers Index  

Parochial Records, Llanfihangel Y Creuddyn  


CDC/SS Social Services Department  

ADX/415 Papers of Miss Florrie Hamer  

ABM Records of the Borough of Aberystwyth  

Shipping Registers Index  

CDC/ML/1 Motor Licensing  

Shipping Registers Index  

Friends of Hafod Collection  

Water Boards - Aberystwyth Borough  

ADX/133 Posters and Pamphlets  

RE/P Roberts & Evans Papers relating to Public Institutions   

CDC/SE/31 Letter Books (Ye11ow Books)  

CDC/TR Treasurer's Department  

CDC/HI/2 Records of the Surveyor’s Department  

Friends of Hafod Collection  

Friends of Hafod Collection  

Casgliad Alun R. Edwards a Llyfrgell Ceredigion  

Friends of Hafod Collection  

Friends of Hafod Collection  

Borough of Aberystwyth: Highways Records  

Aberaeron Rural District: Records of the Surveyor’s Department  

Tregaron Rural District: Records of the Surveyor and Sanitary Inspector  

Parish and Community Councils: Llangorwen PC & CC  

Casgliad Alun R. Edwards a Llyfrgell Ceredigion  


Results for db/109 in the Collection Summary

Your search for db/109 found 4 page(s) in the Collection Summary.

Ysgol Feithrin Llanon (Ref: DB/109)
Cofnodion Ysgol Feithrin Llanon a'r Cylch / Records of Llanon nursery school
Acc.No: 3590   Not yet in the catalogue

Hugh Hughes, solicitor of Aberystwyth and other documents (Ref: MUS/71, MUS/109)
MUS/109 (Museum no. 2438) Deeds and docs relating to Hugh Hughes, solicitor of Aberystwyth (1907-1920) MUS/71 (Museum no. 417) Minute book of the Mid-Aeron Agricultural Society 1898-1936.
Acc.No: 1333   Show catalogue 

Perthyn- misolyn Capel y Morfa a Blwyddlyfr Eglwys Bresbyteraidd Cymru 2002 (Ref: ADX/499; ANC/48)
ANC/48: Perthyn- misolyn Capel y Morfa rh. 109-113 ADX/499: Blwyddlyfr Eglwys Bresbyteraidd Cymru 2002
Acc.No: 2109   Not yet in the catalogue

Cardiganshire County Council - Trading Standards Dept. (Ref: CDC/WM/100-110)
Assorted records and maps relating to the work of Trading Standards Dept. of the County Council. The department's work involved a wide range of duties related to maintaining trading standards, such as supervising weights and measures, pest control, traders' compliance with legislation, prosecutions for transgressions etc. The approximate modern-day equivalent of the dept. is Department of Environmental Services and Housing (DESH) 100. (Bound volume) Register of Traders and Record of Visits 1935-1939. Also contains records of prosecutions 1952-1993 101. Bundle of printed Notices of Examination of Patterns [of scales, spirit measures, petrol pumps etc.] (Weights and Measures Act 1904) 102. (Printed publication) A Record of the First Seventy-five Years of the Institute of Weights and Measures (1894-1969) 103. Handbook of Rat and Mouse Control (contains several pamphlets bound together in card covers) 104. (Pamphlet) Control of Rats in Sewers. MAFF 1960 105. Hand-drawn maps of routes of farm inspections (?), 1957 106. Anatomical Model of the Pig. Vinton & Co. Owner's inscription (crossed out): Osborne J. Evans, 25 Dyffryn Terrace, New Tredegar, Mar. 1920 107. Folder of newspaper cuttings of prosecutions etc. by the dept. 108. Set of 6 OS County Series maps with boundaries of the Borough of Aberystwyth and properties owned by the Aberystwyth Corporation marked thereon. 109. 2 OS County Series maps of Aberystwyth and Penparcau showing pest control areas. 110. Copy of map showing Aberystwyth post route. 1959.
Acc.No: 2486   Not yet in the catalogue

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