

Archifdy Ceredigion Archives
Friends of Hafod Collection

Accession 1706

Ref: FOH.C/01

DATE: 1991-2002
SIZE: 51 items
MEDIUM: paper
NATURE AND CONTENT: Material relating to various restoration projects and surveys of the Hafod estate carried between 1991-2002, including correspondence, copies of reports, surveys and photographs.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/01
DATE: 1991
SIZE: 1 volume; 8 ff.
MEDIUM: paper; plastic
NATURE AND CONTENT: Copy of Hafod Conservation Strategic Plan " Policy and Feasibility Guidelines for Conserving and Interpreting the Environment of the Hafod Estate by Andrew Sclater, November 1991, for the Welsh Historic Gardens Trust. Includes sections on the historical and ecological context; conservation priorities and public access and management. Also includes maps; plans and reproductions of drawings, paintings and photographs. (With draft brief, dated July 1991, and accompanying letter).

TITLE: FOH.C/01/02
DATE: 1992
SIZE: 12 ff.
MEDIUM: paper
NATURE AND CONTENT: Material relating to the Hafod Heritage Partnership, set up October 1992, including: copy of document entitled Conservation Project Statement " The Picturesque Landscape at Hafod Cwmystwyth dated August/September 1992; copy of document entitled Agreement between the Forest Enterprise and the Welsh Historic Gardens Trust, dated 5 October 1992; b/w photograph of ‘Hafod Heritage Launch’ taken at the Bedford Monument by Roger Hallett, 5 October 1992, and copy of document entitled The Trust at Hafod concerning the Welsh Historic Gardens Trust, its role, and the Hafod Strategic Plan; dated 5 November 1992 (see FOH.C/01/01). Also photocopies of newspaper articles concerning the launch of the partnership, dated 5, 6 and 9 October 1992.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/03
DATE: 1993
SIZE: 1 volume; 6 ff.
MEDIUM: paper
NATURE AND CONTENT: Report entitled 1993 Projects: Hafod Heritage Partnership - a submission by Landskip and Prospect on behalf of Welsh Historic Gardens Trust to Hafod Advisory Committee, March 1993 (revised April 1993), includes specifications for: Ladies’ Walk, Gothic Arcade, Visitor and Interpretation Facilities and Alpine Bridge. Also document entitled Some Comments on 1993 Projects: Hafod Heritage Partnership: overview of Projects Phase 1 by Caroline Kerkham, for the Hafod Advisory Committee, 4 June 1993.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/04
DATE: 1993 - 1994
SIZE: 174 prints; 56 ff.
MEDIUM: paper; photo
NATURE AND CONTENT: Material related to the Ladies Walk ‘trial’ section 1993, including notes, correspondence; revetments: specification drawings and plans concerning the ‘Gardenworks’ restoration contract for Welsh Historic Gardens Trust, dated 1993 -1994. Also 67 colour photographs showing aspects of the Ladies’ Walk taken before, during and after completion of works, dated 1993-1994.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/05
DATE: 1992 -1996
SIZE: 20 prints; 108 ff.
MEDIUM: paper; photo; plastic
NATURE AND CONTENT: Material relating to the restoration of Alpine Bridge, Hafod (also known as Bwlchgwallter Bridge), including: correspondence concerning the proposals for the bridge dated May " June 1993; historical research including images and photographs of the bridge 1786-1993; paper entitled Restoration of Alpine Bridge " Welsh Historic Gardens Trust Proposals dated October 1993; Forest Enterprise press release entitled Partnership leads to restoration of “Alpine” Bridge in Historic Landscape, dated 3 December 1993; Ceredigion County Council planning application notice, 1992; copy of The Alpine Bridge Walk " An Archaeological Assessment by Ken Murphy, June 1996, with location maps; 5 colour photographs showing the Alpine Bridge during restoration, dated 1995, and 15 showing Alpine Bridge ‘Post Felling’, dated March 1997; photocopy of drawing by Dafydd Fryer of the restored bridge and copy of address given by Donald Moore, chairman of Hafod Trust, at the opening of the Alpine Bridge, 14 June 1996. Also newspaper cuttings and photocopy of letters concerning the opening of the bridge from ?Welsh Historic Gardens Trust Bulletin.
(See also FOH.C/01/48 for survey (large-scale) entitled Hafod " Alpine Bridge, June 1993, by Dyfed Archaeological Trust for Welsh Historic Gardens Trust).

TITLE: FOH.C/01/06
DATE: 1994
SIZE: 1 volume
MEDIUM: paper
NATURE AND CONTENT: Report entitled Hafod 1994 " an archaeological examination of the ‘Ladies Walk by D. G. Phillips for Welsh Historic Gardens Trust, includes descriptions and diagrams of 25 trenches dug during the excavation.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/07
DATE: 1995; 1996
SIZE: 1 volume; 1 f.
MEDIUM: paper
NATURE AND CONTENT: Report entitled Hafod " Archaeological Guidelines, April 1995, by Brian Dix for Welsh Historic Gardens Trust. Also document entitled Hafod " Proposal for a Basic Sites and Monuments Survey by Brian Dix, dated 1 February 1996. (See FOH.C/01/49 for Hafod Sites and Monuments Survey drawings, undated).

TITLE: FOH.C/01/08
DATE: 1995
SIZE: 5 ff.
MEDIUM: paper
NATURE AND CONTENT: Report entitled Hafod Road Network by ACE(N) Wales for Forest Enterprise, comprises maps, plans and cross sections.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/09
DATE: 1995
SIZE: 10 ff.
MEDIUM: paper
NATURE AND CONTENT: Report and accompanying map entitled Cefn Creigiau Ground Survey by M. E. Grayston & J. B. Wills, October 1995.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/10
DATE: 1995
SIZE: 1 volume
MEDIUM: paper
NATURE AND CONTENT: Report entitled Pendre Field, Hafod " Resistivity Survey Report, June/July 1995, by P. Bewers for Hafod Trust, includes geophysical data plotting. Also Report on surveying Aug-Sep 1995 by P. Bewers.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/11
DATE: 1995
SIZE: 7 prints; 35 ff.
MEDIUM: paper; photo
NATURE AND CONTENT: Material relating to proposed path through Pendre field (Ladies Walk, section 2), including 7 colour photographs showing aspects of the site, correspondence, notes and illustrations.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/12
DATE: 1996
SIZE: 1 volume
MEDIUM: paper; metal; plastic
NATURE AND CONTENT: Copy of report entitled Pwllpeiran " Integrated Land Management Plan prepared for the Welsh Office by ADAS Cardiff, January 1996. Includes maps, plans and photographs.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/13
DATE: 1996
SIZE: 1 volume
MEDIUM: paper; plastic
NATURE AND CONTENT: Report entitled Hafod The Ladies’ Walk " Alpine Meadow Section, prepared by Dyfed Archaeological Trust for Hafod Trust, February 1996. Includes location map, plan showing location of excavation trenches, photographs and reproductions of historic works of art.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/14
DATE: 1996
SIZE: 1 volume
MEDIUM: paper
NATURE AND CONTENT: Report entitled Hafod Ladies’ Walk " an assessment of the route from Eglwys Newydd to Hafod Mansion and from Hafod Mansion to the Alpine Meadow, prepared by Dyfed Archaeological Trust for Hafod Trust, April 1996. Includes location map and reproductions of historical maps.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/15
DATE: 1995-1998
SIZE: 1 folder
MEDIUM: paper
NATURE AND CONTENT: Material relating to public access to the Hafod estate and a proposal to erect entrance gates, including: document entitled Hafod & Its Setting: A Consultation Exercise on Access & Interpretation by the Hafod Trust, dated September 1996, with draft comments by C. Briggs; a draft contactors brief for the evaluation of public access and visitor numbers; minutes of a meeting held June 1998 concerning erecting gates at Hafod entrances and correspondence dated 1996-1998.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/16
DATE: 1994- 2001
SIZE: 1 volume; 14 ff.
MEDIUM: paper; plastic
NATURE AND CONTENT: Material relating to the restoration of the ‘Rustic Alcove’ and the ‘Gothic Arcade’, including: report entitled Rustic Alcove Hafod, Ceredigion - Archaeological Evaluation, May 1996, by Dyfed Archaeological Trust for Hafod Trust; correspondence dated 1994-1997 and 6 colour copies of photographs showing before and after views of Rustic Alcove repairs, c. 2001.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/17
DATE: 1997
SIZE: 5 ff.
MEDIUM: paper
NATURE AND CONTENT: Paper entitled Paths by John Phibbs, January 1997, concerning paths at Hafod. Includes historical references; construction notes, notes on viewpoints and notes on the archaeological programme at Hafod.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/18
DATE: 1997
SIZE: 18 prints; 25 ff.
MEDIUM: paper
NATURE AND CONTENT: Report of survey entitled Hafod; The Lady’s Walk " Alpine Bridge to Ystwyth Meadow, April 1997, by Cambria Archaeology. Includes measured drawings; sections and elevations. Also photographic record of the excavation comprising 18 colour photographs (with negatives) taken by R. Hallett, April 1997.
N.B. Full-scale copies of survey drawings stored separately.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/19
DATE: 1997
SIZE: 1 print; 37 ff.
MEDIUM: paper
NATURE AND CONTENT: Material relating to the proposed alterations to Nant Ffin Bridge including photographs (taken 1990 by R. Hallett); measured drawings; Dyfed Archaeological Trust record for Nant Ffin Bridge and correspondence dated 1997.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/20
DATE: 1996-1999
SIZE: 1 volume; 255 ff. 67 prints
MEDIUM: paper; plastic; photo
NATURE AND CONTENT: Copy of contractor’s specifications for proposed reconstruction and stabilisation of Ladies Walk, Hafod; sections 4 and 5 (part) and section 8, prepared by R. Hallett, ‘Gardenworks’ for the Hafod Trust. With research notes and correspondence concerning the archaeological excavation (see FOH.C/01/18 for report of excavation); the proposed works and their completion dated September 1996- June 1998, and 40 colour photographs (with negatives) entitled ‘Peiran Walk “Link” prior to re-instatement’, dated February/March 1997. Also photocopies of 6 b/w photographs showing reconstructed path and walling, dated May 1998, and 27 colour photographs (with negatives) showing Peiran ‘link’ section 6 months after completion, dated January/February 1999.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/21
DATE: 1997-1998
SIZE: 3 volumes; 110 ff.
MEDIUM: paper; plastic
NATURE AND CONTENT: Documents relating to the Hafod Management Guidelines produced by Forest Enterprise and The Hafod Trust in April 1998; including: Hafod Management Plan " Consultation Draft 1997 (with responses and comments from Welsh Historic Gardens Trust; Friends of Hafod, CADW, Ceredigion County Council, The Welsh Kite Trust, Cyngor Bro Pontarfynach and others, dated 1997-1998); Hafod Management Plan- 2nd Draft for Hafod Advisory Committee and Hafod Management Guidelines, April 1998.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/22
DATE: c. 1997-1998
SIZE: 1 volume
MEDIUM: paper
NATURE AND CONTENT: Report entitled Hafod: Cae Gwartheg Felling (35850) " Archaeological Recommendations by Cambria Archaeology for Forest Enterprise, undated. Includes maps and photographs.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/23
DATE: 1998
SIZE: 90 prints
MEDIUM: photo; paper
NATURE AND CONTENT: 11 colour photographs showing aspects of the ‘Cow Meadow’ clearance and archaeological survey; 26 colour photographs labelled ‘Alp/Cow maps. plans spec. January 1998’(with negatives); 38 colour photographs labelled ‘Alpine/Cow prints " pre-project July 1998’(with negatives) and 15 colour photographs labelled ‘Cow/Alp post-felling, August & September 1998’ (with negatives).

TITLE: FOH.C/01/24
DATE: 1998
SIZE: 1 volume
MEDIUM: paper
NATURE AND CONTENT: Report entitled Hafod: Cavern Cascade Walk " Archaeological Watching Brief, March 1998, by Cambria Archaeology for the Hafod Trust. Includes maps, sections, photographs and specification.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/25
DATE: 1998
SIZE: 1 volume; 58 ff.
MEDIUM: paper
NATURE AND CONTENT: Report entitled Hafod: Survey of the Kitchen Garden April 1998, by Cambria Archaeology for the Hafod Trust. Includes site history and description; extracts from historic maps; transcript of interview with Tom Gwilliam head gardener at Hafod 1935-1936 and reproductions of photographs. With b/w photocopies of set of 108 photographs, showing aspects of the buildings and garden, taken as part of the survey. Also 4 large-scale survey drawings (stored separately).

TITLE: FOH.C/01/26
DATE: 1998
SIZE: 1 volume
MEDIUM: paper
NATURE AND CONTENT: Report entitled A Preliminary Study of Hafod Icehouse, June 1988, by Cambria Archaeology for the Hafod Trust. Includes plans sections and photographs.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/27
DATE: 1998
SIZE: 15 prints; 1 volume
MEDIUM: paper; plastic
NATURE AND CONTENT: Report entitled Hafod " an archaeological investigation of the Lady’s Walk S4 and the Cold Bath, May-June 1998, by Cambria Archaeology for the Hafod Trust. Includes site history; location map; descriptions of archaeological investigations and photographs. Also colour photographs and negatives showing aspects of the excavation.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/28
DATE: 1998
SIZE: 1 volume
MEDIUM: paper
NATURE AND CONTENT: Report entitled Hafod Estate Bird Survey 1998 by Red Liford for Forest Enterprise, includes list of bird species seen (name, number and location) in the Hafod estate, a survey of habitat squares, recommendations and location map.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/29
DATE: 1998
SIZE: 1 volume
MEDIUM: paper
NATURE AND CONTENT: Report entitled Hafod Bat Survey, Summer 1998, by Richard Crompton for Hafod Trust. Includes list of species identified, roost locations, recommendations for future management and location map.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/30
DATE: 1998
SIZE: 1 volume
MEDIUM: paper
NATURE AND CONTENT: Report entitled Hafod Chain Bridge Excavation 1998 by Salvatore Garfi for the Hafod Trust, including location map, plans and elevations.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/31
DATE: 1998
SIZE: 10 ff.
MEDIUM: paper
NATURE AND CONTENT: Photocopy of paper entitled Hafod " Forest Enterprise Strategic Policy Statement " 2 versions dated 21 January 1998 and December 1998

TITLE: FOH.C/01/32
DATE: 1998; 1999
SIZE: 2 volumes
MEDIUM: paper; plastic
NATURE AND CONTENT: Report entitled Hafod Road System " Archaeological Recommendations, June 1998, by Cambria Archaeology for Forest Enterprise, includes register of sites and photographs. Also report entitled Hafod Road System " Road Maintenance Proposals, December 1998, and report entitled Hafod Road - Structure Schedule, April 1999, both by Paul Mudway (Forestry Civil Engineering), the latter includes descriptions and photographs of roads, bridges, walls and culverts.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/33
DATE: 1998-1999
SIZE: 53 ff.
MEDIUM: paper
NATURE AND CONTENT: Material relating to the scheduling as ancient monuments of ‘Chain Bridge and Gothick Arcade’, ‘Peiran Cascade’; ‘Cavern Cascade’ and Nant Bwlchgwallter’, including: copy of A project design/specification for an Archaeological Survey/Investigation of The Gothic Arcade, Hafod Estate by Salvatore Garfi for The Hafod Trust, November 1998; copies of entries to the Schedule of Monuments for the four sites (including maps), and correspondence dated 1998-1999. Also copy of Archaeological Watching Brief to be undertaken during the restoration of The Cavern Cascade Walk, Hafod " Specification by K. Murphy, February 1998.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/34
DATE: 1999
SIZE: 1 volume; 3 ff.
MEDIUM: paper; plastic
NATURE AND CONTENT: Report entitled Hafod Mansion " an archaeological audit, Jan-Feb 1999 by Cambria Archaeology for the Hafod Partnership. Includes historical background and developmental history; inventory of features; plans and photographs. Also 3 large-scale survey drawings (stored separately).

TITLE: FOH.C/01/35
DATE: 1999
SIZE: 1 volume
MEDIUM: paper
NATURE AND CONTENT: Report entitled The Macrofungi of Hafod Estate: A Preliminary Account, February 1999, by Maurice Rotheroe. Includes list of 109 species of macrofungi recorded at the Hafod estate and a discussion of management for the conservation of fungi at Hafod.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/36
DATE: 1999
SIZE: 43 prints; 35 ff.
MEDIUM: photo; paper
NATURE AND CONTENT: Material relating to the Ladies Walk Landslip, January/February 1999, including: photo-record comprising 43 colour photographs (with negatives), report of observations made during 3 site visits by R. Hallett and correspondence dated 10 January " 20 October 1999.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/37
DATE: c.1999
SIZE: 1 volume
MEDIUM: paper; plastic
NATURE AND CONTENT: Report entitled Elenydd SSSI " Hafod, Bwlchgwallter Forests Management Plan (revised), includes description and maps.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/38
DATE: 1999
SIZE: 1 volume
MEDIUM: paper
NATURE AND CONTENT: Report entitled Horse Extraction in the Hafod " A feasibility study, July 1999, by Gareth Jones for Forest Enterprise, includes resources required, logistics of horse extraction, environmental impact, volume, costings and maps.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/39
DATE: 1992; 1997-2001
SIZE: 1 booklet; 25 prints; 185 ff.
MEDIUM: paper; photo
NATURE AND CONTENT: Material relating to the conversion and restoration of the Stable Block, Hafod, including: letter from Welsh Historic Gardens Trust concerning Friends’of Hafod possible involvement in plans for a facility to be housed in the stable block, dated November 1992; minutes of a working group meeting on the development of Hafod Stable Buildings, held 21 July 1997; specifications, plans and elevations; papers and correspondence concerning the planning application for the works (including 4 letters of objection); extracts from Hafod Mansion site: an archaeological audit: Part 1 by Cambria Archaeology; historical research notes; illustrated catalogue of stable fittings, dated 1892; minutes of ‘Working Group Meeting on the Development of Hafod Stable Buildings’ July 1997; Cambrian News poster with headline ‘Upset over Hafod Stables’ and other newspaper cuttings; copies of colour and b/w photographs showing site during renovation, and correspondence dated 1998-2000 and 7 colour photographs taken in 2001 showing carriage drive; aspects of the renovated stable and showing the original cobbled yard surface, with accompanying letter from contributor, K. Little, dated October 2001.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/40
DATE: 2000
SIZE: 1 volume
MEDIUM: paper
NATURE AND CONTENT: Report entitled Lower Lodge Bridge, Hafod " archaeological recording and watching brief, March 2000, by Cambria Archaeology for Forest Enterprise. Includes site description, observations, plan and photographs.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/41
DATE: 2000
SIZE: 1 volume
MEDIUM: paper; plastic
NATURE AND CONTENT: Report entitled An Archaeological Investigation of the Stable Courtyard at Hafod, Ceredigion, June 2000, by Cambria Archaeology for Forest Enterprise and Hafod Trust. Includes trench descriptions, diagrams and photographs; also handwritten notes and enclosures.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/42
DATE: 2000
SIZE: 1 volume
MEDIUM: paper; plastic
NATURE AND CONTENT: Report entitled Hafod Estate " Public Access and Visitor Numbers " Final Report, June 2000, by Stevens & Associates for Forest Enterprise and the Hafod Trust. Includes results of consultations with residents, visitors and other interested parties.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/43
DATE: various
SIZE: 40 prints; 24 ff.
MEDIUM: paper, photo
NATURE AND CONTENT: Material relating to the restoration and lease of Hawthorn Cottage, including colour photographs; copy of article entitled ‘Hawthorn Cottage, Hafod, gets a new lease of life’ by J. Macve, from Welsh Historic Gardens Trust Bulletin, Summer 2001, and correspondence dated November 2000 - December 2001; photographs and correspondence concerning damage to estate roads and Creigiau Bridge 2001. Also b/w photocopy of early postcard captioned ‘Hawthorn Cottage and Pond’; 2 colour photographs showing members of Friends of Hafod and Welsh Historic Gardens Trust in front of Hawthorn Cottage, dated 20 March 1993 and b/w photograph of Hawthorn Cottage dated 1986.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/44
DATE: 2001
SIZE: 1 volume
MEDIUM: paper; plastic
NATURE AND CONTENT: Report entitled Views at Hafod, Spring 2001, by John Phibbs for the Hafod Partnership. Includes evidence and characteristics of Hafod view-points and location maps.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/45
DATE: 1993; 2001
SIZE: 7 prints; 24 ff.
MEDIUM: photo; paper
NATURE AND CONTENT: Documents relating to Dologau Bridge and Sawmill Bridge at Hafod, including: report of observations from a watching brief carried out in 1993 by RCAHMW; photocopy of paper entitled Proposed parapets for Dologau and Sawmill bridges produced by Forest Enterprise; colour photographs showing aspects of the bridges, plans and elevations produced by Forest Enterprise, and correspondence concerning the bridges dated 2001. Also 2 colour photographs and photocopies of 4 b/w photographs showing Dologau Bridge under construction, taken May 2001 by R. Hallett, and 2 showing Sawmill Bridge before handrails were added, undated.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/46
DATE: Unknown
SIZE: 3 volumes
MEDIUM: paper; plastic
NATURE AND CONTENT: 3 forest design reports produced by Forest Enterprise entitled Forest Design " Hafod " draft proposals; Cefn Cregiau Hafod " Detail Design (Ladies Walk section 1) and Proposals for surrounds of Peiran Falls, all undated.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/47
DATE: 2002
SIZE: 5 ff.
MEDIUM: paper
NATURE AND CONTENT: Schedule of works at Hafod by Gardiner & Theobald, includes list of works for Restoration of Walks; Bridges and Structures; Fencing and Hedges; Boundary Fence Repairs, and Research and Archaeology. February 2002.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/48
DATE: 1993
SIZE: 8 prints; 24 ff.
MEDIUM: photo; paper; card
NATURE AND CONTENT: Survey (large-scale) entitled Hafod " Alpine Bridge, June 1993, by Dyfed Archaeological Trust for Welsh Historic Gardens Trust, includes report; 8 b/w photographs; measured drawings; plans and elevations.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/49
DATE: c.1996
SIZE: 4 ff.
MEDIUM: paper
NATURE AND CONTENT: Survey drawings (large-scale) for Hafod Sites and Monuments Survey, undated, c. 1996.

TITLE: FOH.C/01/50
DATE: c. 1990s
SIZE: 1 folder
MEDIUM: paper
NATURE AND CONTENT: Print-out of the Hafod Archaeological Database (produced by Cambria Archaeology). Comprises approximately 250 entries describing sites on the Hafod estate, includes buildings, walls; waterfalls; paths; bridges, etc. Undated. (See also FOH.C/01/151).

TITLE: FOH.C/01/51
DATE: c. 1990s
SIZE: 10 ff.
MEDIUM: paper
NATURE AND CONTENT: Hafod Archaeological Database Survey Sheets (produced by Cambria Archaeology). Comprises 10 large-scale sheets labelled ‘Gentleman’s Walk Scale 1:500’. (See also FOH.C/01/50).

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