

Archifdy Ceredigion Archives

Acc. 1279

Ref: MUS/59/30

Documents relating to James William Bowen of Rhos Hill, Barrister at Law in Carmarthen. Also documents relating to John William and the William(s) family of Penralltdu.

This part of the collection came to light after MUS/59/1-29 (which see) was catalogued.

These documents concern business dealings principally led by J.W. Bowen Esq. Q.C. of Plas-y-Bridell, a barrister first at Carmarthen (in 1866) and then London (by at least 1870), by 1877 dealing with contract and/or property cases (Timaru Herald 25 May 1877). Bowen’s dealings often involved various members oof the Williams family of Penralltddu, in particular Mr Thomas Williams, who said to have been his agent.
See also MUS/59/20, 22-4 (above).
These transactions took place in the period 1861-1887 and involved operations at a large number of properties, for which there are draft rent and tithe rent rolls. Bowen made regular payments, either in the form of annuities or interest on sums, in one case from a property, Pistyllmeigan. In the case of the Pistyllmeigan bond Bowen was taken to court and the collection includes an angry letter written by a creditor who had come in search of Mr Thomas Williams at Penralltddu.
Many of the documents relate to building work and other improvements and it seems possible that Bowen and his agents sometimes acted as contractors. Work on a number of waterwheels is mentioned, including a turbine installed at Trefach in 1870. Building work sometimes involved opening quarries nearby, for which powder, fuse and tools were provided, as well as procuring stone from existing quarries. There are also records for painting and decorating, work at Plas-y-Bridell extending to the billiard room. Trees were purchased in considerable quantities, mostly for plantations, with some specimen trees, and there are receipts of payments to auctioneers, criers, printers etc. for arranging, advertising and conducting sales of timber.

There are also some documents concerned with the Penralltddu family, some dating from the later 18th to mid 19th century, as well as more recent letters written by American cousins whose interest in genealogy is matched in more parochial correspondence.

MUS/59/30 is organised as follows:
1. Taxes, rates etc.
1. Income tax
2. Tithes
3. Highway rates
4. Poor rates
5. Mixed bundle
2. Business records etc.
1. Building material etc. and printing
1. Building stone
2. Brick
3. Timber
4. Glass
5. Iron work
6. Trees
7. Printing
8. General
2. Materials and work relating to waterwheels.
3. Coal, lime etc.
1. Coal
2. Lime
3. Bills from Black Lion, Cardigan
4. Provisions
4. Work
1. Labouring
2. Building
3. Carpenters
4. Carting
5. Glazing
6. Painting
7. Plastering
8. Smiths
9. Miscellaneous
5. Transport
6. General bills and invoices
3. Legal and business, includes legacies from estates for Williams, Penralltddu
4. Published material, newspapers and similar
5. Letters and genealogy
6. Erotic engravings
7. Subscription to History of Cilgerran (1867)

Tax bills and rates receipts, the majority of which are addressed to J. William Bowen.

Tax receipts in respect of properties in the parishes of Bridell, Llanfairnantgwyn and Llantood.

1. Land and Assessed Taxes, 1866-67 (1 item).

2. Income Tax, 1866-67 to 1868-69 (5 items). See also MUS/59/30/1/5.

3. Land Tax, Inhabited House Duty, and Income Tax, 1870-71, 1871-72 (2 items).

4. Land Tax, Income Tax, and Inhabited House Duty, 1872-73, 1876-77 (5 items).

5. Income Tax, Inhabited House Duty, and Land Tax, 1879-80, 1884-85 (21 items). Includes a (formerly) pinned bundle of receipts for Plas-y-Bridell and four parcels of woodland in Bridell.

1. Notice of Rent-charge in Lieu of Tithes addressed to Mr William Williams of Ty Gwynne in Bridell parish, with copious annotations referring to the alleged liability of a Mr Davies.
2. Handwritten note, ‘I will thank you to pay the (…) Bridell Tithes on Parkllwyd by Saturday next …, John William Lewis’.
7 March 1878

Receipts for Highway Rates levied by the parish of Llanfairnantgwyn (30 items). See also MUS/59/30/2/5/6.

Demands/receipts for Poor Rates for the Cardigan Union.

1. Parish of Bridell, 1875-1885 (72 items).

2. Parish of Llanfairnantgwyn, 1865-1885 (90 items). See MUS/59/30/1/5.

3. Parish of Llantood, 1875-1884 (8 items).

Bundle of receipts, formerly pinned: Income Tax, 1868-69 (1 item); Poor Rate for Llanfairnantgwyn, Cardigan Union 1869 (3 items).

Business records, bills and receipts, mostly for building materials, time-sheets etc.

Building materials and similar. Also printing.

Building stone, including slate and other dressed stone as well as rubble.

1. Bills and related correspondence from James, later Jeremiah Stephens, Marble & Slate Merchant, Cilgerran. The bills are itemised, giving type, dimensions and quantities, as well as the place for which the stone was intended (these include Penrallt Farm, Trefach, Ravel and Parkyshop. Nine items.

2. Bills for slates, flags and other stones from John Griffiths and Co. of Cilgerran. Two items.
1873, 1875

3. Bills for slates from John Owen and Son of the Glogue Slate Quarries, Whitland. Four items.

4. Bills for ‘best red’ slates from Owen Jones of Llangranog. Two items.

5. Bills, the earliest handwritten, for slates from Sambrook and Owens of Forest Quarries, Cilgerran. Three items.

6. Bills and related correspondence (including letter requesting payment) concerning slates, flags, other finished stone and other building material, sometimes given intended destination (i.e. Penralltddu, Trial Farm and a porch at Rhos-y-gaden). 14 items.

7. Bills or receipts for payment for loads of stones, presumably rubble, and their transport. Six items.


1. Handwritten bills from the Cardigan Brick and Tile Works addressed to J.W. Bowen, including one for, ‘200 fancy bricks for Penralltddu’, on 20 November 1866. Three items.

2. Printed bills from Woodward & Co., Patent Brick, Tile and Pottery Works, Lloyd’s Wharf, Cardigan, addressed to J.W. Bowen. Items are 850 stable bricks and 64 floor squares for Penalltddu (8 February), 1,200 perforated bricks for Cwmbettws (27-18 December). Two items.

3. Bills from William Phillips, Carpenter & Joiner, Glazier & Undertaker, addressed to Bowen, Esq: 800 fire bricks for Tygwyn, 6 December 1880; 1,150 bricks for Parcyshop, 4-26 July 1881; 680 fire bricks and 500 best pressed bricks, August 1884-February 1885. Three items.

4. Receipt from E.A. Rogers & Co., of the Dolgwili Brick, Tile and Pipe Works (Carmarthen), for payment received in respect of bricks supplied to J. Bowen Esq.
13/5 March 1882


1. Handwritten bill for 105 yards of timber to or from Mr John Joseph, issued 19 January and settled 14 March.
2. Handwritt
en bill or invoice addressed to J.W. Bowen Esq. by the owners of the Elizabeth for the carriage of nine planks, issued 22 September and paid 19 November.

3. Printed bill from Thomas Morris, carpenter and contractor of Castle Green, Bristol, to J.W. Bowen, for quantities of spruce deals, slate battens and spruce flooring. Issued Xmas 1864, settled 5 May 1864.

4. Printed bill from Thomas Morris, carpenter and contractor of Castle Green, Bristol, to J.W. Bowen, for quantities of building timber including battens. Issued 6 September and settled 28 November.

5. Handwritten bill addressed to Mr Thomas Morris, Priory Street, Cardigan, for a quantity of building timber: 16 red principal rafters; 24 red purlines; 8 red collar beams; 150 red common rafters; 35 dozen red battens; 121 prepared red boards, to be delivered on the Tivyside.
10 September 1869

6-11. Five bills and a letter bundled together and previously secured with pin.
6. Printed bill from James Temple & Sons (late Hartnell & Temples), timber, slate and marble merchants of Canon’s Marsh, Bristol, to Mr Thomas Morris of Priory Street, Cardigan, for 40 best planed red boards to be transported by the steamer Tivyside.
13 July 1871

7. Printed bill from James Temple & Sons of Bristol, to Mr Thomas Morris of Cardigan, for a quantity of building timber: 12 principal red rafters; 4 red collar beams; 52 red joists; 5 other joists; 10 principal rafters; 16 purline rafters; 70 common rafters; 21 joists, to be shipped aboard the Tivyside.
29 June 1871

8. Printed bill from James Temple & Sons of Bristol, to Mr Thomas Morris of Cardigan, for a quantity of building timber: 166 red scantlings; 80 planed boards; 17 dozen battens, to be shipped aboard the Tivyside.
6 July 1871

9. Printed bill from James Temple & Sons of Bristol, to Mr Thomas Morris of Cardigan, for a quantity of building timber: 73 planed red boards; 6 red boards; 42 pieces of red scantling; 14 dozen battens, to be shipped aboard the Tivyside.
22 June 1871

10. Printed bill from James Temple & Sons of Bristol, to Mr Thomas Morris of Cardigan, for a quantity of building timber: 32 red deal joists; 84 red deal rafters, to be shipped aboard the Tivyside.
15 June 1871

11. Letter from Temple & Sons to Mr Thomas Morgan, replying to a request for a quotation for supply of red deal scantlings, planed boards, battens etc., to be delivered to the steamer at Bristol.
7 June 1871

12. Printed bill from Harding and Voules, builders and general contractors of Castle Green, Bristol, for what appear to be oak newel posts.
24 July 1872

13. Payment reminder from Pembroke Steam Saw Mills to J.W. Bowen Esq., Penalltddu, in regard of timber sold and delivered, for which payment was due in December 1876. Sent 2 July, settled by Mr J. Williams for J.W. Bowen, 11 August.

14. Printed bill from The Cardigan Mercantile Company to J.W. Bowen Esq., ‘for scantling to Pistillmwgan’.
24 August 1877

15-16. Two items formerly pinned together.

15. Account of timber and related materials, including nails, black paint and rope yarn, supplied by David Griffith Davies Esq. to James W. Bowen between 9 February 1875 and 30 June 1876, being intended for Pennallt, Noyadd, Trefach, ‘R’efail’, drawn up by Lewis & Harries, accountants, Cardigan.
31 December 1879

16. Receipt for money from Thomas Williams, on behalf of James W. Bowen Esq., being the amount due to David Griffiths Davies of Castle Green, interest owing to be arranged between the principals. Signed by Lewis and Harris.
27 March 1880

For glazing see MUS/59/30/2/4/5.

1. Printed bill from John Myers, ironmonger, bell-hanger and whitesmith of St Mary Street, Cardigan, to Timothy Phillips, for six squares of glass and 2lbs. of putty.
8 October 1870

2. Printed bill from W. Woodward, builder and contractor, of Cardigan, to Mr Williams, for eight squares of glass.
10 May 1877

3. Printed bill from W. Woodward, Cardigan, to Mr J.B. Bowen Esq., for eight panes of plated glass, one other pane and 3lbs. of putty.
4 December 1879

4. Printed bill from W. Woodward, Cardigan, to Mr J.B. Bowen Esq., for glass, including one sheet of rolled plated glass and nine squares, and 3lbs. of putty.
10 February 1880

5. Printed bill from W. Woodward, Cardigan, to Mr J.B. Bowen Esq., for 16 squares of glass and 3lbs. of putty.
13 December 1880

6. Printed bill from W. Woodward, Cardigan, to Mr J.B. Bowen Esq. (for Parkyshop), for 18 pieces of glass and 6lbs. of putty.
9 September 1881

Iron work.
For smiths’ work see MUS/59/30/2/4/7.

1. Handwritten bill from J. Williams, ironmonger, to J.W. Bowen Esq., for a long list of materials and fittings, including nails and screws, at Penralltddu, Buildings, Penrallt Farm and Penralltddu, supplied between 19 February and 17 August 1863.
9 January 1864

2. Printed bill from Hill and Smith, patentees and sole manufacturers of the Continuous Iron Fencing, to J.W. Bowen, Esq., for a wicket gate, posts and fittings.
4 July 1864

3. Handwritten bill presented by J. Williams, ironmonger, to J.W. Bowen, Esq.for ironwork supplied to Penralltddu from 9 September 1864 to 4 January, 1865.

4. Bill from B. Evans, Grocer and Ironmonger, High Street, Cardigan, to J.W. Bowen Esq. for nails intended for Penalltddu.
16 July 1865

5. Bill from D.C. Jones, Ironmonger and Grocer, to J.W. Bowen Esq..
5 March 1867

6. Bill from B. Evans of Cardigan, to J.W. Bowen Esq. for what appears to be the construction of rumble field drains (30 and 24 perches, 4 feet deep 2 feet of stones, in Pwllcanol and Parkyw…llan) in March 1867, as well as nails for Grondion on 26 the following August.
21 January 1868

7. Bill from Foundry, Cardigan, top Mr Thomas Williams, for cast iron pillars with caps.
10 September 1867

8-9. Documents formerly pinned together.

8. Receipt for payment to Thomas Griffiths from Mr Thomas Williams for work done for Mr Bowen at Gwndwn (Bridell) and Parkshop.
25 August 1868

9. Receipt for payment to Thomas Griffiths from J.W. Bowen Esq., for ironwork done at or supplied to Parkyshop and Gwndwn, 22 & 30 June and 24 August respectively.
25 August 1868

10. Bill from John Myers, ironmonger, bell-hanger and whitesmith, of St Mary Street, Cardigan, to J.W. Bowen, Esq., for material supplied, including zinc and lead sheet and copper nails, and work done, at Nantgwynne, 13 October 1869-1 February 1870.
January 31 1870

11. Bill from Levi James, wholesale and retail farm furnishing and general ironmonger, to J.W. Bowen Esq., for material supplied between 14 March and October 5 to Tygwyn, Penallt, Noyadd and Trefach, including fence wire, staples, rock powder and fuse wire and a kitchen grate.
Xmas 1871

12. Bill from Timothy Thomas, inventor and patentee of the combined grinding & crushing mills, to J.W. Bowen Esq., for cast iron sockets for Trevach and altering their pattern, 21 September 1871.
21 August 1872

13. Bill from John Myers of Cardigan, to J.W. Bowen, Esq., for fence wire, staples, sash weights and sash cord.
29 January 1873

14. Bill from John Myers of Cardigan, to J.W. Bowen, Esq..
5 December 1873

15-18. Documents concerning the delivery of consignments of 9” pipes from the Cambrian Foundry, Newport, formerly bundled and pinned.

15. Delivery slip addressed to J.W. Bowen from Cambrian Foundry, Newport (Mon.) for 10 x 9” pipes delivered per Great Western Railway to J. Phillips Blaenffos, Crymych Station via Whitland.
22 November 1875

16. Delivery slip addressed to J.W. Bowen from Cambrian Foundry, Newport (Mon.) for 18 x 9” pipes delivered via Bristol and then by steamer to Cardigan.
14 August 1873

17. Delivery slip addressed to J.W. Bowen from Cambrian Foundry, Newport (Mon.) for 18 x 9” pipes delivered via Bristol and then by steamer to Cardigan.
14 August 1873

18. Letter from the Cambrian Iron Foundry and Iron Ship Building Works to J.W. Bowen, Esq. at the Temple, London, concerning a further shipment of 10 x 9” pipes, to be delivered to Bristol and thence by the SS Tivyside.
20 October 1875

19. Bill from Timothy Thomas of the Foundry, Cardigan, to Councillor Bowen (for Pistilleigan) for pillars, screws and nuts, washers and nails.
Xmas 1877

20. Bill from Timothy Thomas of the Foundry, Cardigan, to Councillor Bowen’s Estate, for seven cast iron pillars and caps (for Cwmbettws).
Xmas 1878

21. Bill from W.M. Woodward of the Cardigan Engineering and Foundry Works to J.W. Bowen Esq.
17 August 1882

Trees. See also - MUS/59/30/2/4/13.

1. Bills from John Jones, Nurseryman, Blaengwyddon Nursery, nr. Newcastle Emlyn: addressed to J. Williams, for 200 larch, 400 beech, 50 spruce, 19 December 1868; to J.W. Bowen for 1,000 larch, 200 beech, 150 spruce, 100 sycamore, 50 ‘silver’, 50 elms, 15 December 1869. Two items.

2. Bills contained in envelope addressed to Bowen of 10 Sussex Gardens, London, dated from Cardiff, 24 February 1871. Three are from William Treseder of the Union Road Nursery, Cardiff. One, dated 4 July 1870, is for ornamental trees, including six large copper beech, one fern leaf chestnut, two scarlet flowering chestnut and one wellingtonia gigantea. Another, dated 23 February 1871, is for a thousand each of oak, larch, spruce, elm etc.. Also a handwritten bill from Sketty(?) Nursery, Swansea, for twenty thousand seedling larch to be forwarded by passenger train to Narberth Road Station to Thomas Williams, 14 April 1874. Four items.

3. Handwritten bills from Maesllyn Nursery, by Gernos, nr. Llandysul, addressed to Thomas Williams, Penralltddu. In 1875 John Evans, the proprietor, advises Williams to send up for young trees the following year as, ‘we have got plenty’. 5,000 larch and 1,000 beech were bought in 1876, 7,500 larch and 1,000 oak in 1877, 2,500 larch, 1,000 beech and 100 oak in 1878, 1,000 larch and 1,000 beech in 1879 when individual specimen plants, including an Irish Yew and a rhododendron, were also purchased. Five items.

4. Printed bills from Maesllyn Nursery addressed to Thomas Williams. In 1883, 1,875 beech, 950 larch, 550 spruce, 200 Austrian pine, 200 ‘silver’, 100 elms, 125 oak, in 1884, 500 larch, 200 ‘scotch’, 200 spruce, 100 elm, 50 oak. Two items.

Printed bills for printing. See MUS/59/30/2/6/6 for handwritten printer’s bill.

1. From Owen W. Thomas, Printer &c. of 14 Saint Mary-Street, Cardigan, to Mr Thomas Williams, for ‘printing 50 bills and notices not to trespass on the farms of Trefach, Babel(?) etc.’, 27 August 1866, settled 28 February 1868.

2. From Owen W. Thomas, Printer and Publisher of The Cardigan & Tivy-side Advertiser General Printing and Publishing Offices, 39 St Mary Street, Cardigan, to Mr Thomas Williams, Penralltddu, for ‘printing 100 ten days’ notices’, 22 July 1868, settled 1870.

3. From Jane Thomas, Printer and Publisher of The Cardigan & Tivy-side Advertiser General Printing and Publishing Offices, 39 St Mary Street, Cardigan, to Mr Thomas Williams, Penralltddu, for ‘printing 200 circulars for the notices due to the Estate of the late Mr Thomas’, July 25 1871, issued Xmas 1873, settled February 1874.

4. From Jane Thomas, Printer and Publisher of The Cardigan & Tivy-side Advertiser General Printing and Publishing Offices, 39 St Mary Street, Cardigan, to Mr Thomas Williams, Penralltddu, for ‘printing 300 rent receipts for J.W. Bowen Esq. " in three books, 300 tithe rent charge receipts in three books’, on 15 February 1875, and ‘100 billheads for timber sale’ on 3 August the same year. Issued Christmas 1875, settled 26 August 1876.

5. From John C. Roberts, Printer and Publisher of The “Observer” General Printing Office, 1 Eben’s Lane, Cardigan, to J.W. Bowen Esq., for: 60 demy folio posting bills sale of timber, 5 November 1876, (posted?) by paid bill posters, 7 November; 200 ten days notices, 19 January 1877, issued 13 February 1877.

6. From Jane Thomas, Printer and Publisher of The The Cardigan & Tivy-side Advertiser General Printing and Publishing Offices, 39 St Mary Street, Cardigan, to J.W. Bowen Esq., for ‘printing 100 bills of sale of trees at Parkyshop, 10 February 1875 and again on 31 March the same year. Issued Christmas 1880, settled February(?) 1881. The printed bill includes notice of a 5% charge on overdue accounts.
See MUS/59/30/2/4/9/3 for other aspects of Parcyshop sale.

7. From Jane Thomas, Printer and Publisher of The Cardigan & Tivy-side Advertiser General Steam Printing and Publishing Offices, 39 St Mary Street, Cardigan, to Mr Williams, Penralltddu, for printing […] receipts, 8 February 1883. Bill issued same day and settled shortly after, presumably avoiding 5% charge on overdue accounts.

8. From Jane Thomas, Printer and Publisher of The The Cardigan & Tivy-side Advertiser General Steam Printing and Publishing Offices, 39 St Mary Street, Cardigan, to Mr Thomas Williams, Penralltddu, for: ‘Printing 300 rent notices for J.W. Bowen Esq.’, 8 February; ‘printing 50 bills removal of embankment, posting ditto in Cardigan’, 20 September 1883. Issued Christmas 1884, settled February 18 1885.

9. From John C. Roberts, Printer and Publisher of The “Observer” General Printing Office, Cardigan, to J.W. Bowen Esq., Plasybridell, for printing undertaken in 1881-1885, including ruled sale billhead, advertising contracts for Plasybridell, bills advertising grazing land to let and tithe notices. Issued 27 August 1885 and settled the same day.

General material

1-15. Printed, stamped bills from William James, Furnishing and General Ironmonger, 14 High Street " opposite the Post-office " Cardigan, made out to J.W. Bowen Esq., sometimes addressed to him at London. Goods involved are mostly painters’ and builders’ materials, also household fittings such as ovens and grates, rock powder and fuse, fencing wire and spikes, most of which were delivered to named properties.

1. Opens with 1 hob oven to Pwll-llaca, 22 April 1871, then period 22 February-May 27 1872, to Noyad, Trefach, Ravel, . Total £15-4-7
Midsummer 1872

2. For period 3 August-3 December 1872, to Trefach, Gaer, Trial. Total £2-0-6.
Xmas 1872

3. For period 15 February-9 November 1873, to Trefach, Gaer, Ebenezer, Ravel, Penalltddu. Total £8-15-8 ½ .
Xmas 1873

4. For the period 10 February-30 December 1874, to Trefach, Trial, Penrallt, Gwndwn, Gaer, Tygwn. Total £12-19-3½
Xmas 1874

5. For period 15 January-29 July 1875, to Penrallt, Noyad, Trefach, Pistillmeigan, Trial and Gaer. Total £11-19-½.
Midsummer 1875

6. For period 17 September-28 August 1875, to Gaer, Trefach, Penalltddu, Pistillmeigan, Quarry (’90 foot stout link chain’). Total £7-16-4.
Xmas 1875

7. For period 12 January-19 February 1876, to Tygwyn, Trefach, Parkyshop and Pistillmeigan. Final entry 19 January 1877 for fence wire. Total £39-4-10½.
Xmas 1876

8. For period 31 January-28 June 1877, to Pistyllmeigan. Total £3-18-4.
Midsummer 1877

9. For period 18 August-17 December 1877, to Ravel, Trefach, Pistillmeigan, Tygwyn, Penalltddu. Total £24-3-11.
Xmas 1877

10. For period 2 February-31 May 1878. Total £12-13-3.
Midsummer 1870

11. For period 16 July-30 November 1878. Total £33-4-6.
Xmas 1878

12. For period 8 January-4 December 1879, to Tygwyn, Cwmbettws, Pistillmeigan, Trial, Penalltddu, Gwndwn. Total £8-18-3.
Xmas 1879

13. For period 10 February-16 November 1880, to Cwmbettws, Penalltddu, Pistillmeigan, Trefach, Tygwyn. Total £ 3-16-3.
Xmas 188..

14. For period 16 March 1881-17 June 1882, to Noyad, Plasybridell, Trefach, Parkshop, Penalltddu, Trial, Lodge, Pistyllmeigan, Cwmbettws. Total £45-15.
Midsummer 1882

15. For purchases on 8 October and 14, 30 November 1883, under ‘Levelling Account’, goods including pick axe handles, spirit level, measuring tape and two foot rule. Total £3-18-11.
Christmas 1883

16. Printed bill from Cardigan Tanyard to J.W. Bowen Esq., for a quantity of hair plastering to be used at Ravel (1878).
22 November 1879

17.-21. Formerly pinned together.

17-18. Printed bill from Wm. Woodward, The Cardigan Engineering and Foundry Works, to J.W. Bowen Esq., for Gwndwn, for five squares of glass and putty, 11-0.
Two copies.
2 November 1881

19. Printed bill from Miles Woodward & Co., Coal, Culm, Lime, Mortar and Manure Merchants of Cardigan, to J.W. Bowen Esq., for goods with a value of 1-8.
27 August 1881

20. Printed bill from Miles Woodward & Co., Coal, Culm, Lime, Mortar and Manure Merchants of Cardigan, to J.W. Bowen Esq., for goods for Bridell, 0-7½.
September 1881

21. Handwritten receipt, ‘J.W. Bowen Esq. Q.C. Bought at Plasybridell Sale, 20 April 1881, ‘Jack’. Payable on or before 30 July 1881. Settled 26 November 1881.

22. Printed, stamped bill from The Cardigan Mercantile Co., T. Davies Esq., Managing Director, to Mr William Williams, Tygwynne, Bridell, for matched boards, white lead, patent rose nails etc.
Lady Day 1882

Materials and works concerned with waterwheels. One of these, installed at Trefach in 1870, would have been a water impulse turbine rather than a waterwheel.

1. Record of payment to David Thomas for work at Pen’alltddu, including 37 days at the waterwheel, four days digging stones for stairs, two and a half days clearing dairy and cow-house. Written out on reverse of stamped receipt of payment for work done at Penalltddu for J.W. Bowen.
17 February 1865

2. Receipt for waterwheel bought from Timothy Thomas, agricultural implement manufacturer at the Cardigan Foundry for £28.
20 September 1865

3. Note of payment of £5-13-3 for making a new bed for the river between Trevach and Pantyderry Mills.
24 August 1869

4. Bundle of six documents, including three receipts from Timothy Thomas, Cardigan Foundry, one from D. Griffith Davies, merchant of Cardigan, a receipt for 120 screw bolts for a waterwheel and a bill for work done by William Williams for John Phillips.

5-8. Documents concerning waterwheel or turbine works at Trefach (for plan see MUS/59/30/3/23).

5. Four part document ‘Trefach Turbine Works’, dated at Cardigan.

6. Stamped receipt for balance on Sundry Turbine Works at Trefach, itemised as payments made by B. Haines, Mill Leat and Pond on account of the Turbine.
5 December 1870

7. Receipt from Timothy Thomas of the Cardigan Foundry for the expenses of a journeyman’s visit to Trefach, where work was carried out on pipes.

8. Account of carpenter and sawyers’ works for Trevach Turbine.

9. Note of payments by B. Haines concerning railway carriage and work carried out by named individuals ‘in wheel pit’, quarrying etc.
16 February 1871

10. Bill for labourer’s work ‘towards the water wheel at Pant Lliw.
13 November 1871

11. Bill for £11-10-0 for cutting wheelpit and digging stones for building same, at Penybryn?
8 December 1871

12-15. Five documents touching on the works for a waterwheel at Trial

12. Two page document, ‘David Devonald Trial’, for timbers and carpenters’ work.
February 1872

13. Stamped note of payment from Mr David Devonald, Trial, to James Lewis, builder, ‘for Mason’s work done at Trial in connection with the Water Wheel’.
25 March 1872

14. Undated account of labouring work done by David Devonald, Trial, in connection with fixing up the Water Wheel.

15. Undated account of the expense of building a new water wheel at Trial (£55-3-2.5).

16. Receipt for £1 from Mr Bowen for loss of grass by filling up a gutter in field at Plas held by (David Griffiths).
16 February 1882

17. ‘Expense of the new water wheel and the connecting mason work and labouring work’, written in different hand on reverse of stamped receipt for payment for work done at Gwndwn, dated 6 August 1865.

18. ‘Account of expense paid towards altering and repairing the water wheel at Ty Glog…(?)’.

Coal, lime and other provisions.


1-2. Printed bill forms from William Jones, Coal, Lime and Manure Merchant at Crymych Station, to Councillor Bowen for two tons of coal, 22 February (1) and Thomas Williams Esq. for a similar quantity of culm on 28 September (2).

3. Account for 11 tons & 5(?) of coals supplied by David Evans Eliza Anne, Cardigan, to J.W. Bowen Esq.
3 January 1884

4. Printed bill from Esau & Roberts, Culm and Coal Merchants of Arthur’s Quay, Cardigan, for house coals bought by W. Bowen Esq.
20 February 1884

5. Printed bill from William Jones, wholesale and retail lime, coal, manure, and see merchant, of Crymmych Arms, for coal bought by J.W. Bowen Esq.

6. Printed bill from Esau & Roberts, Culm and Coal Merchants of Arthur’s Quay, Cardigan, for coal bought by W. Bowen Esq.
5 August 1884

7-8. Handwritten bill for coal bought from Eliza Davies , Quay House, Cardigan, by Councillor Bowen: 12 August; 18 September; 8 October 1884; 2 January 1885.


1. Printed bill for one truck of lime (five tons) supplied by John Davies, Llanfyrnach to Mr Thomas Harris.
20 August 1873

2. Handwritten bill for lime from Llanfrynach Station.
29 September 1873

3-5. Handwritten bills for lime bought by Mr J. Williams from Daniel Sambrook, Cardigan Road, Crymych, 22 June, 4 July, 16 August.

6. Printed bill for lime bought by J.W. Bowen Esq. from Phillips and Davies, General Merchants, Crymmych Arms Railway Station.
2 July 1875

7-8. Handwritten bills for lime bought by J.W. Bowen Esq. from P.G. Jenkins of Whitland on 25 October, Mynyddygarreg Lime and 5 November1875, Lampeter Red Lime for Pistyllmeigan (7); 13 June, 16, 21 August 1876, Red Lime (8).

9-11. Printed bills for lime bought for J.W. Bowen Esq. (9), Mr W. Williams (10) and Mr B. Harris (11), from John Phillips, Coal, Lime and Manure Merchant of Crymmych Arms Railway Station, on 29 April, 23, 28, 30 June and November 11, respectively. That purchased by Bowen and Harris was intended for Parkyshop and Trefach Building. Mr Williams’ bill has a Welsh language footnote.

12. Printed bill for Red Lime bought by J.W. Bowen Esq., for Pistyllmeigan, from P.G. Jenkins, Whitland, 8, 17 November.
13 February 1876

13. Printed bill for lime bought by Mr B. Harris, for Trefach shed, from William Jones, General Merchant of the Cardigan Road Railway Station.
2 July 1877

14. Printed bill for lime bought by Bowen Esq., from William Jones, Hay, Seed and Corn Merchant, Coal and Lime Agent of the Crymych Arms Station.
July 1878

15. Printed bill for lime bought by Mr Williams, Tygwyn, from John Phillips, Flour, Coal, Lime, Manure Merchant of Crymmych Arms Railway Station, 31 July.
August 1878

16. Printed bill for lime bought by Mr William Williams, from William Jones, Hay, Seed and Corn Merchant, Coal and Lime Agent of the Crymych Arms Station, 25, 29 June, 17 July.
20 August 1878

17. Printed bill for lime bought by Mr William Williams from James Adams, General Merchant, Crymmych Railway Station.
22 August 1878

18-20. Printed bills for lime bought by J.W. Bowen Esq. (18, 20) and Mr Williams (19), from William Jones, Hay, Seed and Corn Merchant, Coal and Lime Agent of the Crymych Arms Station. Bowen took delivery of lime on 20 February, 4 April, 11-12 November 1878, 6 January, 25 March and 4 June 1879, Mr Williams on 17, 24, 25 July 1879.

21. Printed bill for lime bought by Mr Williams from James Adams, Coal, Lime, Manure and Butter Merchant of Crymmych Railway Station.
21 August 1879

22. Printed bill for superphosphate and lime bought by Mr Caleb James, Gnol, from James Adams, Coal, Lime, Manure and Butter Merchant of Crymmych Railway Station, 12 March, 12 May, 20 June 1879.
14 August 1880

23-25. Printed bills for lime bought by J.W. Bowen Esq., from William Jones, Hay, Seed and Corn Merchant, Coal and Lime Agent of the Crymych Arms Station, 30 August 1879, 3 March, 18 August, 11 December 1880, 1 January, 25 May, 2 July 1881.

26. Printed bill for lime bought by J.W. Bowen Esq. from John Phillips, Flour, Seed, Indian Corn, Potato, Coal, Lime and Manure Merchant of Crymmych Railway Station, on 20 June and 10 August 1881.
24 August 1881

27. Printed bill for lime bought by Councillor Bowen from William Jones, General Merchant of the Cardigan Road Railway Station, on 12 December, 4, 28 February, 7, 8 March, 10 June 1881.
17 August 1882

28. Printed bill for lime bought by Councillor Bowen from William Jones, Wholesale and Retail Lime, Coal, Manure and Seed Merchant of Crymmych Arms, 31 October 1883, 7 February 1884.
18 February 1884

29. Printed bill for lime bought by Mr Caleb James from James Adams, Coal, Lime, Manure and Butter Merchant of Crymmych Railway Station, 25 April 1883, 26 March 1884.
1 August 1884

30-31. Printed bills for lime (and ‘Balance in Coal’ on one occasion) bought by J.W. Bowen Esq., from William Jones, Wholesale and Retail Lime, Coal, Manure and Seed Merchant of Boncath, 29 February, 3 June, 17 March, 13 September, 5 October 1884, April 30, 16 May 1885.

32. Printed bill for carriage of 53 bags of lime from Whitland to Crymmych Arms for J.W. Bowen Esq.
October 1887

33. Printed bill for lime bought by Mr J. Williams, Penalltddu, from George Bowen, dealer in Culm, Coals, Dublin Porter, &c., Plasnewydd, Cardigan, 17 July.

34. Printed bill for lime purchased by J.W. Bowen Esq. from William Jones, General Merchant, 29 December, 2 April, for Pistyllmeigan, 7 July, for Trefach.

Black Lion Hotel

1-11. Bills from Thomas Parker of the Black Lion Hotel, Cardigan, for hospitality. Items include breakfasts, lunches, dinners, attendance, hollands and small ale.
See MUS/59/30/2/6/42 for other accommodation bill.

Miscellaneous provisions

1. Printed bill from ‘The Owners of the “Sarah”’, Cardigan, to Mr Thomas Williams, for freight of 30 packets of butter and 14 boards, 10 February 1864, settled three days later.

2. Printed bill from David Jones, Tanner &c., Pendre, Cardigan, to J.W. Bowen Esq., for a total of 14 bushels of hair, purchased February and July 1864 and November 1865. Settled 1870.

3. Printed bill from J.L. Evans, Wholesale Druggist of Cardigan, to J. Bowen Esq., for goods including 3” Rock Powder, bought on 1 August 1867.

4. Printed bill from Jones & Williams, Tanners of Muldan, Cardigan, to Mr George George, Cwmbettws, for two bushels of hair, 8 December 1868, settled same day.

5. Printed bill from Levi James, Wholesale and Retail, Farm Furnishing and General Ironmonger. Cutler, Zinc, Tinplate and Wire Worker. Oil and Colourman, Wholesale Paper Warehouse, of St Mary’s Street, Cardigan, for a dozen saw-files, 5 May 1869(?)
6. Printed bill from Lewis Evans, Chemist and Druggist of Cardigan, for quantities of white and red lead, 23 September 1870, settled by Lewis Evans.

7. Printed bill from Levi James, Wholesale and Retail, Farm Furnishing and General Ironmonger. Cutler, Zinc, Tinplate and Wire Worker. Oil and Colourman, Wholesale Paper Warehouse, of St Mary’s Street, Cardigan, to Bowen Esq., for blasting powder and fuse, 7 October 1870, settled by Williams.
8. Printed bill from E. Griffiths, Draper and Grocer of Rhoshill, Cilgerran, to D. Williams, 12 July 1874, settled by […] Griffiths on the eighteenth(?).

9. Printed bill, featuring allegorical goat with unicorns, from Caleb John, Ironmonger etc. of Eglwyswrw, to Mr Thomas Williams for quantities of manure and bone manure supplied to Caleb James, Gnol, May 1874 and April 1875, issued 9 October 1875, paid 29 November.

10. Two page printed bill from J.L. Evans, Wholesale Druggist of Cardigan, to J. Bowen Esq., mostly for painters’ material, supplied from March 1873 to July 1874. An order on 24 October 1874 was for white lead, patent dryers, Turkey umber, linseed oil, turpentine, pumice stone and tar. Earlier purchases included black paint and other material for Tregal, dryers etc. for Gaer, fuse and rock powder for Penralltddu. Bill issued and settled February 1875.

11. Handwritten bill from J.S. Evans, Chemist to J.W. Bowen Esq. Q.C., for painters materials including paints, oil, turpentine, sandpaper and pumice stone, whitelead, driers, varnish, oiled silk and Indian ink, supplied February-December 1875, certain items are labelled for particular locations, Parkshop, Penralltddu and Trefach, and were presumably delivered. Bill presented and settled February 1876.

12. Printed bill from Thomas George, Linen and Woollen Draper … Family Mourning, Funerals Furnished, of Pontreselly, to J. Bowen Esq. for a gross of best thread sash cord, 22 November 1876, settled 17 February 1877.

13. Handwritten bill from B. Rowlands, Saddler, to Master Bowen, for a pair of best stirrup leathers, stuffing for a saddle panel and a set of blue serge bandages, supplied September, November and December 1877, bill settled 8 May 1878.

14-17. Four handwritten bills dated Clover Hill, Blaenffos, for poultry and wildfowl supplied to J.W. Bowen Esq. by John and Ann Thomas. See also MUS/59/30/2/6/23.
14. John Thomas, 10 December 1877, for 2 fouls, 1 geese, 1 turkey, 1 hare, 1 woodcock, 1 jack(?), settled 18 September.

15. John Thomas, February 4 1878, for 1 hare, 2 woodcock, 1 […], 4 fouls, settled with A. Thomas 11 February.

16. John Thomas, 30 November 1878: 4 fouls, 2 partridge, 4 woodcock, 1 snipe, 1 hare, 14 November; 2 fowls, 1 hare, 2 partridges, 1 turkey, 22 November; 6 fowls, 2 pheasants, 3 woodcock, 1 lapwing, 2 snipe, 29 November. Settled with Anne Thomas 6 December 1878.

17. Ann Thomas, 25 January 1879, for 2 fouls, 2 ducks, 1 turkey, 1 hare, 1 woodcock, 1 wild duck, 1 pluver, delivered on 18 December, bill settled 18 February 1879.

18. Handwritten bill from John Evans, Nantgwynne, to Mr David Gar… for 1 ton of bone manure, 14 March 1878. Bill delivered December and settled on the 14th.

19. Printed bill from J.E. Jones, Pharmaceutical Chemist, Physicians’ Prescriptions and Family Recipes carefully prepared, of Cardigan, to James Bowen Esq., 1878, paid 21 November 1879.

20. Printed bill from Jacob Trollip, Mealman, Bread and Biscuit Baker, Confectioner &c, of the High Street, Cardigan, to Bowen Esq., for goods (and services?) including dog biscuits, dinner for 48 tenants &c. at Bridell, with commensurate attendance, bill presented Xmas 1881 and settled 17 May 1882.

21. Handwritten bill from Reuben Jenkins, bootmaker of 49 St Mary St., Cardigan, to Bowen Esq., for soling and heeling a pair of boots, 10 July, bill settled 18 July 1882.

22-23. Handwritten bills from William Williams, Tygwyn, to J.W. Bowen Esq. of 26 Priory Street, Cardigan, for quantities of potatoes, geese, fowls, butter and eggs, mostly the last two.

22. 25 November, 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 December 1882, 6, 13, 20, 27 January, 3, 10, 13 February 1883. Settled 16 February 1883.

23. 17, 24 February, 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 March, 7, 14, 21, 28 April, 5, 12, 19, 26 May, 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 June, 7, 14, 21, 28 July, 4, 11, 18 August. Settled 24 August 1883.

24. Bill for garden produce, French beans, colliflowers, cabbage, cucumber, turnips, carrots, onions, marrows, potatoes, apples, dated 15 September 1883.

25. Printed bill from Daniel Davies, Wine and Spirit Merchant of the Drawbridge Wine and Spirit Stores, Cardigan, to J.W. Bowen Esq., Q.C., Plasybridell.

26-7. Two undated printed bills from J.L. Evans, Wholesale Druggist of Cardigan .

26. To Mr Williams, 31 May.

27. For 3” rock powder, 17 September.



1. Bill or receipt of money paid for 56 perches of drains at Trefach, signed by John Richard.
19 August 1868

2. Bill sent to J. Williams, Penralltddu, by J.W. Bowen, for work done, items including 14 days labouring and scaffolding.
10 November 1868

3. Bill dated from Penyfor work done at Drefach and elsewhere by William Davies for Mrs Thomas Williams between 10 November 1871 and 13 February 1872.
14 February 1872

4. Bill or payslip dated from Greenland for five days work done by William Morgan at Trefach for J.W. Bowen.
23 August 1873

5. Bill or payslip dated from the Kilwendeage Arms, Pembroke Dock, for a number of days work done by Daniel Morris at Trefach for J.W. Bowen.
10 September 1873

6. Bill dated Tyhen, for ‘60 thatch at 3d per’, by or from Griffiths Evans by Mr David Dovenallt of Trial.
10 October 1873

7. Bill or wages slip dated from Croft House, for seven days digging stones at Penalltddu by James Williams for J.W. Bowen Esq.
30 December 1873-20 March 1874

8. Bill or payslip for a total of seven and a half days working by James Richards for Timothy Phillips, mason.
17 February 1874

9. Bill or payslip for one day’s work at Trefach, ‘rough of the porch door’, done by David Williams, carpenter, for J. Bowen Esq.
19 August 1874

10. Bill or payslip addressed to Mrs Thomas Williams, Penalltddu, dated from the Kilwendeage Arms, Pembroke Dock, for work done by Daniel Morris for J.W. Bowen: 14 days at Drevach; seven days at Penrallt Quarry; two days at Pistyllmeigan.
17 February 1876

11. Bill or payslip dated from Greenland for labouring done by William Morgan for J.W. Bowen; 16 days at Trefach; two days at Parkshop; one and a half days with the carpenter at Pistyllmeigan. Also four days by D. Harris at Trefach.
23 August 1876

12. Bill or payslip dated from Llainlas for eleven and a half days working at Rhydemlyn quarry for Trefach Building, by Benjamin Richards for J.W. Bowen.
19-23 August 1881

13. Bill, dated from Cilgerran, for rooting up 31 trees at Cilgerran for J.W. Bowen
25 August 1883.

14. Bill or payslip dated from Penrhyw (Penrhiw?) Forge (Moylesgrove?), for 31 days work done by both J. and W. Phillips at Plas y Bridell.
16-24 November 1883

15. Bill or payslip dated from Pen y Bryn for three days building work done by William Richards for Bowen Esq.
9 January 1885

16. Bill or payslip (dated from Plas y Bridell) for painting work done for J.W. Bowen at Trial, Parkshop, Plas y Bridell, including the billiard room, 21 June to 26 July 1884.

17. Bill or payslip for seventeen and a half days ‘labring’ done by James Richards for Benjamin Harris, Trevach.
22-24 August 188-

18. List of work done or to do, headed ‘Noyad’. In all five hundred and fifty-nine and three-quarters days are given, beginning with clearing buildings trees and surfaces, filling and digging cellar, opening and filling meadow drain, work at various quarries, including Rhydemlyn, digging a quarry by Noyad, digging dairy foundation, work with mason. Two jobs, including nineteen and a half days digging gravel, are for Trefach.

19. Bill or payslip, headed Llain (…), for jobs including digging(?) and cleaning 103 perches of drains and 12Cwt. of manure.

20. Bill for ‘Carage’ by David Charles, variously ‘moving works’ and carrying ‘a book to Penybryn’, for Thomas Edwards, Glanpwllafon, David Dinnallt, Trial.


1. Account in respect of eight double arches, the work of David Jones, Mountain, for Mr Thomas Williams, Penralltddu, dated Mountain.
14 October 1862

2. Account, dated Felingannol, of work carried out by John Rees, mason, for J.W. Bowen at Penralltddu farm, namely walling, brick work, slating, flags, cobbling, pointing, arches, string course. The buildings involved were the cowhouse, pigsty, court, shed, barn and boiler house. Labour was also supplied for labouring, including dressing stones, opening new doors and closing old doors, and fetching materials, October 1866-April 1867.
22 August 1867

3. Account in respect of four arches, the work of David Jones, Mountain, for Mr Thomas Williams, Penralltddu.
19 October 1867

4. Account in respect of work done by Mr Benjamin James for J.W. Bowen Esq., including repairing a kitchen roof, flagging a kitchen floor and repairing a water closet.
17 February 1869

5. ‘Account of days worked at Blaenpant by Timothy Phillips and others, repairing three houses’. The others are John Phillips, William Evans and David Phillips, who were at work between 1 April and 18 August. Work done on each day is specified, i.e. pulling down walls, pointing roof, walling, slating and cleaning rubbish.

6. Undated account of work, some measured in perches, done by John Richards, William Richards, Benjamine Davies and B.H.


1-2. Receipts of payment from J.W. Bowen Esq. to David Morris, carpenter.
1. For a total of twenty-seven days work.
16 February 1871

2. For, ‘4 days cutting and conveying timber from the fields to the saw pit’, ‘2 days boring holes in stone post and fitting several gates to the post’, and 33.5 days making new gates’, all at Tygwyn, Bridell.
16 February 1871

3. Receipt of payment for 1,100’ of sawing done by Thomas Colby, dated Pantyddu(?).
2 August 1874

4. Account from J.W. Bowen Esq. in respect of work done by Owen Davies, carpenter, at Plas-y-Bridell. This was: nine and a half days spent trimming oak posts for railings; ‘edging oak planks to make a new bridge to cross to the garden’; packing timber to dry at Plas-y-Bridell and Tygwyn.
21 August 1882

5. Account from J.W. Bowen to M. Williams, carpenter, dated Penallfedw, in respect of carpentering at Gwndwn, fetching timber, making centres and sawing.
24 August 1885

Carters or carting.

1. Account drawn up by Mr Thomas Williams, Penalltddu, dated Penybryn, in respect of work done by Daniel Edwards between 22 January and 15 April 1884, generally carting stone, also carting lime from Crymych(?), tiles and bricks for Pencestyll, cement from Cardigan, rubbish to the road and manure to the garden.
14 March 1884

2. Account for carting performed in April, May, June and July, namely lime from ‘chrymich’, to llechryd at night with boxes, chrymych for bags at night, stone, gravel and manure, and ‘pull trees with cart’.

3. Account or bill for hauling timber from Boncath to Bridell on 15 and 17 November, by D.M. Owens(?) for Mrs Daniel James.
22 November 1884

4. Receipt of payment from J.W. Bowen to John Thomas for carting flags from Kilgerran to Plas.
13 June 1885

5. Bill for carting timber from Cardigan, paid by Bowen Esq. to E.J. Prichard.
15 June 1885

Glazing (see also painting).

1. Receipt for payment, dated Penyb…, from Mr Thomas Williams to William George, glazier, for glazing four windows with 25’ of glass and painting same with three coats of paint.
27 November 1862

2. Bill for glazing done at Penalltddu and Llwynllwyd, including puttying and painting, by D.B. Evans, glazier, for J.B. Bowen, dated Cardigan.
24 August 1863

3. Copy of bill or account for glazing and allied work done at Llwynllwyd, Penalltddu and Rhosygaden, 7 October 1863, January 1864, April 14 and 13 August. This includes glazing, painting windows as well as gables and ‘rafters under roof’, ‘carriage and putting them in’ of patent wheel glass (at Rhosygaden).

4. Bill, dated at Cardigan, for glazing and decorating work carried out by B. Davies, painter, from October 1867 to August 1869, for Counsellor Bowen Esq. Bill gives details of material bought, including paper and patent knotting. Work was done at places including Ffynnonllawdog, Penalltddu, Trial, Cwmbettws, Knol/Gnol, Tygwyn and ‘Factory’.
18 October 1869

5-16. Receipts for payment to David Mathias, painter (5), then glazier of St Dogmaels, by J.W. Bowen Esq..

5. For painting carried out at Cwmbettws, Trial and Tygwn, Bridell, by David and John Mathias, as well as for 6lbs of putty.
8 October 1870

6. ‘For glazing windows Tennants Houses Belong to Trial Farm’, as well as single windows at Penalltddu and Tygwn, Bridell.

7. For glazing work at Bridell and other places.
15 February 1872

8. Dated at Trefach, Llanfairnantgwyn, for British and other plate glass.
30 May 1872

9. For glazing at Trefach, Llanfairnantgwyn, including one sash of corner cupboard, and Noyadd.
15 October 1872

10. For painting at Trefach by the David Mathias’, senior and junior, both twenty-five days.
19 February 1873

11. For glazing at Gaer, Penralltddu, Parkyshop and Trial, by the David Mathiases.
29 December 1873

12. For painting by the Mathiases at Trial, Ravel, Gnol, Parkshop, Cwmbettws, Noyad and Penralltddu, and glass and glazing at Penrallt and Trefach.
13 February 1875

13. For painting by the David Mathiases at Penrallt, Penralltddu, Cwmbettws, Trial, Noyadd and Trefach, and glass and glazing at Penrallt, Pystyll-meigan, Trefach and the stable at Gwndwn.
9 February 1876

14. For glass and glazing at Pistyll-meigan and Tygwynne, Bridell.
20 February 1878

15. For glass and glazing at Gaer(?) and Pen-yr-Allt-…
12 September 1878

16. For glass and glazing at Cwmbettws.
4 June 1880

Painting (see also glazing).

1. Notice of payment, dated Tynewyd, from Mr David Davies to John Thomas, mason, for work at Llwynllwyd isha and ucha, respectively five days painting, one day, ‘in fixing bolts through house’, and three days painting, one day fixing bolts as above and half a day in mixing mortar.
7 August 1869

2. Receipt for £1-7-6 on account from Mrs Margaret Rees for painting of dwelling house at Felin-Gannol, signed by John George.
17 August 1869

3. Receipt for £1-6-10.5 on account from Mrs Margaret Rees, being the remainder due for painting of dwelling house, that is for 387 square yards, at Felin-Gannol, signed by John George.
23 August 1869

4-7. Four bills for painting done at Plas y Bridell, whitening ceilings and colouring walls, sometimes with calcarium, by John Edward of Quay Street, Cardigan, giving details of work done and of days worked by individual philanthropists, namely C. Green or Greeney, J.H. James, E. James, , T. Jones and T. Michael, as well as by John Edwards himself.

4. For eighteen and three-quarters days work.
23 May 1885

5. For nineteen and a quarter days work.
30 May

6. For twenty-five and one quarter days work.
6 June 1885

7. For twenty and three-quarters days work.
13 June 1865

8. ‘Painting at Plas-y-Bridell, Time Sheet, Evan Evans, painter’, giving hours worked between 26 March and 15 August.

9. Undated receipt of payment from Mr Williams, Penralltddu, for twenty-three and a quarter hours of painting done at Plas y Bridell by J.H. James.


Account of work done by Howell Thomas, plasterer for J.W. Bowen Esq., including plastering at Penalltddu, cement skirting(?), two arches, stucco staircase, passage and porch, plastering dairy ceiling at Trial.
25 August 1863


1-9. Accounts of work done by John D. James, ship and general smith of Arthurs Court, Cardigan, for Councillor J.W. Bowen Esq., in the period1862-1871.

1-8. Printed bills covering the whole of this period, detailing work carried out at the following farms: Penrallt; Gnoll; Rhyw…; Gwndwn; Ffynnonllawrog; Trial; Rhosdaden; Park y Shop; Cwndion(?); Cwmbetws; Tygwyn; Gaer; Trefach.

9. Handwritten account for work done at Trefach, 11 February, 4 & 9 March, 24 August.

10-12. Handwritten accounts of work done by Thomas Griffiths, Blaenffos, for J.W. Bowen Esq. in the period 1868-72. In 1868 Griffiths supplied fittings for Gnole and Pengraig (10); in 1869 for Gwndwn and Cwmbettws (11).

13-31. Handwritten accounts for work done by William Davies, Rhoshill, mostly for J.W. Bowen Esq. in the period 1868-1877.

13. ‘for Ironwork at the crane in the Trelwyn quar.’ (?Treleddyn), including fitting on 16 and 25 April.
25 August 1868

14. For an iron gate and railings at Penralltddu.
20 February 1869

15. For iron gates at Pengraig (2), Cwmbettws (1), Trefach (2) and Tygwnne (3).
24 August 1869

16-17. Fittings for farmbuildings at Tygwynne and Trefach.
23 August 1870

18. Mending and fastening a pulley at Trefach for Mr B. Harris.
14 February 1871

19. Fittings for Trefach, Parkyshop, Penalltddu(?), Blaenpant(?). Includes chicles for quarry.
16 February 1871

20. For work at Noyad, including chicles for quarry.
23 August 1871

21. For fittings, 16 October 1871-3 January 1871..
13 February 1872

22. Includes work at Treleddyn Quarry, repairs to crane and ‘3 chicle with steeling’, also work at Noyad and Tryal, 24 February-26 July 1872.
21 August 1872

23. Includes work at Noyad and Trefach, 29 August 1872-3 February 1873.
18 February 1873

24. For work at Trefach, including water grates, iron railings, steeling bars for quarry and chicles for same, ironwork for grave at Ebenezer, and Tryal, including one iron gate. 7 March-21 August 1873.
21 August 1873

25. ‘Smith work at Tryal, Noyad and Parkyshop, 9 September 1873-3 February 1874.
17 February 1874

26. Work at Trefach and Tryal, items for which include 2 steel ‘borriers’and one and a half days boring pipes, and Penrallt.
25 August 1874

27. For work at Penrallt, Gwndwn and Noyad, that for the last including three new chicles, mending chain and providing hooks, all for the quarry.
15 February 1875

28. For work at Penrallt, including quarry tools.
16 August 1875

29. For work including new gates, possibly at Trefach, tools and fittings for the Pystyllmeigan quarry, also work at Gwndwn, including chicles for quarry, and Castell.
7 March 1876

30. For work done for Mr J. Williams, Penralltddu.
23 August 1876

31. For work at the Pistyllmeigan and Treleddyn quarries, including chicles.
23 August 1877

32-49. Handwritten accounts of work done by John Thomas, Penbryn, for J.W. Bowen Esq. in the period 1869-1885. This includes items supplied for, fitted or mended at Blaenpant, Bridell, Cwmbettws, Llwynllwyd, Pencastell, Pystyllmeigan, Tygwn fawr and fach. A commen item is ‘new shoes’.

50. Handwritten account for a screen for sieving gravel supplied by David Richards to J.W. Bowen Esq.
17 October 1871

51-53. Handwritten accounts of work done by Thomas Morris of Cardigan, where specified for J.W. Bowen Esq., in the period 1872-1875. Includes work at Tygwn on 16 August 1872.

54-55. Handwritten accounts of work done by Evan Jones, Postgwyn, for J.W. Bowen in 1884. Includes a new iron gate for Tryal farm.


1. Receipt for payment one pound from Mr Thomas Williams to David Morris(?), ‘for cutting tress … and making new gates at …’
27 August 1870

2. Notice of payment from J.W. Bowen Esq. to John Griffiths, plumber, for work at Noyadd Farm, mostly concerning the installation of troughs and their plumbing.
21 February 1873

3. Bill for sales related or auctioneer’s activities in 1875, for posting bills of timber sales, including Partyshop, 13 February, and other timber sales, for selling at other sales, including the Gaer timber sale, for which the subject also cried, 16 December. Bill settled 20 February 1880.
See MUS/59/30/2/1/7/6 for printing for Parcyshop sale.
1875 1880


1. Charles and Davies: bills addressed to Bowen Esq. for carriage to and from North Road Station receipts, for respectively, a frail item and a parcel. Two items.
9 May-18 August 1869

2. Great Western Railway: bills, mostly addressed to Mr Bowen and Williams, Penalltddu, as well as Harris, Blaenfos, Morris, Trefach, Davis and Joseph, Cardigan, for goods, including glass, cement, trees and boxes, sent from stations including Paddington, Dudley, Worcester, Bristol, Cardiff, Llantrisant(?), Swansea, to Narberth Road and, from 1870, Cardigan. Goods are also dispatched from Narberth Road to Swansea.
These include five items, originally pinned, addressed to Mr Bowen and Williams of Penalltddu, in respect of items sent from places including Carmarthen, Gloucester and London, to Narberth Road Station, between 1863 and 1874.
35 items (see also 6, below).

3. Whitland and Taf Vale Railway/ Whitland and Cardigan Railway: bills for freight addressed variously to Messers Bowen, Williams, Harris, for goods, including paint, slates, timber, oil, empty cans, slabs, lime, coal, trees, rails, sacks and a dog kennel, carried between Whitland and the Crymmych Arms or Cardigan Road stations. 33 items.
The Whitland and Taff Vale Railway reached Crymmych Arms in 1874 and changed its name to the Whitland and Cardigan Railway in 1877.

4. Cardigan Steam Navigation Company: bills for freight on the S.S. “Tivyside” or
“Tivy-side”. Variously addressed to J.W. Bowen, solicitor, John and Thomas Williams, Penalltddu, W. Davis, Rhos Hill, J. Joseph of Cardigan, the bills are for goods including building timber (see MUS/59/30/2/1/5), pipes and cement. See 6, below. Nine items.
23 August 1869-30 May 1879

5. Bundle of transport bills and similar, addressed to Bowen Esq. and Williams, Penalltddu: from the South Wales Railway, Narberth Station; from Great Western Railway Company, Stroud and Bristol stations (see 2, above); from the Cardigan Steam Navigation Company, for building timber (see 5, above); receipt for interest due from Thomas Williams to J.W. Bowen (MUS/59/30/2/6); receipt for Highway Rates for Llanfairnantgwyn from J.W. Bowen (see MUS/59/30/1/3). Six items.

General bills or invoices. See also MUS/59/30/2/5/6

1. Handwritten receipt with embossed revenue stamp from David Thomas for hedging(?).
11 June 1864

2. Handwritten, stamped receipt for £3-13-4 from J.W. Bowen Esq., signed by G. B. Osborne.
27 December 1864

3. Handwritten invoice from J.J. Jones of Cardigan to J.W. Bowen Esq., settled by Mr Thomas Williams
18 March 1865

4. Handwritten bill from Howell Thomas, plasterer of Cardigan, to J.W. Bowen Esq. for cement work at Tre…
24 July 1865

5. Printed, stamped invoice from Berthlwyd, Near Cardigan, addressed to J.W. Bowen Esq., ‘For the service of “Compromise” for the Season of 1865 .. £3”.
23 August 1865

6. Handwritten bill from J.W.(?) Thomas of Cardigan for printing bills for sale of timber at Rhiwsaeson for Mr Thomas Williams, August 1865.
See MUS/59/30/2/1/7 for printed printers’ bills.
4 March 1868

7-8. Printed, stamped receipts for rent ‘for houses in Cardigan’ from J.W. Bowen Esq., both dated 13 June (February crossed out) 1868.

7. To Rev. R. Miles, 12-0 including property tax.

8. To J.L. Lloyd Esq., £3 including property tax.

9. Printed receipt with embossed stamp, for £3-18 from J.W. Bowen Esq. for houses in High Street to Rev. R. Miles and J.L. Lloyd Esq.
14 August 1869

10. Handwritten, stamped receipt for £5 (less 2/6 income tax) from J.W. Bowen being a half year’s interest due to Miss Rees of Cardigan on her bond of £200.
26 February 1870

11. Handwritten, stamped receipt from John Griffiths, Parkyshop, for the sum of £17 from Thomas Williams on behalf of J.W. Bowen Esq., being a year’s interest.
15 October 1869

12. Handwritten, stamped receipt from John Griffiths, Parkyshop, for the sum of £17 (less 12/9 income tax) from J.W. Bowen Esq., per Thomas Williams, being a year’s interest.

13. Handwritten invoice, ‘J.W. Bowen Esq., Bought of Cardigan Brick Works £1156, 1 September 1870.
15 February 1871

14. Printed receipt with embossed revenue stamp for the sum of £3 from J.W. Bowen Esq., being three half years’ rent for a house due to J.L. Lloyd.
20 February 1871

15. Handwritten, stamped receipt for £4 from J.W. Bowen Esq., per Mr Williams.
27 March 1871

16. Handwritten bill for a single salmon, dated from Cilgerran (19/6), from Peter Morris to Mr Thomas Williams.
22 May 1871

17. Handwritten, stamped receipt for £17 (less 8/6 income tax) paid by J.W. Bowen, per Thomas Williams, to John Griffith, Parkyshop, being interest due.
15 February 1872

18. Printed receipt, addressed from 9, High Street, Cardigan, for 12/0 received from Mr Williams for two cheque Books.
22 August 1872

19. Handwritten, stamped receipt for £16 from J.W. Bowen Esq. per Mr Thomas Williams in account of bill due for ironmongery in 1871.
19 February 1872

20. Handwritten stamped receipt from John Griffiths, Parkyshop, for £8-8-7 from Mr Thomas Williams for J.W. Bowen Esq., being a half year’s interest after deducting income tax.
19 February 1873

21. Handwritten, stamped receipt, on black-bordered paper, from Griffith(?) Davies, Cardigan, acknowledging receipt of £100 by cheque from J.W. Bowen Esq.
25 March 1873

22. Printed, stamped receipt form for sum of £100 from J.W. Bowen Esq. in respect of his timber account, signed by D. Griffith Davies and … Lowther.
18 August 1874

23. Handwritten stamped receipt for £41-2-5.25 from Bowen Esq. on account due.
8 March 1875

24-25. Items previously pinned together.

24. Letter on headed paper from D. Griffiths Davies, Merchant of Bridge Street, Cardigan, to J.W. Bowen Esq., London, thanking him for his requitance in respect of 1874 and mentioning his agent, Mr Thomas Williams.
14 September 1875

25. Printed, stamped receipt for £75-10-9 from J.W. Bowen Esq. Q.C. to D. Griffiths Davies.
14 September 1875

26. Handwritten receipt for £54 from Mr Thomas Williams in account of a note of hand due from J.W. Bowen Esq. to Mitchell, Ffynnon… (see No. 60, below)
27 March 1876

27. Printed, stamped bill from William Jones, general merchant of Cardigan Road Station to Mr Williams, Tygwyn.
16 October 1876

28. Handwritten stamped receipt for £10 from J.W. Bowen Esq. Q.C. per Mr Thomas Williams to William Mathias, at Bridell, being an annuity due from Pistyllmeigan.
See MUS/59/23; MUS/59/30/3/24-5 for case concerning this business arrangement, which dated from 1874.
14 July 1877

29. Handwritten stamped receipt for £4 from J.W. Bowen Esq. Q.C. by John Rees for services rendered in valuing Penrallt and Gnol.
13 October 1877

30-31. Handwritten, stamped receipts from William Mathias, Bridell, for £10, being interest due from Pistyll Meigan.

30. 3 October 1877

31. 12 January 1878

See MUS/59/23; MUS/59/30/3/24-5 for case concerning this business arrangement, which dated from 1874.

32-33. Handwritten stamped receipts for £10 from J.W. Bowen Esq. Q.C. per Thomas Williams to William Mathias, at Bwlch Meigan, being quarter annuities due from Pistyllmeigan.
See MUS/59/23; MUS/59/30/3/24-5 for case concerning this business arrangement, which dated from 1874.
1 April, 13 July 1878

34. Bill dated from Clover Hill for eight fowl and two hare supplied by J. Thomas to Bowen Esq., dated 14 February 1878 and settled the same day by E. Davies. See MUS/59/30/2/3/4/14-17

35-37. Three items formerly pinned together.

35. Scrap of paper with handwritten account for £50 (principal) £5-10-6 (interest?).

36. Handwritten, stamped receipt for £55-10 from J.W. Bowen Esq. per Mr Thomas Williams by John Mitchell, witnessed by Williams.
27 July 1878

37. Fragment of promissory note, including embossed revenue stamp, for £50, witnessed by Williams of Cardigan and with John Mitchell’s name on reverse.

38. Handwritten stamped receipt for £3-2-9 from Thomas Williams on behalf of Mr Bowen Q.C. from John Charles (by mark), witnessed by John Thomas, account drawn up on reverse for sawing alder for Cwmbettws.
30 October 1878

39. Handwritten letter from Brecon Old Bank, Cardigan, to Bowen Esq. Q.C. demanding payment of Bridell tithes.
26 February 1879

40. Stamped handwritten receipt for £10 from J.W. Bowen Esq. Q.C. to Eliza Thomas, Ffosypontbren(?).

41.Handwritten stamped receipt from William Morgan, Greenland, Blaenyffos, for £2-10 from David Thomas in payment for work done for Mr Bowen Esq. Q.C. at Pistill Meigan ‘up to this date’.
24 March 1880

42. Handwritten stamped bill from J. Williams to J.W. Bowen Esq. Q.C. for apartment, breakfast, cash lent and servant(?) (£2-5-6).
For bills from the Black Lion, Cardigan, see MUS/59/30/2/3/3.
24 February 1881

43. Stamped handwritten receipt for £10 due from J.W. Bowen Esq. per Mr Thomas Williams, Penralltddu, Thomas Morris, Broyan(?) Mill.
25 February 1881

44. Handwritten, stamped receipt from E. Thomas, Ffosypontbren, for payment of £10, being interest due from J.W. Bowen Esq. Q.C., per Thomas Williams
25 January 1882

45. Handwritten stamped receipt from Thomas Morris for £10 interest due from J.W. Bowen Esq. per Thomas Williams.
February 1882

46. Printed, stamped receipt from Daniel Jones & Co., Merchants and Shippers of Mount Street, Swansea, for payment by cheque by Mr Thomas Williams of the account of J.W. Bowen Esq.
15 March 1882

47. Printed, stamped receipt, signed by M. Mathias, from the Cardigan Mercantile Company for £38-19-9 from J.W. Bowen Esq. Q.C.
11 December 1882

48.Stamped handwritten receipt for £10 from J.W. Bowen Esq. per Mr Thomas Williams, being one year’s interest due to Thomas Morris, Broyan Mill.
17 February 1883

49. Stamped, handwritten receipt for £10 interest due from J.W. Bowen Esq. per Thomas Williams to Eliza Thomas, Ffosypontbren.
16 February 1883

34. Printed, stamped receipt from Daniel Jones & Co., Merchants and Shippers of Mount Street, Swansea, for payment by cheque by Mr Thomas Williams of the account of J.W. Bowen Esq.
25 October 1883

51. Handwritten, stamped bill from Daniel Edwards, Gelly Ucha, to J.W. Bowen Esq., foe eight days work (for horse and cart?).
8 December 1883

52. Handwritten, stamped bill from Morris J. Owens, Blainmergy, to J.W. Bowen Esq., possibly for the hire (or sale?) of horses (horrsis), 17 December 1883, settled the following day.

53. Stamped handwritten receipt for £10 from J.W. Bowen Esq. per Mr Thomas Williams, due to Thomas Morris, Broyan Mill.
22 February 1884

54. Stamped handwritten receipt from E. Thomas, Ffosybontbren, for payment of £10, being interest due from J.W. Bowen Esq. Q.C.
26 February 1884

55. Stamped handwritten receipt from Thomas Morris, Brogan Mill, for £10 being one year’s interest due from J.W. Bowen Esq., Plas y Bridell.
29 November 1884

56. Printed, stamped receipt from the Cardigan Mercantile Company for £13-19-3 from J.W. Bowen Esq. Q.C.
18 February 1885

57. Handwritten, stamped receipt from E. Thomas, Ffosypontbren, for payment of £10, being interest due from J.W. Bowen Esq. Q.C.
26 February 1885

58. Handwritten, stamped receipt from William Mathias, Rhiwgoy(?) for £4, being part of a quarter’s annuity due from Mr Bowen, received per Thomas Williams.
4 April 1885

59. Handwritten, stamped receipt from David Morris for £8-10 interest from Mr Bowen Q.C. due April last.
25 August 1885

60. Letter dated Penralltddu, at 2.30.
‘My Dear Friend, Mr John Mitchell, Ffynoncef(?) and myself have just come over here and we are sorry to find you are from home.
The fact is Mitchell is in immediate want of the Cash due from Mr Bowen and as he gave us to understand that you were to settle on his behalf "
He begs you will find the amount without fail between this and Saturday next as he is obliged to find the Cash to meet some particular payment and he will be very seriously inconvenienced if he does not get the note paid up " So I must hope on his behalf you will find the Cash without fail so to try to have an end of this unpleasant affair.
I am your friend …
Mr Williams, Penralltddu
We must leave this matter … unsettled as ignorant people may make … use of the affair " therefore the only way to shut them up is to pay off at once’.
The sum involved is given as £55. See No. 26 (above), which records a payment from Bowen Esq., per Tho. Williams, to Mr Mitchell in 1876.
No date


1-2. Rent and Tithe Rent rolls for 1864, rough copies. These may be properties owned and/or managed by J.W. Bowen and/or his associates. The two lists vary considerably.

1. ‘Rents due 25 of March 1864’. The properties are: Trefach; Ravel; Penrallt; Park Shop; Gnol; Noyadd; Cwmbettws; Tryal; Ffynonllau dios(?); Lleine; Ffynonwen; Ebenezer; Rhewsaison/Rhiwsaeson; Gwyndion; Penrallttddu; Knwcksheulan(??); fields; Gaer; Rhosyguddu; Llwynhaid(?); Llwynllwyd ucha; field ;Trescibby(?); field ([…]); house […]; house, W. Rees(?); Stable Cottage; Coach House; Chapel ground rent; Williams […] ground rent.; ground rent (Morgan); ground rent (Edwards); ground rent ([…]); Gaer factory; Llwynllwyd issa; Llwynllans(?); Felinganol.

2. ‘Tithe Rent Charge’. The properties are: Trefach; Cwmbettws; Glafel(?); Cwmabwen(?); Dyffrynmawr; Pantyderri(?); Pencwm; Bwlchcastell; Trecwm; Siberia(?); Nantgwyn; Penchue(?); Pistyllmeigan; Pwllucha; Parkglase(?); Blaenwine(?); Crymmich(?); small meadow; Parkshop; Penrallt; Cwmmeigan; Newadd; Gnol; Penybanc; Rhosyguddu(?); Lleine.
On reverse, totals for rents: £298-1-6; Tithes: £52-3-2.5, from which is deducted £23-10-4.5 to give a total of £326-14-6. The deductions are made up of income tax, rates, rooms at Cardigan and Blaenffos, 41 tickets, tithe notices etc.

3-10. Bundle of documents, originally pinned together.
3. Printed bill from J.R. Daniel, Cabinet Maker, Upholsterer, 12 St Mary Street, Cardigan, to J.W. Bowen Esq., for 41 best white prepared flooring boards, 12 September 1866.

4. Printed bill from John Myers, Practical Plumber, Gas Fitter &c. of Saint Mary-Street, Cardigan, to James Bowen Esq., Carmarthen, for a total of 59 ridge tiles and a quantity of old lead, 6 October 1865, 15 January 1866, submitted 23 August 1866.

5. Printed bill from D.C. Jones, Ironmonger, Grocer &c. of 3 Bridge Parade, Cardigan, to J.W. Bowen Esq., for smoked salmon, with carriage to N. Road, December 1866.

6. Printed bill from D.C. Jones, Ironmonger, Grocer &c. of 3 Bridge Parade, Cardigan, to J.W. Bowen Esq., for smoked Salmon, with carriage to N. Road, 8, 20 January .

7. Printed bill from John D. James, Ship and General Smith, Arthurs Court, Cardigan, to Councillor Bowen, for a variety of fittings for Penrallt Farm, Rhiesaeson; Parkyshop; Gwndwn, March 1865-August 1866, submitted 17 August 1866 and settled 22 September.

8. Handwritten bill from D.B. Evans, Painter and Glazier of Cardigan, to J.W. Bowen Esq., for work undertaken at Penalltddu, Parkyshop, Pentown(?)and Gwndwn, between August 1865 and August 1866, settled 2 March 1867.

9. Printed bill from John D. James, Ship and General Smith, Arthurs Court, Cardigan, to Councillor Bowen Esq., for fittings provided for Penralltddu Farm, 20 February 1867.

10. Printed bill from John D. James, Ship and General Smith, Arthurs Court, Cardigan, to Councillor Bowen Esq., for fittings provided for Penralltddu Farm, November 1866-February 1867.

11. Welsh language handwritten invoice for various builder’s labouring tasks, arranged calendrically under headings for March, June, July, at locations including Trefach and Penrallt. Five pages, two sheets.

12-21. Bundle of documents, originally pinned together, that appears to concern purchase of timber for Penrallt, but with at least one extraneous item included.

12. Handwritten document, ‘Specification and estimate of timber intended for Penrallt Llanfairnantgwyn parish the property of J.W. Bowen Esq. all the timber to be of the best …’. See 15 (below).

13. Printed bill from Jas. Temple & Sons timber slate and marble merchants of Canon’s Marsh, Bristol, to J.W. Bowen Esq. for quantities of ‘Best Bangor’(?) slates to be, ‘delivered to truck here at Bristol’.
9 June 1874

14. Memorandum on printed form from Temple and Forster, builders and contractors of Norfolk Square, Paddington, to J.W. Bowen Esq., ‘Sir, Enclosed we beg to forward the papers left with us and have found them correct in the most part. The planed red boards we do not make quite so many feet as you will see by the margin the prices per foot are correct apologising for not sending them before We are yours obed. …’.
6 July 1874

15. Handwritten document addressed to J.W. Bowen Esq. at 2 Paper Buildings, Temple, London, ‘Scantling of timber intended for Penrallt …’, copy of ‘Specification and Estimate’ (12), with emendations and calculations.
16. Letter with printed heading from Jas. Temple & Sons to J.W. Bowen Esq. of 2 Paper Buildings, giving prices for ‘the scantling’.
19 May 1874

17. Note on headed paper from Jas. Temple & Sons to J.W. Bowen Esq., concerning different types of slate.
17 June 1874

18. Letter with printed heading from Jas. Temple & Sons to J.W. Bowen Esq. at The Crescent Hotel, Filey, Yorkshire, submitting requested quotation for building timber.
24 August 1874

19. Memorandum on printed form from William & Close, Steam Saw Mills and Timber Yard, Pembroke, to Mr Thomas Williams, giving prices for building timber, to be delivered at Pembroke or Crymmych stations.
4 September 1874

20. Handwritten document, ‘Scantling of timber for a new stable and chaff-house at Gwndwn’.

21. Bill from James Temple & Sons (late Hartnell and Temples), Timber, Slate and Marble Merchants of Bristol, to J.W. Bowen Esq. for a variety of building timber that was sent by Great Western Railways to Whitland and thence to Crymech in the same truck, consigned to Thomas Harris, Penrallt. Settled 28 November 1874.

22. Handwritten bill from John Rees to J.W. Bowen Esq. for, ‘valuing Plas-y-Bridell and drawing out a report’, on 5 January 1881, settled 30 September 1882. See 24.

23. Printed bill from Thomas Griffiths, auctioneer of Saint Mary-Street, Cardigan, to Mr T. Williams, Penralltddu, re Plasybridell letting, including payments to Crier and Town Billposter, 29 April 1881, 26 April 1882, 27 April 1883. Settled 25 August 1883.

24. Handwritten bill from John Rees to J.W. Bowen Esq. for, ‘valuing the farm of Trial in the Parish of Bridell and report thereon’, on 4 January 1883, settled 6 September 1884.

25. Undated handwritten document, ‘Prices for Best Bangor Slates delivered in Trucks of 4 tons & upwards at Whitland Station’.

26. Undated pencil notes giving cost of transport of slate (per ton) from London to Whitland, Whitland to Crymmech, Gloucester or Bristol to Whitland.

27. Undated handwritten document concerning a timber account that includes prices for bark, labour, auctioneer and collecting.

28. Envelope addressed to the Rev Griffith Thomas, Cardigan, with stamp of Diocesan Registry, Carmarthen.

29. Unstamped envelope addressed to James Bowen Esq.

Legal & business documents.

1. Receipt for the sum of £20 from John Williams, being a legacy from his late father Stephen Williams, that is £16 in money and £4 in lieu of a cow, signed by Thomas William and witnessed by W. Williams.
4 June 1774

2. 12 July 1779, receipt for a lease on a close, Ucha, in the parish of Bridel granted on 24 August 1767 by the Rev. M. Gwynn to Griffith Edward, in the presence of J. Griffiths and John Edward (signed by mark).
15 November 1780, receipt for £18 from John William being the portion due to Mary Edward, witnessed by David Griffith.
12 July 1779-15 November 1780

3-7. Stamp Office notices and receipts in respect of the estate of John Williams, Penralltddu (d. 30 September 1826).

3. Stamp Office register of duty payable on the residue of the estate of John Williams. The £199-10 estate was made up of: household goods and furniture, £24-10; books, £1-10; farming stock and implements, £88-10; bonds, other securities etc., £21; share in a sloop worth £960, £60, a total of £199-10.
24 April 1827

4. Stamp Office notice of legacy duties in respect of John Williams’ will, addressed to W. Williams Penralltddu.
7 April 1827

5. Stamp Office receipt for Duty paid by William Williams as executor in respect of the legacy of £40 paid to Caleb Williams, son of the deceased, from the estate of John Williams, Penralltddu.
24 April 1827

6. Stamp Office receipt for Duty paid by William Williams as executor in respect of the legacy of £40 paid to Daniel Williams, son of the deceased, from the estate of John Williams, Penralltddu.
24 April 1827

7. Stamp Office receipt for Duty paid by William Williams as executor in respect of the legacy of £45 paid to Thomas Williams, son of the deceased, from the estate of John Williams, Penralltddu.
24 April 1827

8.Receipt from William Williams for £25 sent by him by the husband of Elin(?) Williams to Daniel Williams in London, witnessed by Thomas Williams.
15 October 1827.

9-14. Residuary account and legacy receipts in respect of the estate of Morris Morris, Penralltddu (d. 10 April 1848).

9. Residuary Account for stamps and taxes payable on the estate of Morris Morris, Penralltddu. The £440 estate was made up of £10-10 in cash, furniture etc. valued at £17-10, £404-2-6 due as interest and £8-7-6 in bonds etc.
21 October 1848

10. Legacy receipt for stamps and taxes paid by John Williams, Penralltddu, as executor in respect of a legacy of £40 paid to David Morris, brother of the deceased, from the estate of Morris Morris of Penralltddu.
21 October 1848

11. Legacy receipt for stamps and taxes paid by John Williams, Penralltddu, as executor in respect of a legacy of £100 paid to him, as descendent of a sister of the deceased, from the estate of Morris Morris of Penralltddu.
21 October 1848

12. Legacy receipt for stamps and taxes paid by John Williams, Penralltddu, as executor in respect of a legacy of £104 paid to Lettice Williams, sister of the deceased, from the estate of Morris Morris of Penralltddu.
21 October 1848

13. Legacy receipt for stamps and taxes paid by John Williams, Penralltddu, as executor in respect of a legacy of £60 paid to Mary John, sister of the deceased, from the estate of Morris Morris of Penralltddu.
21 October 1848

14. Legacy receipt for stamps and taxes paid by John Williams, Penralltddu, as executor in respect of a legacy of £20 paid to Thomas Morris, brother of the deceased, from the estate of Morris Morris of Penralltddu.
21 October 1848

15.Inventory and valuation of the personal property of Morris Morris of Penalltddu, carpenter, by David Roberts. The estate comprises: chests, valued at Britol at £13-5-0; a watch (£7-0-0); cash (£409-5-0), total value £429-5-0.
16 June 1848.

16. Letter addressed to the Rev. Griffiths Thomas, Cardigan, from 17 Castle Green, Bristol, detailing sundry bequests to his nephews from the estate of Morris Morris, that is his best chest (£2-0-0), second chest (£0-15-0), Nicholson’s Builder (£0-10-0)n and tools of various sorts (£10-0-0).
7 June 1848

17-18. List of bequests from the will of Morris Morris, totalling £427-5-0. Two copies, the second with total.

19-21. Inventory, residuary account and notice of surrogate’s fees for the estate of Lettice Williams, Penralltddu (d. 13 December 1851).

19. An Inventory and Valuation of the Household furniture, Stock … Implements of Husbandry and all the other personal affects of Lettice Williams, late of Penralltddu. Appraised by Dr(?) Roberts of Cardigan and John Sambrook of Pentood ucha, the estate amounted to £281-12-6. Written out on mourning paper, the estate
8 June 1852

20. Inland Revenue residuary account for the estate of Lettice Williams, Penralltddu, the administrator being John Williams, Penralltddu.
9 June 1852

21. Notice of surrogate’s fees from Valentine Davis of the Diocesan Registry, Carmarthen to Rev. Griffith Thomas, Cardigan, in respect of the estate of Lettice Williams, Llantood.
23 June 1852

22. Inland Revenue residuary account for the estate of John Williams of Penralltddu (d.9 October 1853). The £576-12-6 estate was made up of furniture valued at £26, horses, stock, implements etc. worth £236-5-6, £154-7 from sale of stock and £100 in bonds etc.
29 April 1854

23. Mason’s plan, Trefach Buildings (Llanfairnantgwyn) showing proposed alterations to farm buildings, sent to J.W. Bowen of Paper Buildings, Temple, London. The alterations included the installation of a water wheel. Pencil note details quantities and cost of wheat, barley and Oats for 1870. For supporting documents: MUS/59/30/2/2/5-8.

24-25. Documents relating to a case scheduled to be heard at Cardigan County Court between William Mathias of Bridell, plaintiff, and James William Bowen of Paper Buildings, Temple.
There exist several quarterly payments of annuities from Bowen Esq. to William Mathias, in respect of Pistyllmeigan (MUS/59/23; MUS/59/30/2/6/28-, 30-33).

24. Handwritten outline of the case, which concerned the plaintiff’s claim for one quarterly payment of a £40 annuity made under a bond dated 28 September 1874. Written by the Plaintiff’s solicitor, John A.G. Evans, and addressed to the Defendant and the Registrar of the Court.
19 April 1877

25. Printed default summons, dated 19 April 1877, requiring the latter’s presence to defend the case within sixteen days. Handwritten receipt added, dated 4 May 1877, recording payment of £20 with costs.
19 April-4 May 1877

26. Notice of impending pass certificate for the Law Society’s preliminary examination, July 1881, addressed to Mr J. Williams, Penalltddu.
2 August 1881

Published material.

1. Cutting from The Cardigan … for December 13 1895. ‘Welcome Home of Mr. W.J. and Mrs. Williams’, recounting how crowds gathered to greet the train returning the newlyweds to the town and pulled their wagonette in triumphant procession to a Mr Sambrook’s house in the High Street. This account is followed by a ‘List of Presents’. W.J. Williams was a solicitor and member of the Corporation.
13 December 1895

2. Pembrokeshire County Election poster, produced for Thomas Williams of Penalltddu, Llantood, standing for the Division of Eglwyswrw.
8 November 1888.

3. South Wales Daily Post, Special Edition for Thursday, January 25 1900, celebrating the capture of Spion Kop, much of the remainder of the paper’s news columns being taken up with (Boer) War news.
25 January 1900

4. Seren Cymru for Friday February 9 1900.
9 February 1900

5. The Cardigan & Tivy-Side Advertiser, with which is incorporated the “Cardigan Herald”, for Friday April 26 1901. The main stories concern the likely date of the forthcoming coronation and schemes to clear the navigation of the Tivey.
26 April 1901

Letters & genealogy

Letter written at Carmarthen on July 27th 1852 from an illegible correspondent (M. Morris?) to John Williams, ‘I have not heard from you for a long time …’. The writer enquires after the progress of draining and plans for the new building, at Tryal (possibly Tryal in Dihewyd, Ceredigion) and recommends the use of cod liver oil for coughs or pain in the chest.
27 July 1852

Six letters from American cousins.

1. Copy of a letter from Edward T. Williams (Department of State, Washington D.C.), ‘Dear Cousin’, who the writer had last met whilst passing through London on the way to China in 1893, whence he had returned in 1914 to become Chief of the Division of Far Eastern Affairs.
He gives news of a scattered American family. His father had died in March 1910, his sister Louise in July 1911 and his mother in October 1913. Brother Will alone remained in Columbus, ‘the old home’. His sister Alice and brothers Frank and Herbert were living in California, and Charles is in Pittsburgh. Brother Bert (Herbert) is also mentioned. Uncle Benjamin Williams had his home at Farthingshook. A newly discovered cousin, Morris Williams, of Waynesburg, Penn., had a grandfather of the same name (who was present at Waterloo?) who was brother to both the writer’s and his correspondent’s grandfathers, respectively Thomas Philip Williams, and William Williams of Manian Fawr. The younger Morris Williams had a brother Samuel at Martin’s Ferry, Ohio, with a son in business in Cleveland, an uncle, Benjamin Williams, living at Newark, with a son who was a minister in the Congregational Church in California, and a nephew who had recently been wounded in France.
Declaring his interest in the family’s history, he asks for copies of parish records from old Nevern Church. A Morris Williams who owned Cwmgloyne around 1812 is mentioned as a possible relative.
25 January 1917

2. Typed letter, in original envelope, on notepaper headed Chalet Xicotencatl, Veracruz, Mexico, addressed to ‘Dear Cousin’ (William J. Williams of Penalltddu) from Herbert Williams. Herbert appears to have recently arrived at Veracruz, having been moved from Panama (the Isthmus). The letter mentions visits to Cuba and Mexico City, the beautiful local scenery and the dullness of Vera Cruz and details the wonders of the Chalet Xicotencatl. It mentions Phillip’s forthcoming degree ceremony at California University and finishes with a request for a copy of cousin Morris’ Waterloo letter (see MUS/59/27).
25 January 1934

3. Typed three page letter, in original envelope, on paper headed University of California, dept. of Oriental Languages and Literature, Berkley, addressed to Mr William John Williams, Penralltddu (‘Dear Cousin’) by Edward T. Williams. The letter discusses the health and prospects of family members, including Phillip at Stanford, as well as international affairs and the effects of prohibition. A handwritten footnote mentions that his sons, Edward and Loos, named for his mother’s family, are both living in China, being Commissioner of Customs at Foochow and Secretary of the Shanghai Water Works Co., respectively. His eldest daughter Alice lives at Cedar Keys, Florida (her husband having been wounded in the Great War), the younger, Gwladys, is a translator for the Carnegie Foundation in Washington D.C.
8 February 1934

4. Eight page handwritten letter on two sheets of Chalet Xicotencatl headed notepaper, in original envelope, address to Mr William J. Williams, Penalltddu, by his cousin Herbert Williams. William Williams had written from Aberystwyth, where he was staying for the sake of his health. Herbert had been on leave, visiting his relations in the U.S. Phillip’s graduation is described in some detail. He was embarking on a stenography course to fit him for the Foreign Service. A second request is made for a copy of the Waterloo letter.
13 September 1934

5. Two page typed letter in original envelope, from Edward Williams of Scenic Avenue, Berkeley, Cal., addressed to ‘Dear Cousin’ (William John Williams, Penralltddu). Edward was then eighty. He had heard that William had moved, ‘from the old to the new Penralltddu’, a thirteen acre estate or holding, possibly on the other side of Cardigan, on the Newcastle Emlyn road. William was then Register of the County Court and Clerk of the Borough. Edward mentions that Phillip had taken a position with the Richfield Oil Co., that brother William R. was Deputy Treasurer of Columbus Ohio and that his wife Rose had had her teeth extracted.
5 December 1934

6. Two page, two sheet typed letter from Edward Williams of Scenic Avenue, Berkeley, Cal., addressed to ‘Dear Cousin’. The letter comments on the war in Europe, from a British perspective (that blitzkrieg is ineffective and that very many German planes have been shot down " the Germans had entered Paris on 14 June). Trouble with Germany is anticipated as is war with Japan. Phillip is now Secretary of the American Embassy in Rio de Janeiro, Edward is now Commissioner of Customs for the Chinese Government at Kongmoon and Loos is still Secretary to the British owned waterworks at Shanghai. Edward’s then wife and young daughters live near him in a house belonging to the Ling Nan University and he requires permission from the Japanese military in order to visit them. His eldest daughter lives with an aunt in Cleveland. Gwladys is engaged in bringing out a new edition of Grotius.
16 August 1940

Genealogy and similar.
1. Five page letter in original envelope from Cyril Williams, of The Corner House, Kingham, Oxon, to Ella (Mrs David Jones), fulfilling a promise to send details of the Williams genealogy up to Stephen, ‘leaving out the descendants of William Williams about whom you know more than I’. Many details come from entries in the bible formerly belonging to Arthur Griffiths Williams of Norfolk. This appears to have been Caleb William’s book, given to him by his father, who was then 70, in 1819 at Penralltddu. Caleb was captain of the schooner Britain of Cardigan.
Also included family trees showing descent from Stephen Williams (d. 1771), and Rev George Griffith Williams (d. 1893).
26 July 1952

2. Typed transcription of two letters from sewn album of family letters (MUS/59/27). The first was written by Morris Williams from Deal Barracks, January 1811. The second is a reply to this, written on 26 January 1811, mentioning a powder manufactory at Slebech.

3. Family tree written out in pencil on the back of a Presbyterian Church of Wales covenant form. It traces the descent from ?Stephen Williams of Penralltddu (d. 1771) and his wife Mary, through the Waterloo generation whose letters are preserved as a bound album (MUS/59/27), see 1 (above). Of this generation Morris, who fought at Waterloo and Thomas are supposed to be the forebears of the family’s American branches.

4. Photocopies of two pages from The Dictionary of Welsh Biography (1959), 933-4. The heading of the entry on Thirlwall Connop is underlined. Connop was Bishop of St Davids (1840-1875).

Erotic engravings

Six erotic or titillating engravings, all presented with issues of, ‘The Exquisite, a Collection of Tales, Histories and Essays Illustrated with Numerous Engravings’ published in London 1842-44. All in poor, fragmentary and generally incomplete condition.

1. From No. 61, ‘Rose Buds of Love’.
2. From No. 62, ‘Not Quite Ready’.
3. From No. 65, ‘The Virtuous Odalisque’.
4. From No. 70, ‘The Inundation’.
5. ‘Le Journal des Modes’.
6. ‘Love …’


1. A. Williams’ subscription for “History of Cilgerran” (No. 7, with postage).
‘The History of Cilgerran: Comprising a Detailed Account of the Castle, Church, Mansions, Old Families, Men of Note, Tin-plate Works, Slate Quarries …’, by John Roland Phillips, was published by J. Russell Smith of London in 1867.
27 April 1867

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