

Archifdy Ceredigion Archives

Acc. 3643

Ref: MUS/486

Reference: [GB 0212] MUS/486
Level: Fonds
Extent: 29 items
Scope and content: Documents relating to David Davies, Stanley House, Cardigan.

MUS/486/1: Appointment as High Sheriff

Envelope to David Davies Esq., Stanley House, Cardigan, from the Privy Council Office, labelled 'referring to High Sheriffship'.
No date

Letter from A.W. FitzRoy on behalf of the Lord President of the Council informing D. Davies, Esq. of his nomination as one of the gentlemen to serve the Office of Sheriff, and that his name is third in the list for Cardigan county.
30 November 1906

Letter from A.W. FitzRoy on behalf of the Lord President of the Council informing David Davies, Esqre. of his nomination as one of the gentlemen to serve the Office of Sheriff, and that his name is second in the list for Cardigan county.
28 November 1907

Letter from A.W. FitzRoy on behalf of the Lord President of the Council informing D. Davies, Esq. that his name is first in the list of Nominees for the Shrievalty of the Cardigan county in 1909.
12 August 1908

Letter from the Clerk of the Privy Council to D.E.S. Davies, Esq. [address: Parade Hotel, Grand Parade, Eastbourne] to acknowledge the letter informing them of the death of Mr. David Davies, and that his death will be noted on the List of Sheriffs for the County of Cardigan.
19 August 1908

MUS/486/2: Documents relating to the Town Clock, Cardigan

Letter to D. Davies Esq. from John Smith & Sons of Midland Steam Clock Works [address: Queen Street and Market Place, Derby] with the receipts for the three dials for the clock, as well as asking if a fourth dial is desired.
28 July 1892

Invitation card for His Lordship the Mayor of Cardigan to attend a Complimentary Banquet at the Black Lion Hotel Cardigan on 31 August hosted by a Committee of the Burgesses of the Borough of Cardigan, to celebrate the dedication to the Public of the Clock and the Turret.
31 August 1892

Printed crested entry card for David Davies, Esq., Mayor of Cardigan, to the Complimentary Banquet at the Black Lion Hotel, Cardigan on 31 August 1892.
31 August 1892

Programme for the Complimentary Banquet to David Davies, Esq., Mayor of Cardigan on Wednesday, 31 August 1892, naming the Chairman and Vice Chairman, the Reverend for grace, and the toast list.
31 August 1892

Illuminated Address to the New Town Clock, dedicated to D. Davies Esq. Mayor of Cardigan, written by John Sharpe, of Grangetown, Cardigan.
31 August 1892

Handwritten speech expressing gratitude for the Illuminated Address (MUS/486/2/5).

Handwritten programme scheduling the events for when the clock is first set.
No date

MUS/486/3: invitations and programmes of official functions

Invitation card to Mr and Mrs Davis from Mrs Saunders Davies [address: Pentre, Boncath, R.S.O] on Thursday 26 July 26 1883 for athletic sports fireworks.
26 July 1883

Printed crested invitation for the Mayor of Cardigan to the Welsh National Banquet from Messrs. Barrauds to include his portrait in a picture of 'the Reception of the Guests at the Welsh National Banquet'.
28 May 1892

Blank appointment card for the Welsh National Banquet (relating to MUS/486/3/2).
28 May 1892

Dance card programme for the Lady Mayoress's Ball to the Mayor and Provosts of the United Kingdom, at the Mansion House, hosted by the Right Honourable Sir David Evans, K.C.M.G., the Lord Mayor, stating the programme of music and a list for the dance partners.
21 October 1892

Dance card programme for an event at the Albert Hall, Swansea on 20 December 1899 with the programme of music and a list for the dance partners.
20 December 1899

Dance card for the event the Albert Hall, Swansea hosted by the Mayor and Mayoress, Mr and Miss Watkins, on 12 December 1900, with the programme of music.
12 December 1900

Invitation card for the Festival Dinner in aid of the Building Fund hosted by the Victoria Hospital for Children on Wednesday, 20 November 1901 at Hotel Cecil in London, with Field Marshal Earl Roberts, K.G V.C., Commander in Chief, presiding. Includes the wine list, food menu, toast list and the programme of music.
20 November 1901

Letter from George Cadogan, 5th Earl Cadogan [address: Chelsea House, Cadogan Place] regarding the Festival Dinner (MUS/486/3/7). It states that Field Marshal Earl Roberts K.G will preside and asks for consent that his name be added to the list of Stewards.

Crested invitation card for Mr and Mrs D. Davies from the Mayor of Cardigan, Mr. A. Clougher, to attend a dance in the Guild-Hall, Cardigan, on Tuesday, 18 February 1902.
18 February 1902

Invitation card to David Davis Esq and friends from the Earl Cadogan K.G. for the ceremony to lay the foundation stone of the New Building for Victoria Hospital for Children (Tite Street, Chelsea) on Wednesday, 2 July 1902 by HRH The Princess Louise, Duchess of Argyll.
2 July 1902

MUS/486/4: Miscellaneous

Handwritten letter from the Comptroller and Treasurer to HRH the Prince of Wales at Sandringham, Norfolk to The Worshipful The Mayor, Cardigan thanking him for expressing sympathy about the death of Prince Albert Victor, Duke of Clarence and Avondale, the eldest child of the then Prince and Princess of Wales, later Edward VII and Queen Alexandra.
16 January 1892

Depositor's box list. Printed document describing the list of items originally given to Cardigan Museum from the Grandsons of David Davies and Eleanor Davies, late of Stanley House, Pendre, Cardigan.
No date

Handwritten speech expressing gratitude for being acknowledged in a toast mentioning Cardigan.
No date

Handwritten speech notes about the 'Town and Trade of Cardigan'.
No date

Handwritten speech notes about the issues of boys needing to go out of Cardigan for a livehand and comparing it to the difference of 30 years previously.
No date

Envelope addressed to Mrs Davies, the Mayoress, with the Town Clerk's Office, Cardigan stamp on the back.
No date

Handwritten letter to Mrs Davies from D. Morgan Jones, Town Clerk, Cardigan stating the sympathy of the Cardigan Corporation (the mayor, aldermen and councillors of the Borough of Cardigan) to her and the family on the death of Mr David Davies.
25 January 1908

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