

Archifdy Ceredigion Archives

Acc. 2934

Ref: MUS/230/1/4

MUS/230/1/4: Documents relating to the Battle of Madagascar.

Documents relating to the Battle of Madagascar (Operation Ironclad), 5 May 1942 to 8 November 1942, in which Captain Roberts acted as commodore of invasion convoy W.S. 17a from Freetown. The Madagascar operation was the first successful British amphibious assault since the Dardanelles twenty-seven years before.
The Oronsay carried the 17th Infantry Brigade to the landing site near the French military and naval base at Diego Suarez, on the northern tip of the island. Following the landings on 5 May the French authorities in Diego Suarez, but not on the rest of Madagascar, surrendered on 8 May.
Roberts and the Oronsay subsequently brought back a large number of Vichy and Axis personnel to the Clyde via South Africa (see MUS/230/1/5).
Roberts intended to write an account of the conduct of the invasion and this may be why he retained so many documents pertaining to this and subsequent operations (see MUS/230/1/9/7/44). For photographs see MUS/230/2/2/1-9.

Message form with captain to captain message transcribed on reverse, ‘Congratulations on your promotion. Thanks for Message. What was wrong with Savage. Denton and I wish you a good voyage.’
Roberts replaced Savage as captain of the Oronsay for the Madagascar operation, presumably on account of his RNR status, Savage later resuming command.

Cancelation notice, with original envelope, marked secret, for conference of ships’ masters, Convoy W.S. 17a, at Freetown, 6 April.
7 April 1942

Commodore’s Envelope for Convoy W.S. 17a., market ‘Most Secret’, containing three documents concerning ordering of ships and distances between them.

Documents relating to the Oronsay’s outward bound stay at Durban.

Envelope marked ‘Most Secret’, for the Master of the Oronsay, containing Naval Administrative Instructions for stay at Durban, 21 April 1942.

Three page typescript, ‘Movement of Officers and Others at Durban’.

Printed form, ‘No. of Souls on Board (leaving Durban 28.4.42) S.S. Oronsay’.
30 April 1942

Letter in an envelope addressed to Captain R.W. Roberts with pencil sketch map of the Diego Suarez peninsula. The letter, dated 1 May 1942, congratulates the captain on his speech to the ship’s crew on the following evening and expresses confidence in his leadership in ‘this coming stunt’.

Two typescript copies of, ‘S.S. “Oronsay”: Captain’s Broadcast Message to Ship’s Company on the Eve of the Assault on Madagascar’.
3 May 1942

Twenty-two dated Naval Message forms. Includes eve of battle message from General Officer Commanding, ‘Good Hunting and straight powder. Speed and savage heart in attack Tolerance in success’, also messages concerning the shipment of prisoners. One message, dated 15 May from the Oronsay, is a request for copies of leaflets dropped by aircraft from the Illustrious and their inclusion is recorded in a handwritten note from an officer on the aircraft carrier (see MUS/230/1/4/11).
1-17 May 1942

Eight undated Naval Message forms. These include messages received prior to the invasion, including confirmation that the landings were to go ahead, as well as others concerned with ceasefire or treaty negotiations and the shipment of prisoners.

Documents issued to or concerning, the Seventeenth Infantry Brigade and its part in the Diego Suarez landings.

Fourteen page typescript, with map, ‘Operation Ironclad’, most secret orders (with map), copy No. 19, issued to 17 Infantry Brigade.
26 April 1942

Most Secret, six page typescript form, ‘Landing Table " H.T. “Oronsay”. 17 Infantry Brigade. Part I " Odd Serials Only’. In ink on reverse, ‘Brigadier Tarleton’.

Most Secret, two page typescript form, ‘Operation Ironclad. Appendix “F” to 17 Infantry Brigade Operational Orders … Landing Table, odd serial numbers only’. In pencil, ‘Spare Copy’

Single page typescript, ‘Account of Operations of 17 Infantry Brigade 5-7 May 1942’, with covering letter, ‘Dear Captain, The Brigade thought that you would be interested to read the official account of our operations …’
14 May 1942

Diagram, ‘Embarkation and Telephone Points, H.M.T. Oronsay’.

Typescript Order of the Day from flag officer commanding Force ‘F’ to commanding officers of H.M. ships of the Force, H.M.S. Ramillies, 8 May 1942, three copies. The Order describes one of the more dramatic episodes of the invasion, in which fifty Royal Marines were landed from the destroyer Anthony in order to outflank the French forces that were unfortunately still resisting their liberation.

Examples (two) of leaflets dropped from aircraft of Force F, addressed to French soldiers and sailors respectively (Vive La France!). These are probably the leaflets requested by Captain Roberts of the Oronsay from the aircraft carrier Illustrious (see MUS/230/1/4/7).

Typescript, ‘Conditions Agreed Upon Regarding the French Naval, Military and Air Force in the Diego-Suarez Area’, five copies, including a translation into French. Signed at Diego Suarez on 8 May 1942 at 1625 hours.

Message printed on reverse of Naval Message form, ‘General and Military C in C. I have been instructed by the Chiefs of Staff in London to convey their congratulations to the whole force on their well executed operation’.
8 May 1942.

Letter from Senior Officer, Landing to commanding officers and masters of the ships involved congratulating them on their part in the invasion.
13c May 1942

Undated message of congratulation from the Prime Minister to Admiral Syfret and General Sturges.

Leaflet of uncertain date and provenance, ‘Communications Received During and After Landing of H.M. Forces in Madagascar 5th and 6th May, 1942’. This reproduces the Order of the Day for 8 May (MUS/230/1/4/10), the letter of congratulation from the Senior Officer, Landing to ships commanders and masters (MUS/230/1/4/14) and the Prime Minister’s message of congratulations (MUS/230/1/4/15). The second of these is given as addressed to the Captain of the Oronsay, pointing to an association with Captain Roberts.

Annotated Admiralty Chart for the Diego Suarez Area, showing selected features around invasion beaches and positions of guns and other defence works.

Accounts and reports of the Madagascar campaign.

Manuscript in pencil on lined paper, ‘On the Capture of Diego Suarez’, being the opening part of an account of the Madagascar invasion by Captain Roberts.

Two page typescript report on the voyage of the Oronsay that saw the invasion of Madagascar, submitted to the Director of Sea Transport by Captain Roberts.

Report by Captain Roberts to the Managers of the Orient Steam Navigation Company concerning the voyage of the Oronsay that saw the invasion of Madagascar, four copies or drafts, some corrected.
30 June 1942

Copies of newspapers for Wednesday 6 May 1942 carrying accounts of the invasion of Madagascar.
1. The Times.
2. The Daily Telegraph
6 May 1942

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