Archifdy Ceredigion Archives
QS: Cardiganshire Quarter Sessions
Acc. 2016
Ref: QSReference: [GB 0212] QS
Date(s): 1739-1971
Level: Fonds
Extent: 10 series
Scope and Content: Records of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the County of Cardigan
The records have been divided into the following series:
QS/OB: Order Books
QS/L: Licensing Committee records
QS/T: Records of the Treasurer to the County of Cardigan
QS/RX: Freeholders
QS/E: Documents relating to enclosure
QS/J: Jurors Lists
QS/A: Appeals Committee
QS/CS: Committals for Sentence
QS/TP: Trials of Prisoners papers
QS/Misc: Small items relating to the proceedings of the court of Quarter Sessions