Archifdy Ceredigion Archives
Solicitors Deposits: Lowless and Lowless, Pembroke
Acc. 5
Ref: D/LO Reference: [GB 0212] D/LO
Title: Records from Messrs. Lowless and Lowless, Solicitors, Pembroke.
Date(s): 1867-1946
Level: Fonds
Extent: 0.016m3
Source of Acquisition: Deposited by Colonel O. Lowless, Messrs. Lowless and Lowless, Pembroke, 11 October 1972
Scope and Content: Deeds of land and property in Aberystwyth owned by The Aberystwyth Improvement Co. Ltd.
1. Jessie Grant of 36 Park Avenue, Wood Green, Middlesex, widow, administrator of the estate of Thomas Barnet Grant
2. John Bourne of Hidderstone Hall, Hidderstone, Staffordshire, esq.
Recites lease for 99 years dated, 2 January 1894, between Roderick Clement Richardes and Thomas Davies Harries (see below No.2 for plan) Assignment 22 January 1894 between Thomas Davies Harries and Thomas Barnet Grant - monies owed on his death 19 January 1895
Premises: piece or parcel of land forming part of Brynllwyd Farm on Constitution Hill, parish of Llanbardangaur [Llanbadarn Fawr], Cardiganshire, in the occupation of John and Richard Jones. (7 acres 1 rood and 20 perches). Piece or parcel of land from the above piece to the road leading from Marine Parade, Aberystwyth to Brynllwyd Farm, part of Craiglas Quarry.
Signature and Seal of Jessie Grant witnessed by Alfred C. Spaull, Solicitor, 4 Verulam Buildings, Grays Inn
21 August 1895
1. Henry Ward of Penbridge, Staffs., esq., mortgagee
2. Roderick Clement Richardes of Penglaise, Aberystwyth, esq., entitled to the equity of redemption (lessor)
3. Ethel Bourne of the Manor House, Hilderstone, Staffs. Widow and executrix of John Bourne (lessee - and in pursuance of an agreement made by her husband)
Premises: piece or parcel of land on Constitution Hill, Parish of Llanbadarn Fawr adjoining the land forming the Cliff Gardens, No.61, O.S. (plan enclosed).
Agreement to erect stone buildings to the value of £1,000 within 2 years, to the satisfaction of the lessors’ surveyor or of the Aberystwyth Borough Surveyor and insure them and keep them in repair
Consideration: £75 per annum
Signature and Seals of Henry Ward and R. C. Richardes
31 August 1899
3. DECLARATION OF TRUST (and duplicate)
1. Ethel Bourne of the Manor House, Hilderstone, Staffs., widow
2. The Aberystwyth Improvement Co. Ltd., of Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London
Recites 31 August 1899, (2 above - John Bourne was acting as the agent of the Company)
Signatures and Seals of the parties
1st November 1899
4. ASSIGNMENT supplemental to deed 11 December 1897
1. Arthur Mason Bourne of 8 St. Minver Road, Bedford, mining engineer, son and heir of Ethel Bourne
2. Sir Thomas Henry Tacon of Eye, Suffolk, knight
Recites lease 11 December 1897 between John Bourne and the Aberystwyth Improvement Co. Ltd., and Thomas Henry Tacon inadvertently omitting certain premises (13 below)
Premises: 2 pieces of land running from Constitution Hill at the northern end of Victoria Terrace to Brynullwyd Farm formerly part of Craiglas Quarries, parish of Llanbadarnfawr
Rent: £25 per annum with provisors as in the principal indenture
Signature and Seal of Arthur M. Bourne
4th August 1911
1. John Stafford Hotchkin of The Lodge, Woodhall Spa near Horncastle, Lincoln, esq. William Edward Phelp of Nant Eos, Cards., esq., and Henry Somerset Todd of the Inner Temple, London, esq. Trustees of the will of William Edward Powell of Nant Eos., esq., Lessors
2. Roderick Williams of King Street, Aberystwyth, builder
Premises: piece of land in King Street, Aberystwyth - plan and boundaries specified
Consideration: £12 per annum.
Repairing clause
Signatures and Seals of the parties of the 1st part
16th November 1867
1. John Rowland late of Penybank, parish of Llanbadarnfawr, farmer, now of 33 Euston Street, King's Cross Road, Middlesex, cowkeeper
2. Roderick Williams of King Street, Aberystwyth, builder
3. Richard Jones of Darowen Rectory near Commins-coch, Montgomeryshire, Clerk in Holy Orders
Recites lease 16 November 1867 (5 above)
Mortgage for £200 18 July 1868. Between Roderick Williams and John Rowland (18 below)
Consideration: £200
Signatures and Seals of the first two parties
3 July 1878
1. Roderick Williams of King Street, Aberystwyth, builder, a member of the Bristol and Clifton Permanent Benefit Building Society, the mortgagor
2. The Bristol and Clifton Permanent Benefit Building Society
Consideration: £250 to which he is entitled as the holder of 5 shares
Premises:in King Street (as 5 above) - boundaries specified - To hold for the residue of the term of 99 years
Printed redemption clauses
Signature and Seal of Roderick Williams
10 August 1882
1. The Right Hon. Sir Arthur Moseley Channell QC, the Hon. Sir Robert Younger, Judge of H.M. High Court of Justice, Charles Plumptre Johnson, Esq., and Romer Williams, Esq., all of Fleet Street, London. (Estate trustees of the Legal and General Life Assurance Society) - vendors
2. Thomas Lawrence Kesteven of 6 New Square, Lincoln's Inn, London, Solicitor
3. James Thomas Ede of 4 King Street, Aberystwyth, antique furniture dealer-purchaser
Recites: lease 16 November 1867 (5 above)
Mortgages: 5 and 21 October 1904 and 6 December 1904 between Charles William Le Brun Powell and the then Estate Trustees and Thomas Lawrence Kesteven
Further charges: 16 December 1905, 14 August 1906, 23 February, 23 July, 9 August 1907, 5 October, 14 November 1908, 21 June, 12 July 1910 between Charles William Le Brun Powell and Cornelius Le Brun Powell and the Estate Trustees - (Tregaron estate included in these premises) - principal sums amounting to £50,671 and interest. Subject to an annuity of £250 to Jessie Florence Powell, widow of Cornelius.
Assignment: 24th July 1918 between Arthur Henry Huet and Walter Edward Turner (term trustees) and the vendors Conveyancing Act 1881 empowers them to sell.
Premises: 4 King Street, Aberystwyth, to hold in fee simple - the leasehold extinguished
Consideration: £230
Covenant to release the Tregaron estate from the annuity
Signatures and Seals of the parties
28 October 1918
1. Clarissa Emily Amelia Ede of Plaisance, 60 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, spinster. Vendor (heir of James Thomas Ede)
2. Aberystwyth Pier Co. Ltd., King Street, Aberystwyth
Recites: lease 16 November 1867 (5 above)
Assignment: 31 December 1891 between the Bristol and Clifton Permanent Building Society and James Thomas Ede
Conveyance: 28 October 1918 (8 above) of 1/3 of the parcel of land.
Premises in King Street, Aberystwyth
Consideration: £850
Signature and Seal of Clarissa E. A. Ede
18 November 1920
10. Papers relating to the official search 1946
11. Correspondence between Lowless and Lowless and Barclays Bank relating to the insurance policies 1953 Schedule of deeds received by Barclays Bank, Milford Branch 1955
12. 1st Mortgage Debenture deed of the Aberystwyth Marine Pier Co. Ltd. for £10,000 to John Bourne of Hilderstone Hall, Stone, Staffs.
3 November 1895
1. John Bourne of Hilderstone, Staff., Esq., vendor
2. Aberystwyth Improvement Co. Ltd., purchaser
3. Thomas Henry Tacon of Eye, Suffolk, Esq., J.P. (lending John Bourne £35,000 on the security of his debentures)
Recites: that John Bourne has carried on business under the style of the Aberystwyth Improvement Company and is entitled to the goodwill thereof.
Premises: the goodwill of the company, the right to all trade names, freehold and household premises in Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth, and the hotel built thereon, Blaendolau Farm, Vicarage Field and part of Park-y-doll all in Llanbadarnfawr parish. All plant, stock, implements and utensils etc., benefit of contracts pending, all rights to the shares and debentures of John Bourne in the company for £85,000 - part of Brynllwyd Farm, Constitution Hill, a parcel of land running down to the road from Marine Parade to Brynllwyd Farm being part of Craiglas Quarry. 2 parcels of former waste land called Morfa Mawr near the Mill Leet.
Consideration: £35,000
Detailed covenants between John Bourne and Thomas Henry Tacon as mortgagee and Trustee
Signature and Seals of the parties
11 December 1897
1. Aberystwyth Improvement Co. Ltd.
2. Alleyne Boxall, 22 Chancery Lane, London, solicitor, and George Allardice Riddell, 9 John Street, Bedford Row, Middlesex, Solicitor, the present Trustees
Supplemental to llth December 1897 ( above) for the issue of 180 x B Debentures of £100 each.
Signatures and Seals of the parties
Enclosed agreement: 2 June 1899
Appointment of George Croydon Mark s as Trustee in place of George Allardice Riddell
31 December 1897
14. Certificates for shares in the Aberystwyth Marine Pier Co. Ltd.
4 March 1898
15. Thomas Henry Tacon's certificates for 329 shares in the Aberystwyth Marine Pier Co. Ltd.
4 March 1898
1. Horace Hart formerly of 8 Trafalgar Studios, Chelsea, Middlesex, now of Penzance, Cornwall, Esq., (mortgagee)
2. William Henry Palmer of the Queen's Hotel, Aberystwyth, hotel proprietor (vendor)
3. Aberystwyth Marine Pier Co. Ltd. (purchasers)
Recites agreement April 1885 by William Henry Palmer to purchase the premises for £1,200 and paid a deposit of £200, Horace Hart agreed to loan him £600
Conveyance, 2 February 1888 between Aberystwyth Pier Co. Ltd. in liquidation and Thomas James (vendor) and Charles James Andrews and Albert Davies and Jane Andrews and Alfred Palmer and Thomas Thomas and the National Provincial Bank and William Henry Palmer and Horace Hart - the premises were conveyed to Horace Hart as security for £600
Premises: Promenade and landing pier with the refreshment rooms etc.
Consideration: £600 and £150 bonus to Horace Hart. £250 to William Henry Palmer and £1000 fully paid up shares in the Company
Signatures and Seals of Horace Hart and W. H. Palmer
6 February 1891
1. Sir Thomas Henry Tacon of Eye, Suffolk, knight, mortgagee of the Aberystwyth Improvement Co.
2. Doctor Charles Herman Leibbrand of Llangollen,Felixstowe, Suffolk
to sell premises for £17,500 if a deposit of £2,000 is paid to stakeholders by 1 August 1913
Premises: Aberystwyth Pier and Pavilion, shop at the corner of King Street and Pier Street and 2 adjoining messuages, Cliff Gardens, Constitution Hill and the land running down to the road from Marine Parade to Brynllwyd Farm, together with the Concert and refreshment rooms, kiosks, engine house and the railway thereon. Also the railway cars, plant furniture utensils and effects. 2 pieces of land running from Constitution Hill at the Northern end of Victoria Terrace to the road from Victoria Terrace to Brynllwyd Farm
Signature of Charles Herman Liebbrand
Attached letter clarifying the conditions of the delay in completing the contract
6 June 1913
1. Roderick Williams of King Street, Aberystwyth, builder
2. John Rowland of Penybank, Llanbadarnfawr, farmer
Recites: 16 November 1867 (5 above)
Consideration: £200
Signature and Seals of the parties
18 July 1868
1. Elizabeth Davies of Ffosrhydgaled, Cards., widow, tenant in common of 1/7 part
2. Morris Davies of the same, Esq., tenant in common of 5/7 parts
3. John Edward Morrice of Birkenhead, Cheshire, Esq., life estate in 1/7 part by courtesy
4. Andrew Webster Morrice of Liverpool, Lancs., merchant, son of John Edward Morrice, tenant in common of 1/7 part
5. Thomas Griffiths of Aberystwyth, grocer, purchaser
Premises: messuage and dwelling house, garden, stable and coach house called Pier House in Pier Street and King Street, Aberystwyth in the occupation of Henry Willis, Mary Rees (lapidary) and Anne Owens also adjoining messuage or dwelling house in King Street
Signature and Seals of the parties
Consideration: £1500
14 January 1876
1. The Bristol and Clifton Permanent Benefit Building Society
2. James Thomas Ede of Great Darkgate Street,Aberystwyth, gentleman
Recites: Lease 16 November 1867 (5 above)
Mortgage : l0 August 1882 (7 above)
Premises: piece of land, messuage or dwelling house, outhouses offices, workshops and buildings formerly in the occupation of Roderick Williams and now in the occupation of (?) Jones and James Thomas Ede
To hold for the residue of 99 years
Seal of the Society, Signatures of Robt. G. Barnes, Director and F. Sherwood Smith, Secretary.
Consideration: £75
31 December 1891
1. Thomas Griffiths of Great Darkgate Street, Aberystwyth, grocer - vendor
2. The Aberystwyth Improvement Co. Ltd. - purchasers
Premises: as in 19 above
Consideration: £230 including a deposit of £75
Signature of Thomas Griffiths
21 March 1898
Of the property as in 21 above. Includes a plan of the premises
3 June 1898
23. Mortgage
1. The Aberystwyth Improvement Co. Ltd. - the mortgagors
2. The North and South Wales Bank Ltd.
Premises: as in 19 above
Consideration: unstated
Seal of the Aberystwyth Improvement Co. Ltd.
6 August 1898
1. The Aberystwyth Improvement Co. Ltd.
2. William Thomas Smedley of 119 Ashley Gardens, Westminster, Esq.
3. Sir Thomas Henry Tason Knight of Eye, Suffolk
Recites mortgage for £2,288-5s. 6 August 1898
Payment by Sir Thomas Henry Tason and William Thomas Smedley of £2,288-5s. to the Bank
Provisions for the realisation of the security
Seal of the Aberystwyth Improvement Co. Ltd. and signature and seal of William T. Smedley
22 June 1903
1. The North and South Wales Bank Ltd. - transferors
2. The Aberystwyth Improvement Co. Ltd. - mortgagors
3. Sir Thomas Henry Tason Knight of Eye, Suffolk - transferee
Signatures and Seals of the Bank and the Company
22 June 1903
26. Abstract of the Title of the Estate Trustees of the Legal and General Life Assurance Society to freehold hereditaments in Cardiganshire and Breconshire - Lot 2, 9 February 1918
27. Abstract of the Title of the Aberystwyth Pier Ltd. to 4 King Street, Aberystwyth 1944
28. Plan of premises on the corner of King Street and Pier Street - including a surgery and consulting room n.d.
29. The Aberystwyth Pier Company Ltd. - debentures for £1200 1923 - 1926 (3)
30. Particulars of the Pier and Cinema and the proposed municipal hall 1933
31. Abstract of the title of Edward Lewis Fletcher and Edward Flekler to leasehold properties in Aberystwyth c.1933
32. Copy article from Ferro-Concrete on Aberystwyth Pavilion, 21 October 1933
33. Abstract of the Title of Isaac Gaunt Butler to property at Aberystwyth - Pier Dance Hall and Cliff Tramway, 1944
34. Forms relating to the Official Search 1946
35. Cutting from Cambrian News and Welsh Farmers Gazette, 9 December 1932 re. proposed municipal pavilion (Kings Hall)