

Archifdy Ceredigion Archives
Cardiganshire Board of Guardians: Aberaeron Union Additional

Acc. 543


Reference: CBG/AN
Title: Additional Aberayron Union Records.
Date(s): 1851-1930
Level: Series
Scope and Content: Additional records of the Cardiganshire Board of Guardians for the Aberayron Union.

Please Note: All Board of Guardians Records are closed for 100 years from the date of creation.

1. Treasurer's account of receipts and payments on behalf of the Guardians of the Union, 31 March 1929 - 31 March 1930
[ex SRD/4/531]

2. Miscellaneous agreements, policies, bonds, contracts etc, 1875-1920

3-6. Miscellaneous accounts and lists.
3. 1880-1900
4. half-year ending 30 September 1910
5. half-year ending 31 March 1912
6. half-year ending 31 March 1915

7. Voucher list - salaries paid to officers, quarter ending 31 March 1927

8-13. Miscellaneous returns:
lists of officers and guardians; paupers in receipt of relief; expenditure on relief; lunatics; alien paupers; superannuation of officers; vaccinations; assessment committee annual reports etc.
8. 1903
9. 1905
10. 1906
11. 1907
12. 1908
13. 1911

14-18. Correspondence files: incoming
14. 10 October 1901 - 20 February 1905
15. 7 March 1905 - 31 October 1911
16. 1 November 1911 - 27 April 1914
17. 25 April 1914 - 13 April 1917
18. 1920-1922

19. Plans and specifications for converting the Union Workhouse into a cottage hospital, 1893-1920

20. Census material: copy of Census Acts 1840, 1841; plan for division of Union into enumeration districts; lists of enumerators; abstracts of enumerators' schedules; receipts, correspondence etc, re payment of enumerators, 1841

21. Census material: similar to above, 1851

22 Census material : plan for division into sub-districts, 8 February 1861

23. Census material : similar to 20 above, 1871

24. Enumerator's memorandum book (unused) Aberayron Rural District (National Registration Act 1915)

25. Agreement by John Jones to pay Aberayron R.D.C. £7 towards the erection of a dam at Mydroilyn, 30 April 1904

26. Cheque from Aberayron Union to Morgan Jones for the maintenance of Elizabeth Mary Greening, for the sum of £1. 4s., 27 November 1923

27. Copy of will of Jane George, wife of William George of 7 Tabernacle Street, Aberaeron, master mariner, 16 October 1913

28. Apprenticeship indentures, 8 March 1854-12 February 1887

29. Official circulars and returns relating to cholera, 21 October 1848 - 28 September 1849

30. Highway - estimate of contributions, including particulars of rate : half-year ending Lady Day 1893, half-year ending 31 March 1927 (R.D.C. from 1923)
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