Archifdy Ceredigion Archives
ADX/1719: Bow Street Home Guard and Capel y Garn
Ref: ADX/1719Reference: [GB 0212] ADX/1719
Date(s): c. 1940-1973
Level: Fonds
Extent: 6 items
Scope and Content: Pictures relating to the Home Guard and to Capel y Garn, Bow Street.
1. Bow Street Home Guard showing the platoon including someone on a Royal Enfield motorcycle.
2. Cor Darlledu Caniadaeth y Cysegr o Gapel y Garn Ebrill 25 a 26, 1965.
3. Cor Canu Dosbarth y Garn 1972. Cymanfa Ganu'r Canmlwyddiant.
4. Plant Dosbarth y Garn 1972. Cymanfa Ganu'r Canmlwyddiant.
5. 'Cymdeithas y Chwiorydd 1983'
6. Album of hymns set to tunes by William Llewelyn Edwards