Archifdy Ceredigion Archives
ADX/720: Women’s Institute Drama Papers of Marie Vaughan Jones
Ref: ADX/720Reference: [GB 0212] ADX/720
Title: Women’s Institute Drama Papers of Marie Vaughan Jones
Date(s): n.d.
Level: Fonds
Extent: 0.044m3
Scope and Content:1. Original works by Marie Vaughan Jones1/1. Pencil drawing of scene for ‘Act I “Modryd Siarli”’
1/2. Pencil drawing of scene for ‘Act II “Modryd Siarli”’
1/3. Paint and ink design for interior kitchen set
1/4. Paintings and ink drawings of interior kitchen set
1/5. Ink drawings of interior kitchen set
1/6. Paint and ink design for interior kitchen set (2)
1/7. Handwritten script of “A Slice of W.I. Life in the early 20s”. by M. Vaughan Jones.
1/8. “A Slice of W.I. Life in the Early 20s”. Typed script.
1/9. “Y Weddi”. Handwritten script.
1/10. “4 Glasses”. Handwritten script.
1/11. “I am Blod Jones The Post”. Handwritten article.
1/12. “Yr Hen Sam” Handwritten poem in Welsh.
1/13. “Dyma ni yn fwmni rhadlon”. Handwritten poem in Welsh.
2. Correspondence2/1. Letter from Ceredigion Museum regarding donation of 1930s clock
2/2. Letter addressed to ‘Cymdeithas Lyfrau Ceredigion’
2/3. Letter from ‘Drama Association of Wales’.
2/4. Letter from Mrs E.M. Herbert to Mr Vaughan Jones
2/5. Letter from Enid Coles to Marie Vaughan Jones.
2/6. Letter from Erica Wooldridge to Marie Vaughan Jones.
2/7. Letter addressed to Mr Gwilym Thomas
2/8. Letter from Margaret Kershaw to Marie Vaughan Jones.
2/9. Letter from Marie Vaughan Jones to “Su”, the manager of ‘Kenyon Deane’.
3. Scripts in English and associated papers3/1. Scripts in English and associated papers (A-Ma)3/1/1. “A Burlesque Drama”. Handwritten script.
3/1/2. “Afternoon at Home” " typed and photocopied script
3/1/3. “A Scent of Flowers” by James Saunders. Excerpt. Typed script.
3/1/4. “A Threat of Letters” " typed script
3/1/5. “At the Bazaar”. Typed script.
3/1/6. “Ballet Hoo” " handwritten description and stage plan and annotated typed script
3/1/7. “Betrayal” " Printed and photocopied script
3/1/8. “The Black and White”. Typed script.
3/1/9. “The Body is All Yours” by Anthony Booth. Typed script.
3/1/10. “Break Up”. Typed script.
3/1/11. “The Brilliant and the Dark”. Libretto by Ursula Vaughan Williams.. Paperback.
3/1/12. “The Brilliant and the Dark”. Souvenir programme. Paperback.
3/1/13. “The Brilliant and the Dark”. Unison and 2-Part Choruses. Paperback.
3/1/14. “Build Up”. Typed script.
3/1/15. “Charley’s Aunt” Extracts
3/1/15/1. “Charley’s Aunt”. Extract. Printed photocopied script. pp.61-63.
3/1/15/2. “Charley’s Aunt”. Extract. Printed photocopied script with handwritten notes. pp.59-60.
3/1/15/3. “Charley’s Aunt”. Extract. Printed photocopied script. pp.24-26.
3/1/16. “Cliches”. Typed script.
3/1/17. “Confusion in the Cosmos” " Typed script.
3/1/18. “The Day Will Dawn” by Reginald Evans. Typed script.
3/1/19. “Dewch am Dro”. Printed and annotated script. In English.
3/1/20. “The Druid’s Rest”. Programme. By Emlyn Williams. Prod. Marie Vaughan Jones.
3/1/21. “The Druid’s Rest”. Props list.
3/1/22. “Duet for Two Hands” " Associated Papers
3/1/22/1. “Duet for Two Hands” " set design
3/1/22/2. ‘Analysis " “Duet for Two Hands”’
3/1/22/3. Set designs for “Duet for Two Hands”
3/1/23. “Eastern Promise " A Revue”. Typed script.
3/1/24. “Edward” " Script and Associated Papers
3/1/24/1. “Edward”. Printed photocopied script. pp.1-5.
3/1/24/2. “Edward”. Printed photocopied script. pp.5-8.
3/1/24/3. “Edward”. Printed photocopied script. pp.9-10.
3/1/24/4. “Edward”. Printed photocopied script. pp.11-14.
3/1/24/5. “Edward”. Printed photocopied script. pp.15-19.
3/1/24/6. “Edward”. Printed photocopied script. pp.19-20.
3/1/24/7. “Edward”. Printed photocopied script. pp.21-26.
3/1/24/8. “Edward”. Printed photocopied script. pp.26-28.
3/1/24/9. “Edward”. Printed photocopied script. pp.29-32.
3/1/24/10. “Edward”. Printed photocopied script. pp.32-34.
3/1/24/11. Guide to parts of “Edward”.
3/1/25. “The Fight”. Typed script.
3/1/26 “The Gay Lord Quex” by Arthur W. Pinero. Typed script.
3/1/27. “Good, Better, Best” " Script and Associated Papers
3/1/27/1. “Good, Better, Best”. Annotated typed script.
3/1/27/2. “Good, Better, Best” Introduction to pageant in Welsh and English
3/1/27/3. Notes on “Good, Better, Best”
3/1/27/4. Set design for “Good, Better, Best”.
3/1/28. “Good Tidings to Seion” by Ron Walker. Dir. Casey Walker. Typed script.
3/1/29. “Gooseberry”. Typed script.
3/1/30. “Growing Pains”. Typed script.
3/1/31. “The Hand of Fate” " script and associated Papers
3/1/31/1. “The Hand of Fate”. Printed photocopied script.
3/1/31/2. “The Hand of Fate” Notes.
3/1/32. “The Healer”. Printed photocopied script.
3/1/33. “If Thoughts Had Words”. Typed script.
3/1/34. “The Knotty”. Extract. Printed photocopied script.
3/1/35. “The Last Laugh” " printed, photocopied and annotated script
3/1/36. “Madame Ruzieska”. Stage directions.
3/1/37. “Maker of Love” by Derek Bowskill. Typed script.
3/1/38. “The Mayor of Torontal” by Gwenyth Jones. Paperback book.
3/2 Scripts in English and associated papers. (My " W).3/2/1. “My Proud Beauty” by Kris Misselbrook and Clive Ablett. Typed script.
3/2/2. “Night Watch”. Typed script.
3/2/3. “Octopus” Printed script.
3/2/4. “Old Moore’s Almanack " A Farce in One Act” by John Pearmain. Printed script.
3/2/5. “The Ordinary Welshman”. Typed script.
3/2/6. ‘Pantomime " “Y Ferch o Gefn Ydfa”’ " scrip and associated papers
3/2/6/1. ‘Pantomime " “Y Ferch o Gefn Ydfa”’ " handwritten script
3/2/6/2. Synopsis of Scenes for Pantomime
3/2/6/3 Character list for Pantomime
3/2/6/4. Title page of Pantomime - “Babes When They’re Woo’d”
3/2/6/5. Typed song words for Pantomime
3/2/6/6. Scene descriptions for Pantomime
3/2/7. “The Petticoat Plan” " typed photocopied script.
3/2/8. “Registration”. Typed script.
3/2/9. “Ripe for Conversion” by Jean McConnell. Typed script.
3/2/10. “Round and Round the Gooseberry Bush” by Rae Shirley. Printed and photocopied script
3/2/11. “Rose and Crown”. Typed script.
3/2/12. “Space for Delight” by Reginald Evans. Typed script.
3/2/13. “Space Oddity”. Typed script
3/2/14. “The Spy Who Came In With The Coal”. Typed script.
3/2/15. “Stationary”. Handwritten script including newspaper article.
3/2/16. “Table Talk”. Typed script.
3/2/17. “Think the Beautiful Thoughts” by Rae Shirley " printed and photocopied script.
3/2/18. “The Times” by Arthur W. Pinero. Typed script.
3/2/19. “The Train Now Standing”. Typed script.
3/2/20. “Trouble in the Works”. Printed and photocopied script.
3/2/21. “Under Milk Wood” " Associated Papers
3/2/21/1. “Under Milk Wood” " Synopsis of Scenes
3/2/21/2. “Under Milk Wood”. Extract. Printed and stapled onto lined paper.
3/2/22. “Under Milk Wood, Y Cymro Cyffredin Takes a Druids Rest Or Nightmare!”. By Clive Jones. Typed script.
3/2/23. Untitled extract from a play with characters ‘Denry’ and ‘Countess’. Typed script.
3/2/24. Untitled Extracts
3/2/24/1. Untitled extract from a play with characters ‘Genie’ and ‘Beti’. Typed script.
3/2/24/2. Untitled extract from same play with characters ‘Genie, ‘Beti’, ‘Ann’ and ‘Cerys’. Typed script.
3/2/25. Untitled, printed and annotated script with characters ‘Sian’ and ‘Anwen’
3/2/26. Untitled, typed and photocopied script with characters ‘Mrs Collins’ and ‘Doris’ with “Scale of charges” for performances by amateur societies
3/2/27. “Vantage Server” by Jean Christie. Typed script
3/2/28. “When the Bough Breaks” by Gwyn Clark. Printed photocopied script.
3/2/29. “With It”. Typed script.
4. Scripts in Welsh and associated papers4/1. Scripts in Welsh and associated papers. (A-Ffa)4/1/1. “A Oes Heddwch?” " Make-up chart
4/1/2. “Cath Mewn Cw^d”. Printed photocopied script.
4/1/3. “Charley’s Aunt”. Welsh translation. Acts two and three. With make-up chart and plan of first act. In folder.
4/1/4. “Corn Beca” by Gwynne D. Evans. Typed script.
4/1/5. “Cyffro Yn Y Cosmos” " Printed and photocopied script including set designs.
4/1/6. “Cyffro Yn Y Cosmos”. Printed photocopied script.
4/1/7. “Deryn”. Typed script.
4/1/8. “Digich I’r Drefn”. By Morrigan. Typed script.
4/1/9. “Dinas Barhaus” by W.S.Jones. Paperback book.
4/1/10. “Diwrnod Arbwcus” " script and associated papers
4/1/10/1. “Diwrnod Arbwcus”. Typed script including letter from L. Rhiannon Bevan to Ann Clwyd regarding the ‘Federations of Wales Weekend Gathering’.
4/1/10/2. List of props, set design and typed script for “Diwrnod Arbwcus”
4/1/11. “Drama in the Welsh Language”. Plan for performance and narration.
4/1/12. “Dwfr Bywiol” or “Living Water” by Jessie Powell. Trans. Samuel Davies. Typed script.
4/1/13. “Dylanwad Y Duwiau”. Typed script.
4/1/14. “Fe Dyrr Y Wawr”. By Reginald Evans. Trans. Gwilym R. Lloyd. Typed script.
4/1/15. “Ffa” " Scripts and Associated Papers
4/1/15/1. “Ffa”. Typed script.
4/1/15/2. Cardboard folder with National Eisteddfod logo containing:
4/1/15/2/1. Schedule for performance of “Ffa”
4/1/15/2/2. List of lighting equipment in the ‘Theatre Tent’
4/1/15/2/3. Plan of lighting equipment in the ‘Theatre Tent’
4/1/15/2/4. List of sound equipment in the ‘Theatre Tent’
4/1/15/2/5. Plan of Eisteddfod ground 1992
4/1/15/2/6. ‘Cyflwyniad’
4/1/15/2/7. Letter from Penri E. Roberts
4/1/15/2/8. Plan of stage " ‘Theatr y Maes’
4/1/15/2/9. “Dramau Yr W^yl”
4/1/15/2/10. Programme leaflet for National Eisteddfod 1992
4/2. Scripts in Welsh and associated papers. (Ffe-U).4/2/1. “Ffesant I Swper” by Evan G. Jones. Photocopied script
4/2/2. “Fy Mrodyr Lleiaf” by Eic Davies. Story from Tolstoy. Typed script.
4/2/3. “Gymerwch chi Sigaret?” " Associated Papers
4/2/3/1. “Gymerwch chi Sigaret?” Properties list.
4/2/3/2. “Gymerwch chi Sigaret?” Production notes.
4/2/4. “Helynt Takobstad” - Scripts
4/2/4/1. “Helynt Takobstad”. (The Mayor of Torontal). Typed script.
4/2/4/2. “Helynt Takbostad”. Handwritten and photocopied script.
4/2/5 “Henri” by Nansi Pritchard. Printed photocopied script.
4/2/6. “Jac Martin, neu Pobl Llandderwydd”. Printed photocopied script.
4/2/7. “Meddyliau”. Typed script.
4/2/8. “Mynd Yn Ol I’r Wlad”. Typed script including notes on back of envelope.
4/2/9. “Mynd I’r Drama”. Typed script.
4/2/10. “Naddo Ddim”. Typed script.
4/2/11. “Nansi Dolwar”. Typed script.
4/2/12. “Noson o Lety” by Huw Lloyd Edwards. Typed script.
4/2/13. “Pan Yn Rhupain” by Reginald Evans. Trans. Gwilym T. Lloyd. Typed script.
4/2/14. “Pe Boi Meddyliau yn Siarad” or “If Thoughts Had Words”. Sketch script, and notes.
4/2/15. “Perthyn Pell” by Gwladys Evans. Typed script.
4/2/16. “Randibw^”. Printed photocopied script with annotations.
4/2/17. “Tlawd a Balch”. Typed script.
4/2/18. “Tynnu Lluniau”. Typed script.
4/2/19. “Wrth Gwrs” " handwritten script together with untitled handwritten script with characters Andrew, Dafydd and Colin.
4/3. Scripts in Welsh and associated papers. (Y-Yr).4/3/1 “Y Bont” " Typed script.
4/3/2. “Y Cymro Cyffredin” by Tom Richards. Paperback copy.
4/3/3. “Y Cymro Cyffredin”. Printed Welsh script, typed English script and stage plan in A4 folder.
4/3/4. “Y Dewr” by Holworthy Hall and Robert Middlemass trans. Mary Lewis. Typed script.
4/3/5. “Y Dyn Dieithr” or “The Unexpected Guest” by Agatha Christie. Trans. Hafma Clwyd.
4/3/6. “Y Ffynhonna” by Albert T. Rees. Typed script bound in cardboard.
4/3/7. “Yfory.......Rhy Hwyr!” by Meirion Powell. Typed script.
4/3/8. “Y Pysgodyn Marw Sy’n Mynd Gyda’r Lli” by Reginald Evans. Typed script.
4/3/9. “Y Rhwyd”. Printed script and notes on paper.
4/3/10. “Y Rhwyd”. Printed photocopied script.
4/3/11. “Yr Arth” by Anton Chekhov. Printed photocopied and bound script.
4/3/12. “Yr Hebog”. By ‘Tyrpeg’ " William Owen. Typed script.
4/3/13. “Yr Hen A’r Newydd” by Jac Rees. Typed script
4/3/14. “Y Setl Dderw” or “The Oak Settle” by Harold Brighouse. Trans. G. Prys Jones. Paperback.
5. Lyrics, Poetry and Prose in Welsh and English5/1. “A Conjuror’s Punishment of an Innkeeper for his exorbitant charges” " Copies and Associated Papers
5/1/1. “A Conjuror’s Punishment of an Innkeeper for his exorbitant charges”. Handwritten article. Original copy.
5/1/2. “A Conjuror’s Punishment of an Innkeeper for his exorbitant charges”. Copied articles
5/1/3. “A Conjuror’s Punishment of an Innkeeper for his exorbitant charges”. Copied articles
5/2. “Spring”. Printed extract.
5/3. “A Parable of Nature”. Typed article
5/4. “Can Llan”. Poem.
5/5. Description of 2 young girls taken from “The Old Wives’ Tale” by Arnold Bennett.
5/6. “Friday Morning Fever” by Mary Hodges. Poem.
5/7. “From a Railway Carriage” by Robert Louis Stevenson. Handwritten copy of poem.
5/8. “Good for nothing” and “Once I kissed a millionaire”. Handwritten songs.
5/9. “Life’s Rich Pattern” by Dorothy Dillam. Typed poem.
5/10. “Minni a Mati, a Jinni Bach Ni”. Poem.
5/11. “Moliannwn”, “Sosban Fach”, “Calon Lân” and other Welsh lyrics. Handwritten.
5/12. ‘Song Programme’ with 12 songs.
5/13. “The Card” " prose narrative. Extract. Printed and photocopied.
5/14. “The Sheik of Araby”. Song words.
5/15. “The Song of the Sea Wind” by Austin Dobson. Printed poem.
5/16. “Three Hundred Years Ago”. Poem.
5/17. “Tom Sawyer” by Mark Twain. Extract. Printed and photocopied.
5/18. “Treasure Island” by Robert Louis Stevenson. Printed extract.
5/19. “We are expecting some weather to come to hand...”. Handwritten poem.
5/20. “Y Beibl Yn Gymraeg”. Typed poem.
6. Miscellaneous6/1. ‘Application for Permission to Perform a Play by a Company of Amateurs’.
6/2. Articles on the Solar System, highlighted.
6/2/1. Article on the Solar System. Highlighted. Page xxvii.
6/2/2/ Article on the Solar System. Highlighted Page 111.
6/2/3. Article on the Solar System. Highlighted. Page 110.
6/2/4. Article on the Solar System. Highlighted. Page 106.
6/2/5. Article on the Solar System. Highlighted. Page 107.
6/2/6. Article on the Solar System. Page xxvi.
6/3. Article regarding bus use by women in Wales. 2 pages. With sketches on reverse.
6/4. “B&B” by Eric Fowler. Title page only.
6/5. “Brethyn Cartref” or “Home Spun”, Merioneth Women’s Institute Magazine No. 27. Autumn 1986.
6/6. “Cerydd dewin ar berchenog gwesty am ei gostau afresumol”. Handwritten article in Welsh.
6/7. Handwritten article in Welsh and English on 19th century.
6/8. List of acting games and instructions.
6/9. List of drama tutors and addresses.
6/10. List of emotions
6/11. List of names, props and stage directions. Same names arranged in places.
6/12. Notebook containing general notes on WI drama.
6/13. “Rali Sir 1987”. Programme.
6/14. Reading list of plays. Handwritten.
6/13. Set design and notes " play unknown
6/14. Set design for ‘Choir Groups’
6/15. Notes on the choir
6/16. Stage plan - play unknown
6/17. Stage plan - play unknown
6/18/1-2. Templates of Russian sickle and hammer shape.