Archifdy Ceredigion Archives
ADX/487: Papers of Miss A.E Davies, Director of Nursing Services
Ref: ADX/487Reference: [GB 0212] ADX/487
Title: Papers of Miss A.E Davies, Director of Nursing Services
Date(s): 1957-1990
Level: Fonds
Extent: Scope and Content:Papers relating to the administrative career of Miss A.E Davies in the Aberystwyth area and as a Queens Nurse in District Nursing and latterly as the Director of Nursing Services.
1. Local Material 1. Dyfed Association for the Disabled/Cymdeithas Lles y Methedig Dyfed
a. Constitution (2 copies)
June 1983
b. Discussion paper
2. Letter from Dyfed Rural Council about the Dyfed Association for the Disabled
14 September 1977
3. Minutes for inaugural meeting held at the Memorial Hall Aberaeron
25 January 1978
4. Letter to Miss Davies (depositor) re: setting-up of the Association
27 January 1978
5. Community Programme: Proposed Disabled Access Survey
6. List of voluntary organisations involved in the Association
2. Cardiganshire County Council Annual Report of the County Medical Officer and Principal School Medical Officer
3. Bronglais General Hospital:1. Patients Handbook published by the East Dyfed Health Authority Ceredigion Unit (2 copies)
n.d. (1980s?)
2. Trained staff and nursing auxiliaries (statistics)
14 February 1977
3. Funded nursing staff establishment and staff in post since April 1974 - end of October 1977
24 November 1977
4. Papers relating to the Scanner Appeal, Bronglais Hospital, some addressed directly to the depositor in her role as chairman of the Ceredigion Community Health Council (6 items)
4. Invitations to local events1. Official opening of the Cardiganshire County Council Rhydyrafon Centre, Aberystwyth
25 September 1973
2. Official opening of the Cardiganshire County Council “Canolfan Gwasanathau Cymdeithasol, Aberaeron [Social Services Centre, Aberaeron
27 September 1973
3. Laying of the Foundation Stone Ceremony of the Adult Training Centre, Aberystwyth under the auspices of Cardiganshire County Council
28 March 1974
4. Apel Sganiwr Canolbarth Cymru: Seremoni Agoriad Swyddogol a Chyflwyniad Uned y Sganiwr I Awdurdod Iechyd Dwyrain Dyfed
(Mid Wales Scanner Appeal: Official opening and presentation of the Scanner Unit to the East Dyfed Health Authority)
13 October 1990
5. Other Items1. Lecture notes [by the depositor?] for an address to hospital nurses on the duties of the district nurse.
2. Cyngor Iechyd Cymdeithas Ceredigion Community Health Council
July 1988
3. East Dyfed Health Authority: attachments to minutes of a meeting in July 1987
4. Programme: Association of Welsh Health Authorities: One Day Symposium on the Report of the Review of Community Nursing Services in Wales "A Team Approach for Wales" and list of delegates
February 1988
5. Leaflets: Nyrsio yn y Gymuned/Nursing in the Community; A Team Approach for Wales
6. Pamphlet: The W.R.V.S. in Dyfed [Women’s Royal Voluntary Service]
7. Photocopies concerning the history of Aberystwyth (maps and census extracts)
6. Items relating to health care in Wales1. Welsh Federation of the Queen’s Institute of District Nursing: transcripts and summaries of papers given at a conference on The Care and Rehabilitation of the Elderly held at Ty Maeth, Cardiff
November 1967
2. Patients First: Consultative paper on the structure and management of the National Health service in England and Wales issued by the Department of Health and Social Security, Welsh Office. London HMSO.
December 1979
3. Welsh Office “Working for Patients” The NHS in Wales Proposals for Action
7. Items of a general nature, relating to nursing1. Copy of Queen’s Nurses’ Magazine No. 10 Vol. XLVI
October 1957
2. Copies of District Nursing produced by the Queen’s Institute of District Nursing:
September 1958
February 1960 (contains eight page supplement on Nursing in Wales)
May 1960
September 1960
February 1961
March 1961
June 1961
October 1962
March 1963
July 1963
August 1963
January 1964
February 1964
3. Copy of Nursing Times, the Official Journal of the Royal College of Nursing
3rd May 1963
4. Copy of the Midwives Chronicle, Official Journal of the Royal College of Midwives:
January 1979
March 1984
5. Copy of the Midwife Health Visitor & Community Nurse
December 1976
6. Copy of Queen’s Nursing Journal
November 1975
7. Pamphlet: Queen’s Institute of District Nursing
n.d. (1960s?)
8. Copies of The Journal of Community Nursing:
July 1977
September (?)
9. Copies of The Soroptimist:
September 1979
October 1979
10. Photocopy from the Nursing Mirror “A symposium on Mastectomy”
3rd April 1975
11. RCN (Royal College of Nursing) “Working for Patients” The White Paper on the National Health Service
n.d. (pre 1991)
12. RCN Comment on the Report of the Committee on Nursing
February 1973
13. Attachment of Nursing Services in General Practice - Report of the Joint Working Party on Group Attachment
December 1970
14. The Health Challenge: A report of a commission on the National Health Service and Health care in the United Kingdom established by the Royal College of Nursing
September 1988
15. The NHS Reorganisation published by the Office of Health Economics, London.
n.d. (c.1973?)
16. Circular on the discharge of patients from hospital circulated to District Health Authorities, Local Practitioner Committees, Local Authorities and Community Health Councils.
n.d. (between 1986 and1993)
Ref: ADX/487/addl1. Programme celebrating the Golden Jubilee of Cardigan and District Memorial Hospital, 1922 - 1972
1 November 1972
2. [Rhaglen] Agoriad Swyddogol Canolfan Iechyd Aberteifi (Programme of the official opening of the Health Centre, Cardigan)
27 June 1973
3. Rhaglen Seremoni Agoriadol Ysgol Gynradd Newydd Cwmpadarn (Programme of the opening ceremony of the new school at Cwmpadarn)
4 March 1974
4. Rhaglen Seremoni Agoriadol Ysgol Gynradd newydd Rhydypennau (Programme of the opening ceremony of the new school at Rhydypennau)
8 March 1974
Ref: ADX/487/addl5. Programme for service of thanksgiving and rededication at Bethania Baptist Church, Cardigan. The service formed part of the celebration of the Golden Jubilee of the Cardigan and District Memorial hospital, 1922-1972.
1 November 1972