Archifdy Ceredigion Archives
ADX/456: The Family History of the Dyers Family
Ref: ADX/456Reference: [GB 0212] ADX/456
Title: The Family History of the Dyers Family
Date(s): c.2000
Level: Fonds
Extent: 1 file
Scope and Content:File of research concerning the family history of Mr Iuan Dyers of Cardigan (paternal and maternal descendency) researched by Allan Monkhouse
Ref: ADX/456 addl.Information and articles with reference to the family history found in ADX/456. Highlighted passages within the photocopies have particular reference to comments made by the depositor in his typescript.
1. Typescript entitled Notes on the British Raj in India and my family, in India and the UK.
March 2001
2. Photocopy of four pages from The Raiders of the Sarhad, by Brigadier General R. E. H. Dyer, (H.F. & G. Witherby, London, 1921).
3. Photocopy of selected pages from India as I knew it, 1885-1925, by Sir Michael O’ Dwyer, Lieutenant Governor of the Punjab in 1919, (Constable & Company, 1925).
4. Photocopies of selected pages of The Life of General Dyer, by Ian Colvin, (Blackwood & Sons, London, 1929).
5. Photocopy of selected pages from The Great Mutiny, India, 1857, by Christopher Hibbert, (Penguin, 1980, 2nd edition).
6. Photocopy of selected pages from Our Bones are Scattered, The Cawnpore Massacres and the Indian Mutiny of 1857, by Andrew Ward, (John Murray, 1996).
7. Photocopy of article “The Ancient Wanderer” in The Indiaman, (issue 12, 1999).
8. Photocopy of article “The Ancient Wanderer” in The Indiaman, (issue 13, 1999).
9. The Indian Mutiny, by Alan C. Hardcastle, British Ancestors in India Society Publications (reprinted set):
Part 1: Escape from Delhi
Part 2: Allahabad: The Mutiny
Part 3: Cawnpore