Archifdy Ceredigion Archives
ADX/360: Miscellaneous items
Acc. 1018
Ref: ADX/360Reference: [GB 0212] ADX/360
Title: Miscellaneous items
Date(s): 1900 - 70
Level: Fonds
Extent: 19 items
Scope and Content1. Detailed invoices from Harrison & Austin, Builders and Decorators of 118 London Road, for shop fitting at 11 Tabard Street (& other premises?) made out to "Mr. Woozley".
1899 and 1901
2. Invoice to Mr John Woozley from Taylor's Depository and Store Warehouses in Southwark, London " to removing furniture and effects from 3 Long Lane, Borough to 11 Tabard Street, Bermondsey".
8 October 1900
3. Ardwyn School, Aberystwyth: Christmas Entertainment programme ("Myfanwy Davies Form 5B" handwritten at top)
12-13 December 1927
4. Central Welsh Board: School certificate Examination - English Essay
July 1928
5. List of centres at which the Archbishops' Examination in Religious Knowledge were held. (2 copies)
July 1929-May 1930
6. Postcard to Miss M. Davies of The Vicarage, Capel Bangor, Aberystwyth advising that she will not be accepted into the Barry Training College.
8 October 1929
7. Empty envelope addressed to Miss E.M. Davies, The Vicarage, Capel Bangor, sent from Bangor. Marked (in pencil) "Testimonials and school certificates".
5tJuly 1930
8. Bangor Normal College (The North Wales Counties College for the training of men and women teachers): Form of Application for Admission and Regulations for the Admission of Students.
September 1930
9. Admission to Training Colleges (Men): Form of Instructions
10. Examination papers in algebra, arithmetic, chemistry, English literature and language, history, geometry, geography, physics and Welsh, for form IV A
July 1933
11. Central Welsh Board: School Certificate Examination in mathematics, Welsh, history, chemistry, English, physics, geography.
July 1934
12. Hymnau Cymhwys I'w Canu mewn Cenhadaeth Blwyfol. London S.P.C.K.
13. North Wales Training College, Bangor: pamphlet on the college
14. North Wales Training College, Bangor: letter concerning application to the College.
15. North Wales Training College Bangor: information with regard to luggage.
16. North Wales Training College Bangor: letter advising all students to obtain pre-course teaching experience.
17. Envelope containing notes and prospectuses on womens' teacher training colleges (outside Wales). Envelope addressed to Miss M. Davies, The Vicarage, Capel Bangor, Aberystwyth. Postmarked 1929
18. Paper bag from H.H. Davies & Son, Photographic Dealers, Pier Street, Aberystwyth used in photographic developing service.
19. "Your Guide to Decimal Money" booklet issued by the Decimal Currency Board to explain decimalisation in 1971.
n.d. (1970?)