Archifdy Ceredigion Archives
ADX 86/1: Powell and Cherry Family Correspondence
Acc. 271
Ref: ADX/86Reference: [GB 0212] ADX/86/1 - 18
Title: Details of an Adulterous Affair that leads to a Lengthy Court Case
Date(s): 1853 - 56
Level: Fonds
Extent: 257 items
Scope and Content1. Capt. Powell to W. G. Cherry (father-in-law), Aberystwyth, writes of his wife's growing attachment to Mr. Patterson. Requests permission to bring her to visit her parents. Also mentions father's recovery from illness
23 December 1853
2. Notes in Mr. Cherry's hand, defending Mrs. Powell and giving details of the adulterous affair between Capt. Powell and Miss Lord, the governess. Miss Lord is seen as instigating a plot to discredit Mrs. Powell in order that she might marry Capt. Powell.
3. List of Mrs. Powell's debts to be paid by Col. Powell before Deed of Separation entered into.
July 1854
4. Copy of Agreement, 9 August 1854, allowing Mrs. Powell access to children during their Easter and December holidays
5. Notice of payment of instalment of Annuity due to Mrs. Powell
3 October 1854
6. Bill from M. A. G. Powell, Milliner and Dressmaker in respect of Mrs. Rosa Powell. Items purchased
7. Draft of proceedings leading to Deed of Separation.
8. W. Cracroft Amcotts to G. Wilton, Solicitor. Business arising from his trusteeship of Rosa Powell's affairs. Mentions arrangements upon his appointment as Sheriff
24 January 1859
9. Rosa Powell to her solicitor, G. P. Wilton. Requests receipt for half of a cheque which she encloses
7 June 1859
10. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton, enclosing second half of cheque, requests receipt
9 June 1859
11. Weston Cracroft Amcotts to Geo Wilton. Informs him of Rosa Powell's death on 10 May 1860 from the breaking of a blood vessel. Requests copy of Deed of Separation to be sent to E. L. Evans, sole executor of Will
11 May 1860
ADX 86/2 1. Capt. Powell to Mr. W. G. Cherry, father-in-law, Aberystwyth. Reports his decision to separate from Rosa Powell on grounds of her continued intimacy with Mr. Patterson and her refusal to leave Derry Ormond when commanded to do so by her husband
27 December 1853
2. Capt. Powell to W. G. Cherry. Declining interview with Mr. Cherry as it will only awaken painful and bitter feelings. Accuses Mr. Patterson of tacit admission of adultery with Rosa Powell. Confirms that he is determined upon a separation. Envelope endorsed in unknown hand 'This was I am certain never composed by Colonel P’.
9 January 1854
3. Geo. Smith(?) partner in Pickering and Company, Lincoln's Inn. Cannot act for Rosa Powell as partner already acting for Col. Powell. Writes as 'amicus curiae'. Is pleased to hear that Mr. Cherry does not feel his daughter is guilty of any criminality, merely of indiscretion. Advises separation without blame being attached to Col. Powell Thinks children may be allowed to remain with Mrs. Powell if she resides at father's house, Buckland, Leominster.
16 January 1854
4. Two letters in single envelope Letter from W. G. Cherry to Rev. Charles Lloyd, Bettws Bledrws Rectory, thanks Rev. Lloyd for his kindness to his daughter, Mrs. Rosa Powell, during the recent quarrel at Derry Ormond. Begs him to make a signed statement of all he witnessed during this time. Also requests similar statement from Mr. Jones (Banker from Lampeter) who also saw Mrs. Powell at Derry Ormond.
1 January 1854
Reply to above from Rev. Charles Lloyd, Apologises for delay in answering but he had to wait for Mr. Jones' return. Both gentlemen decline to make
a written statement of events but are ready to affirm statements already made to Mrs. Powell
7 January 1854
5. To Weston Cracroft from Pickering, Smith and Company, lawyers to Col. Powell. Col. Powell refuses to allow his daughter to return to her mother. Will not allow either of the children to see her until she has redeemed herself by living quietly and respectably. To allow the children to be with their mother would be seen as either condoning her guilty behaviour or as an admission that Col. Powell's accusations were false. Is willing to allow her £300 per annum but is determined that separation is based solely upon her guilt
13 February 1854
6. W. G. Cherry to George Pleydell Wilton (Solicitors), requesting that they communicate directly with his daughter, Rosa E. Powell over the terms of the separation
16 February 1854
7. W. G. Cherry to G. P. Wilton. Urges the importance of securing a proper allowance for his daughter. Also urges that all her legal expenses be met by Col. Powell
17 February 1854
8. Pickering and Smith to G. P. Wilton, requesting that Mr. Wilton's clients refrain from further investigations into Col. Powell's affairs and desist from talking openly about the causes of the separation. If they do not, Col. Powell threatens to end all negotiation
17 February 1854
9. W. G. Cherry to G. P. Wilton. Denies all knowledge of false reports re: Col. Powell
18 February 1854
10. Pickering Smith and Company to G. P. Wilton. States again that Col. Powell believes his wife to be guilty of criminal conduct. Will pay her debts but only £300 per year as an allowance
23 February 1854
11. Rosa Powell to G.P. Wilton. Encloses a paper which may be relevant. Trusts the Deed of Separation may proceed quickly. Deplores the law which gives Col. Powell complete power over children. Hopes he may later soften his attitude to their custody. Rejects any suggestion that the Deed put any restriction on her future place of abode
26 February 1854
12. Copy of letter from G. P. Wilton to Rosa Powell. Acknowledges her letter, as above. Feels that they must now abide by terms suggested by Col. Powell's lawyers
27 February 1854
13. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Disappointed that her allowance is to be £300 p.a. Believes her husband has more debts than he discloses. Is willing to wait four years after he comes into his inheritance before her allowance is increased to £500, so he can discharge these debts. Does not think Col. Powell will pay legal expenses
1 March 1854
14. Pickering Smith and Company to G. P. Wilton, Enclosing draft Deed of Separation for their consideration 6 March 1854
15. Pickering Smith and Company to G. P. Wilton, enclosing copies of two settlements made on marriage of Col. and Mrs. Powell.
16. Letter from Rosa Powell, correspondent unnamed. Authorises recipient to offer Col. Powell a reconciliation. Has reached decision through prayer and love of God. But stipulates Col. Powell must have no further contact with Miss Lord.
17. Memorandum of events surrounding the separation. Probably composed by Mr. Cherry. Sees clear evidence of a plot against his daughter. Fiercely repudiates charges that her extravagance drove her husband into debt. Also two separate sheets detailing charges against the Powell estate. Appears to be working document for drawing up of Deed of Separation.
ADX86/3 1. Capt. Powell to his wife Rosa Powell. Advising her of his intention to remove them from Derry Ormond to her father's house, Buckland. States she is to blame for this decision.
2. Capt. Powell to Miss Sarah Lord, requesting that she bring Miss Powell to him as he can no longer leave the child with her mother.
26 December 1853
3. Mrs. Rosa Powell to Miss Sarah Lord. Requesting that Miss Lord tell her what is happening. States she intends to return to Aberystwyth, asks Miss Lord to join her there.
26 December 1853
4. Miss Sarah Lord to Mrs. Rosa Powell. States Capt. Powell is coming to Lampeter the following day to collect herself and Miss Powell.
5. Letter from Rosa Powell to G.P. Wilton. Requests sight of amended draft of Deed of Separation. Expresses regret that allowance is so paltry. Wishes now that she had refused to agree and forced Capt. Powell into court. Only held back to protect her daughter's future.
30 March 1854
6. Letter from Weston Cracroft to G. P. Wilton. Requests delay in legal proceedings until he can consult with Mrs. Powell.
13 April 1854
7. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Informs him that Mr. Amcotts (Weston Cracroft) and Mr. Sibthorpe will act as her trustees. Refers to previous letter from Wilton - leaves matters in his hands entirely.
24 July 1854
8. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Pleased to hear that all her legal costs have been paid. Requests dates on which allowance to be paid. Has received message from Col. Powell through Mr.(?) Phelp to say she may see children at school and whenever she is in London by applying to Mr. Phelp. Hopes this means the dawn of better days. Regrets the loss of her own domestic circle. Presses Mr. Wilton to visit. Encloses half cheque to cover her expenses.
16 August 1854
9. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Encloses other half cheque Thanks him for details of quarter days for payment of allowance.
10. Weston Amcotts (Cracroft) to G. P. Wilton. Queries amount of first instalment of allowance paid to Mrs. Powell.
17 August 1854
11. Agreement signed on behalf of Col. and Mrs. Powell giving her right to see her children three times a year.
9 August 1854
12. Hayes, Twisden, Partner and Company, Solicitors to George Ernest John Powell, heir in tail to Nanteos Estate, to Geo. P. Wilton. Requests copy of marriage settlement of W. T. R. Powell and Rosa E. Powell. Wish to apply for injunction to stop timber felling on the Estate.
11 May 1867
ADX 86/4 1. Miss Lord to Rosa Powell, from Cheltenham. Denies rumours of affair between self and Capt. Powell. Denies arrears of salary.
7 January 1854
2. Copy letter, Rosa Powell to Miss Lord. Answer to above. Denies spreading rumours about Miss Lord. Must apply to Capt. Powell for salary.
8 January 1854
3. Signed declaration by Jane Jacobs, cook at Derry Ormond during quarrel - alleges no impropriety by Mrs. Powell.
18 January 1854
4. Signed declaration by Mary Edwards. Details of Miss Lord's improper behaviour.
18 January 1854
5. Signed Affadavit by Anne Jones, house maid to Powells - alleges improper behaviour between Col. Powell and Miss Lord.
29 April 1854
6. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Details incidences of Col. Powell's bad behaviour, general unreliability and penchant for employing rogues in
his service.
11 June 1854
7. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton, Miss Lord's address. Annoyed that Miss Lord had obtained another situation on strength of reference supplied by Dowager Lady Powell.
14 June 1854
8. Rosa E. Powell to G. P. Wilton. Repeats much of (7). Identity of Col. Powell's mistress, his constant absences in Ireland.
16 June 1854
9. Sixty page memorandum by Rosa E. Powell. Details events before and after quarrel and Col. Powell and Miss Lord's actions after leaving Derry Ormond. Refutes lies spread by Miss Lord and Col. Powell about her own conduct.
10. Memorandum in Mr. Cherry's hand compiled for Weston Cracroft. Rehearses events at Derry Ormond. Complains of Col. Powell's continual neglect of his wife and his behaviour with Miss Lord.
11. Note in Mr. Cherry's hand giving details of Capt. Powell's mysterious illness in 1851.
12. Note in Mr. Cherry's hand listing contents of letters he received from Mrs. Cherry whilst she was in Aberystwyth with Mrs. Powell
January-February 1854.
13. Note in Mr. Cherry's hand. List of houses occupied by Col. Powell since marriage (illegible in parts).
14. Part of letter in Rosa Powell's hand. Relates accusations of impropriety against Miss Lord by a Mary Edwards.
15. Rough draft of Clauses for inclusion in Deed of Separation.
ADX86/51. Capt. W. T. R. Powell to Mr. Cherry (father-in-law), Derry Ormond. Withdraws accusations in earlier letter (ADX86/1/1). Nothing improper took place, his wife was only foolish. He was worried about gossip amongst County Set especially as he wishes to stand for Parliament. Father very feeble.
25 December 1853
2. Capt. Powell to Mr. Cherry. Account of quarrel with wife at Derry Ormond. Will never live with her again or allow his children to do so.
31 December 1853
3. Miss Lord to Mrs. Eleanor Cherry. Details of quarrel, Mrs. Powell's open attachment to Mr. Patterson and Capt. Powell's complete innocence.
1 January 1854
4. Pickering Smith and Company, Solicitors to Capt. Powell to Mr. Cherry. States Capt. Powell's desire for formal separation, preliminary terms stated
11 January 1854
4(a). Weston Cracroft to Mrs. Eleanora Cherry (Mother- in-law). Has seen W. T. R. Powell and hopes that quiet separation may be possible. Is totally convinced of Rosa's innocence and angered by W. T. R.‘s lack of emotion
January 1854
4(b). Envelope containing copy of letter from Col. Powell in response to letter of reconciliation from his wife (this letter is missing). Also letter from Hugh Hughes, Aberystwyth (Solicitor) through whom Mrs. Powell's letter was directed.
23 January 1854
5. Mr. Cherry to G. P. Wilton. Requests that solicitor writes directly to Mrs. Powell re: deed of separation. States disgust with terms offered. Will never speak to Capt. Powell again. In postscript promises to tell of the lie concocted by Capt. Powell and Miss Lord.
31 March 1854
6. Letter to G. P. Wilton from Harry Styam, Lincoln's Inn. Col. Powell not in town so cannot give an answer as to alterations (of deed).
31 March 1854
7. Pickering Smith and Company to G. P. Wilton. Will not increase Mrs. Powell's allowance or make any formal statement on access to children, rather it to be at Col. Powell's discretion and dependant on Mrs. Powell's good behaviour.
3 April 1854
8. Pickering Smith and Company to G. P. Wilton. Asks if negotiations have broken down since both parties cannot agree terms re: children.
10 April 1854
9. Pickering Smith and Company to G. P. Wilton. Terminates negotiations.
11 April 1854
10. W. G. Cherry to G. P. Wilton. Notifies death of W. E. Powell (W. T. R's father) Advises Promissory notes signed by Col. Powell and held by Miss Phelps be presented for payment.
11 April 1854
11. Rosa E. Powell to G. P. Wilton. Requests advice on how to proceed on matter of separation.
12 April 1854
12. Rosa E. Powell to G. P. Wilton. Discusses pros and cons of taking Col. Powell to court for alimony if cannot resolve dispute over access to children.
13 April 1854
13. Weston Cracroft to G. P. Wilton. Has arranged to meet Mrs. Powell in Birmingham to put to her plan to resolve deadlock over separation.
14 April 1854
14. Gervaise Tottenham Waldo Sibthorpe - trustee for Rosa E. Powell - to G. P. Wilton. Trustees have advised Mrs. Powell to demand £500 per annum, if this is rejected, Col. Powell must go to court.
28 April 1854
15. Pickering Smith and Company to G. P. Wilton. Refuse, on Col. Powell's behalf, to agree to increase of allowance.
29 April 1854
16. Weston Cracroft to G. P. Wilton, to arrange meeting. Wishes to know if Col. Powell is in town.
30 April 1854
17. Weston Cracroft to G. P. Wilton. Mrs. Powell in London. Col. Powell also. Hopes matters may now be resolved.
6 May 1854
18. Pickering Smith and Company to G. P. Wilton. Requests return of articles left by Col. Powell at Buckland.
8 May 1854
19. Weston Cracroft to G. P. Wilton. Details of his movements for next few days.
15 May 1854
20. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Encloses bill from Hookham and Sons, Library. Does not know what to do with it.
23 May 1854
21. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Warns that two men acting for Col. Powell have been to Derry Ormond to try and collect evidence against Mr. Patterson. Feels they may resort to bribes - which she believes Welsh are notorious for accepting - to obtain false statements
4 June 1854
22. Weston Cracroft to G. P. Wilton. Refers to above and asks how best he may serve Mrs. Powell in collecting evidence against Col. Powell. Worried that Mrs. Powell is being urged to sue by her friends.
4 June 1854
23. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Sends details of Miss Lord's family. Speculates that Col. Powell has taken Miss Lord to remote house in Lincolnshire. Further note attached to this letter in Weston Cracroft's hand advising her to make demands of Col. Powell which will convince his lawyers that she is in earnest.
6 June 1854
24. Rosa E. Powell to G. P. Wilton. Asks him to write to Mr. Cracroft giving his reasons for advising her not to sue. States her deep unhappiness over loss of children who are being turned against her.
7 June 1854
25. Weston Cracroft to G. P. Wilton. Arranges meeting to give evidence against Col. Powell.
8 June 1854
26. John B. Mathen (Wathen?), Prestbury, Cheltenham to G. P. Wilton. Writer appears to be friend and local vicar who has been asked for information re: Col. Powell and friends. Gives many details of Lord Ellenborough's mistress, nothing relevant to Col. Powell.
10 June 1854
27. Weston Cracroft to G. P. Wilton. Has found maid's deposition, will bring it with him. Col. Powell told him he was justified in his indiscretions as Mrs. Powell refused to allow him near her. Refers to miscarriage which Col. Powell sent Mrs. Powell medicine to procure. Suggests approach to Capt. Durham in attempt to clear Mrs. Powell's name.
11 June 1854
28. Weston Cracroft to G. P. Wilton. Mrs. Powell objects to any mention of letters of hers burned by her husband. Makes arrangement for meeting.
12 June 1854
29. Weston Cracroft to G. P. Wilton. To confirm appointment. Suggests personal approach be made to Col. Powell by Mr. and Mrs. Cherry. Considers law the final resort only.
15 June 1854
30. John B. Mathen (Wathen?) to G. P. Wilton. Still knows nothing of Col. Powell. More details of Lord Ellenborough's mistress.
14 June 1854
31. Harry Styam to G. P. Wilton,. Col Powell assents to the deed but queries amount of costs. If deed is signed Mrs. Powell may see children next month.
28 July 1854
32. Weston Amcotts (formerly Cracroft) to G. P. Wilton. Details of debt due to Lucy Mary Ingilby from Col. Powell. Also his own change of name.
1 August 1854
33. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Coming to London on Monday 7 August, will sign deed on that day and see children the following day for some hours. Encloses copy of letter she sent to Col. Powell (missing).
5 August 1854
34. John Henry Benbow to G. P. Wilton. Asks if Deed of Separation has finally been signed.
9 August 1854
35. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton, sending small gift in appreciation of his kindness. Meeting with children went well.
9 August 1854
36. Weston Amcotts to G. P. Wilton. Arrangements for payment of Mrs. Powell's allowance. Interview with children most satisfactory. Hopes all may yet end well if Mrs. Powell's life is spared.
10 August 1854
37. Pickering Smith and Company to G. P. Wilton, enclosing payment for legal costs incurred in drawing up deed.
14 August 1854
38. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Is glad to hear that all bills have been paid. Hopes brighter days may dawn for her.
25 August 1854
39. Notes of legal questions arising from separation. Also notes re: conditions of access to children.
ADX86/6 1. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Is resolved to accept the terms of separation. Does not believe anything better can be attained. Weston Amcotts will also agree but is worried that Sibthorpe may refuse and will have to be replaced as trustee.
20 July 1854
2. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Wishes arrangements to be carried out as quickly as possible so that she may see her children. Does not feel Col. Powell knew to what extent she was defamed by Miss Lord.
26 July 1854
3. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Reminding him of trustees’ names.
27 July 1854
4. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Gives Weston Amcotts address. Regrets that he has not received bond for Ingilby debt (ADX86/5/32) from Amcotts. Is anxious for deed to go ahead. Queries clause giving Col. Powell right to appoint new trustees for her on death of originals.
29 July 1854
5. Harry Styam to G. P. Wilton. Declines to comment on Wilton's letter. Asks to be informed when parties agree to deed and of name and description of
29 July 1854
6. Copy of letter (handwriting unknown) sent from Rosa Powell to Col. Powell. Begs him to allow her equal right to the children. Many religious exhortations for his mercy. Will pray for him that they may make peace with each other and God. Refers to her own life as fading fast.
c.31 July 1854
7. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Gives new address for Weston Amcotts. She is so weak she can hardly wield her pen.
31 July 1854
8. Harry Styam to G. P. Wilton. Apologises for earlier letter (ADX86/6/5) which arose from misunderstanding.
31 July 1854
9. J. M. Stevenson to G. P. Wilton. Acknowledges receipt of £25. Will be in touch again as soon as Mrs. Maude recovers from her confinement.
31 July 1854
10. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Worried about non-arrival of bond from Weston Amcotts. Is still too weak to hold pen properly.
2 August 1854
11. Weston Amcotts to G. P. Wilton. Re: arrangements for execution of Deed of Separation.
2 August 1854
12. Telegram, Major Sibthorpe to G. P. Wilton. Requests Wilton to come to Yarmouth the following day.
3 August 1854
13. Harry Styam to G. P. Wilton. Confirms payment of £75 being one quarter of annuity owing to Mrs. Powell.
17 August 1854
ADX86/7 1. Pickering Smith and Company to G. P. Wilton. Discusses question of Clause in Deed barring Mrs. Powell from returning to live in Aberystwyth
11 March 1854
2. Weston Cracroft to G. P. Wilton, requesting that matters be expedited as Mrs. Powell is suffering greatly over the separation
12 March 1854
3. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Has the copy of Deed and will let him know her views later. Refers to letter (ADX86/7/1) and refuses to agree to such a clause.
19 March 1854
4. Weston Cracroft to G. P. Wilton. Is enclosing two letters from "the enemy" which have a bearing on case. Agreement to be drawn up as casting no reflection on either side. Will let Wilton have his comments on draft on following day (letters not included).
20 March 1854
5. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Considers Col. Powell's vacillating and indecisive nature would have caused him to drop the matter long ago had he not been forced to stick with it by friends. Is returning draft of Deed. Objects to clauses re: her residence in Cardiganshire and to that relating to children. Also wishes solicitor to argue for allowance to be increased four years after Col. Powell comes into his inheritance. Is most anxious for matter to be
21 March 1854
6. Weston Cracroft to G. P. Wilton. Finds rough draft of Deed totally unacceptable, particularly adultery clause. Sees Deed as piece of studied cruelty. Suggests there has been change in attitude by Col. Powell as he is urged on by friends like Capt. Durham who want to control his affairs.
21 March 1854
7. Weston Cracroft to G. P. Wilton. Has returned draft by rail. Has not exerted any pressure on Mrs. Powell, she made up her own mind to disagree with Deed. He and fellow trustee Gervaise Sibthorpe will make themselves responsible for Mrs. Powell's debts after separation. This fact should be advertised in the press to show that she has good and powerful friends.
22 March 1854
8. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton,. Gives new address in Cheltenham. Father suggests matter of her allowance should go to arbitration. Capt. Powell has
been promoted to Colonel.
25 March 1854
9. Pickering Smith and Company to G. P. Wilton. Encloses cheque for interest on notes due from Col. Powell to Miss Phelps.
27 March 1854
10. W. G. Cherry to G. P. Wilton. Anxious about affect on his daughter of being separated from her children. Angry that Capt. Powell's advisors believe him to be a man of spotless honour. He is in possession of facts of a 'most revolting nature’ against Capt. Powell. Offers to send them to Wilton for communication to opposition's lawyers. Letter also includes pencil draft - possibly of reply. Suggests caution in dealing with Capt. Powell.
28 March 1854
11. W. G. Cherry to G. P. Wilton. Terms of Separation were meant to cast no reflection upon either party but grossest reflection has been cast on Mrs. Powell by the withholding of her children.
29 March 1854
12. Telegram - Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Has telegraphed Weston Cracroft to meet him in Cheltenham on following day.
4 April 1854
13. Harry Styam to G. P. Wilton. Requests that items left by Capt. Powell at Buckland be sent to railway station in London for collection.
13 April 1854
14. Rosa E. Powell to G. P. Wilton. Will accept amended deed. Does not expect better terms from her husband re: children, so will agree to see them with witness present. Has no intention of prejudicing them against their father
13 April 1854
(Letter seems wrongly dated, should be 10 April)15. W. G. Cherry to G. P. Wilton. Requests that Capt. Powell be asked to repay Promissory notes to Mrs. Phelps now that his father is dead. Mrs. Powell has paid interest on the notes and should be reimbursed. Has also paid all expenses of self and children for most of her marriage to Capt. Powell. Asks advice re: tenant who owes him rent.
16 April 1854
16. Weston Cracroft to G. P. Wilton. Agrees with amended arrangements for access. Being allowed to see children is Mrs. Powell's only defence against her husband's accusations of immorality. Postscript requests that Col. Powell's insistence on witness to meetings be withdrawn. Also that Mrs. Powell be allowed to write to her children.
17 April 1854
17. Weston Cracroft to G. P. Wilton. Mrs. Powell accepts the terms but Wilton should press for possible concessions re: children. Gives address and status of fellow trustee.
17 April 1854
18. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Will accept presence of third party during visits to children. Asks him to press her right to correspond with them. Capt. Powell's refusal to meet Mr. Cherry is clear admission that the charges against her are false. Looks forward to Deed being signed.
17 April 1854
19. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Insists that clause which provides for the possibility of she and Col. Powell living together again be left in. Has particular reason for this. On advice of friends asks Wilton to press for increased allowance but is not hopeful of success. Is not aware that friends have been making remarks re: Col. Powell but will ask them to stop.
18 April 1854
20. Rosa E. Powell to G. P. Wilton. Feels that if Col. Powell has right to see all letters to her children they will never receive them. Encloses bills for mourning clothes.
19 April 1854
21. Weston Cracroft to G. P. Wilton, Mrs. Powell wishes to see her children at Christmas, Easter and Midsummer. Is anxious that Deed should now be signed. Feels she should be allowed to see children as soon as matters are resolved.
19 April 1854
22. Harry Styam to G. P. Wilton. Death of Col. W. E. Powell (d. 10 April 1854) means deed must be amended.
19 April 1854
23. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Anxieties about Col. Powell's power over her children. Worried that he may take them abroad.
22 April 1854
24. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Returning memorandum with her amendments. Friends are angry at the paltry allowance offered to her. Until now she has concentrated upon the children but now wishes to fight for more money - especially now Col. Powell has come into his inheritance.
25 April 1854
25. Weston Cracroft to G. P. Wilton. His fellow trustee G. W. Sibthorpe strongly objects to amount of allowance offered to Mrs Powell. Both trustees feel it casts a slur on Mrs. Powell and press for it to be increased.
25 April 1854
26. Weston Cracroft to G. P. Wilton. Authorises negotiations for increase of allowance to £500 at least or will break off negotiations.
26 April 1854
27. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Fears that by accepting smaller allowance she has inadvertently damaged her reputation. Anxious that claims for higher settlement should be made by trustees and not by herself as she agreed to original sum.
27 April 1854
28. Weston Cracroft to G. P. Wilton. Now has Mrs. Powell's full support in pursuing increased allowance. Believes she is reluctant to take Col. Powell to court because she still wishes for a reconciliation.
27 April 1854
29. Gervaise Waldo Sibthorpe to G. P. Wilton, Presses for increase of allowance. To accept £300 will reflect badly on Mrs. Powell's reputation - it will be said that she was afraid to bring the matter into court.
27 April 1854
30. Weston Cracroft to G. P. Wilton,. Makes arrangements to meet. Repeats that both he and G. W. Sibthorpe will withdraw as trustees if the allowance is
not increased.
28 April 1854
31. Weston Cracroft to G. P. Wilton. Mrs. Powell's honour can only be restored by increased allowance and open access to her children. Details of Col. Powell's personal and sexual conduct pre-separation.
9 June 1854
ADX86/8 1. W. G. Cherry to Rosa Powell. Whereabouts of the attested copy of her marriage settlement with Col. Powell. Feels it should be restored to their keeping.
26 January 1856
2. W. G. Cherry to Rosa Powell. Further discussion of their right to retrieve the marriage settlement.
January 1856
3. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Wishes to make her will and wants to know what powers she has to dispose of her fortune.
26 January 1856
4. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Received. Questions the right of Pickering Smith and Company to hold onto marriage settlement.
29 January 1856
5. W. G. Cherry to G. P. Wilton. Is sending letters for his daughter to Almond's Hotel, London.
29 January 1856
6. Weston Amcotts (Cracroft) to G. P. Wilton. Wishes stringent rules re: children could be released. Mrs. Powell has only seen them six times in two years. She is failing in health as a consequence. Writes in confidence and does not wish Mrs. Powell to know of his letter.
1 February 1856
7. Pickering Smith and Company to G. P. Wilton. Signatures of all trustees to marriage settlement will be required before they release it.
5 February 1856
8. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Is attempting to obtain permission from surviving trustees Does not wish Col. Powell to be approached on the matter.
8 February 1856
9. W. G. Cherry to Rosa Powell. Encloses abstract of her Aunt's will. Confirms that under its terms she has no power to dispose of her inheritance otherwise than as her Aunt wished. Does not see why it is necessary for Mr. Wilton to see the will.
12 February 1856
10. W. G. Cherry to Rosa Powell. Details of trustees to the marriage settlement. Refers to provision made by Col. Powell's late father to prevent his son from cutting timber on the estate.
18 February 1856
11. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Is finding it difficult to obtain permission from Mr. Price Lewes, one of the trustees, for release of the copy marriage settlement.
20 February 1856
12. Mr. Price Lewes to Rosa Powell. Two letters. First (n.d.) apologises for not being able to give her a reply until he has consulted his solicitor. Subsequent letter informs her of his decision to refuse.
21 February 1856
13. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Refers to enclosure of above. Complains of the needless trouble she and Mr. Wilton are being put to by her father's insistence on gaining possession of the copy marriage settlement.
22 February 1856
14. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Accepts there is no alternative to leaving the settlement and other related documents with Pickering Smith and Company. Would not have opened the matter had her father not urged her to make a will to prevent Col. Powell cutting timber at Buckland if she predeceased him. Buckland is to be left to her by her father.
25 February 1856
15. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Asks him to write to Messrs. Hughes and Roberts (Col. Powell's Aberystwyth solicitors) to arrange for her to see the children. Authorises copies to be made of the documents held by Pickering Smith and Company if necessary.
2 March 1856
16. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Asks if he has received her letter dated 2 March 1856.
13 March 1856
17. Hughes and Roberts to G. P. Wilton. Confirms that Col. Powell will arrange for the children to see their mother.
18 March 1856
18. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Requests that he write to Hughes and Roberts and demand that arrangements be made for her to see children. Warns that Col. Powell is being difficult, as on previous occasions.
23 March 1856
19. Hughes and Roberts (Aberystwyth) to G. P. Wilton. Copy letter from Col. Powell re: access to children. Denies any cruel and unnecessary delay.
27 March 1856
20. Col. W. T. R. Powell to G. P. Wilton. Refuses request concerning children. Letter probably refers to matters raised in ADX86/8/6.
27 March 1856
21. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Angry at Col. Powell's behaviour - believes Capt. Durham instigated the refusal.
30 March 1856
22. Weston Amcotts to G. P. Wilton. Refers to Col. Powell's refusal to relax visitation rights (ADX86/8/20) Mrs. Powell must never know of their approach to her husband.
2 April 1856
23. Hughes and Roberts (Aberystwyth) to G. P. Wilton. Col. Powell has made arrangements for Mrs. Powell to see her son at Almonds Hotel in London Access to daughter denied as she has already seen her for a day which, together with a chance meeting on Swindon station should be enough. Asks Mrs. Powell to stop writing directly to the children.
10 July 1856
24. Rosa E. Powell to G. P. Wilton. Feels it is up to Col. Powell to make arrangements to see her letters to the children. Her son rarely receives her letters which are intercepted at school.
14 July 1856
25. Rosa E. Powell to G. P. Wilton. Has been contacted by Burnell - former gamekeeper and intimate friend of Col. Powell, now his sworn enemy. Offered her information. Asks Wilton's advice re: a meeting. Encloses her replies to Burnell's letters.
20 August 1856
26. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Refers to Wilton's advice not to contact Burnell. Acted on her father's advice in doing so, now wishes she had not.
July 1856
27. W. G. Cherry to G. P. Wilton. Agrees that Mrs. Powell should not meet Burnell. Asks if it would be in order for him to do so. Burnell is not the gamekeeper but his uncle, a more respectable man.
26 August 1856
28. W. G. Cherry to G. P. Wilton. Does not propose to offer a bribe to Burnell for the information about Col. Powell.
28 August 1856
29. G. P. Wilton to W. G. Cherry and Mrs. Rosa Powell. Two letters on one sheet. Advises both parties to have nothing to do with Burnell themselves but to refer any further approaches to him as their legal advisor.
28 August 1856
30. Undated note in W. G. Cherry's handwriting setting out reasons why Burnell should be seen and a statement obtained from him.
31. Rosa E. Powell to G. P. Wilton. Asks for return of Burnell's letters.
12 October 1856
ADX86/9 1. Letter book. Contains copy letters from G. P. Wilton relating to Powell separation.
February-August 1854
2. Letter book. Contents as above.
23 April 1855-25 August 1855
ADX86/10 1. Weston Cracroft to G. P. Wilton. Gives Miss Lord's current address. Worried about Mrs. Powell, asks that some attempt be made to allow her to see her children.
16 June 1854
2. Weston Cracroft to G. P. Wilton. If access to children is allowed he will agree to accept £300 p.a. allowance for Mrs. Powell.
16 June 1854
3. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton, received. Wants Col. Powell's movements watched whilst he is in London. Comments of treachery of his Aunt, Mrs. Phelp. Reports sighting of Col. Powell's former Black servant, will obtain his address.
17 June 1854
4. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Assures him she will do nothing rash re: Miss Lord.
18 June 1854
5. Weston Cracroft to G. P. Wilton. Has decided to agree to settlement on the terms offered because Mrs. Powell is so desperate to see her children.
19 June 1854
6. John Henry Benbow (Lincoln's Inn) to G. P. Wilton. Asks for any comments on their recent meeting.
19 June 1854
7. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Her mother is ready to go to Nanteos to speak to Col. Powell re: children. She herself is worried that one of her servants is spying on her. Feels she was separated from Col. Powell by those who fear her good influence on him.
20 June 1854
8. Harry Styam (Lincoln's Inn) to G. P. Wilton. Arrangements for meeting with Mr. Dwarris(?)
9. J. M. Stevenson to G. P. Wilton. Information re: Sarah Lord's employment with a Mrs. Maude in Northampton.
20 June 1854
10. J. M. Stevenson to G. P. Wilton, Confirms that Miss Lord was formerly in Col. Powell's employ.
22 June 1854
11. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Encloses paper on which her father has written title of indecent book given her by Col. Powell. Is offended by news that Col. Powell gossiped about her with his gamekeeper Jesse Burnell. Concerned that the servants have made false statements.
22 June 1854
12. Memorandum in Mr. Cherry's hand, received G. P. Wilton. Refers to Miss Lord's behaviour in Aberystwyth after the quarrel and refutes her charges of misconduct against Mrs. Powell.
26 June 1854
13. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Asks him to secure certain witnesses (list enclosed) on her behalf Doubts the faithfulness of her maid, Ann Pick, feels she may betray names of witnesses and they will be subverted by Col. Powell's advisors. Asks the cost of taking proceedings in Ecclesiastical Courts. Her parents will not contact Col. Powell. She now has proof of Miss Lord's black character.
30 June 1854
14. Weston Cracroft to G. P. Wilton. Will accept the Trusteeship even though the terms are bad. Urges that the matter be settled.
30 June 1854
15. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Is not surprised Col Powell has not taken legal action at Assizes - he has not the courage. Only money deters her from taking case to Ecclesiastical courts. Asks Wilton to tell her the full extent of her husband's power over her.
Received 4 July 1854
16. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Her name must be cleared of all suspicion and the children must be allowed to spend time with her. Suggests her creditors sue Col. Powell for payment. Unfortunate that Mrs. Phelps showed Col. Powell a letter from his mother-in-law which has angered him.
5 July 1854
17. Weston Cracroft to G. P. Wilton. Mrs. Powell's friends are opposed to the settlement and angered that he should have agreed on such terms. Thinks they will see Col. Powell and either obtain better terms or force him to go to law if not, they will ask Mr. Patterson to press a case. Vital that Mrs. Powell has free access to children or her innocence will seem doubtful.
5 July 1854
18. J. M. Stevenson (Northampton) to G. P. Wilton. Will supply the name of the person who gave Miss Lord her recommendation for her new post. Asks for £1.5s.0d. as fee.
5 July 1854
19. Edward Evans to G. P. Wilton. Writes on behalf of Mrs. Powell's friends who have advised her not to accept terms of separation.
6 July 1854
20. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Gives names of creditors who would be willing to sue Col. Powell for payment.
7 July 1854
21. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Asks his opinion on enclosed note from Mr. Cherry suggesting that he write 'quietly and calmly' to Col. Powell. Mrs. Powell asks that Miss Lord's movements be carefully watched.
7(?) July 1854
22. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Authorises him to re-open negotiations. Feels she is without power and too ill to wait longer to see her children. Trustees were wrong to stop negotiations as it has only made matters worse.
16 July 1854
23. Mrs. Eleanor Cherry (Mrs. Powell's mother) to G. P. Wilton. Asks that negotiations be re-opened. Is very worried about her daughter's health. Asks if he would agree to her attempting to see Col. Powell, as his Aunt, she is sure she can influence him to the good.
16 July 1854
ADX86/111. Undated notes concerning whereabouts of children written on paper wrapped around letter bundle.
2. Pickering Tompson and Company to Weston Amcotts,. Apologises for late payment of Mrs. Powell's annuity.
22 March 1855
3. Pickering Tompson and Company (formerly Pickering Smith and Company) to Weston Amcotts. Neither of the children have had a holiday at Easter so there was no opportunity for Mrs. Powell to see them. She will be informed when a meeting is next possible.
14 April 1855
4. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Wishes to arrange a meeting. Has been told that Pickering Tompson and Company are no longer Col. Powell's solicitors. Asks him to confirm.
17 April 1855
5. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Confirms arrangements for a meeting.
20 April 1855
6. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Col. Powell has left Pickering Tompson and Company because they were angry with him for refusing to let her see the children as per agreement. Begs Wilton not to yield any of her rights. Her little girl spent Easter with the Dowager Mrs. Powell - contrary to Pickering and Company's letter (ADX86/11/3).
Received 23 April 1855
7. Pickering Tompson and Company to G. P. Wilton. Col. Powell has transferred his affairs to Messrs Hughes and Roberts, Aberystwyth.
23 April 1855
8. Weston Amcotts to G. P. Wilton. Feels moment is right to press for more definite agreement re: children so that Mrs. Powell can make arrangements to see them herself rather than through the trustees.
27 April 1855
9. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Hopes to hear soon of better arrangements re: children. Asks him to ascertain whereabouts of her marriage settlement and to advise if she may obtain it for safe keeping.
27 April 1855
10. ? Morris to G. P. Wilton - possibly Barrister's opinion - advises application under Infants Custody Act if wish to challenge terms of Deed of Separation.
28 April 1855
11. Weston Amcotts to G. P. Wilton. Has received copy of deed and will return it in person, objects to delay in dealing with Col. Powell's Aberystwyth solicitors. Feels should push for adherence to terms of deed in relation to Mrs. Powell's visiting rights. Col. Powell's failure to keep terms is surely grounds for appeal to Lord Chancellor.
29 April 1855
12. Hughes and Roberts (Aberystywth) to G. P. Wilton. Apologises for not having answered earlier letters. Have written to Lt. Col. Powell to arrange for the children to see their mother.
30 April 1855
13. Weston Amcotts to G. P. Wilton. Will remain in Dover until Sunday.
2 May 1855
14. Hughes and Roberts to G. P. Wilton. They understood from Col. Powell that he had made arrangements for Mrs. Powell to see her children. Expect to see him shortly so will check.
7 May 1855 (misdated as April)
15. Hughes and Roberts to G. P. Wilton. Have seen Col. Powell who had made arrangements for Mrs. Powell to see the children at their respective schools but omitted to inform Mr. Wilton.
7 May 1855
16. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Knows nothing of any directions given to children's schools.
9 May 1855
17. Hughes and Roberts to G. P. Wilton. They are acting for Col. Powell and will accept any notices on his behalf. Will try to see that arrangements for children go smoothly.
9 May 1855
18. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Has not heard of arrangements re: children. Col. Powell and Capt. Durham have been in London, so feels that they have intentionally delayed matters in the hope that she will give up. Has every confidence in Mr. Wilton's handling of matters. Wishes her trustees to claim copy of marriage settlement.
9 May 1855
19. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Is still convinced that Pickering and Company hold an attested copy of her marriage settlement. Will take no action re: visiting children until is sure of Col. Powell's intentions.
11 May 1853
20. Weston Amcotts to G. P. Wilton. Details of his whereabouts in London.
13 May 1855
21. Hughes and Roberts to G. P. Wilton. Mrs. Powell to deal directly with schools re: interviews with her children. Col Powell thought this most convenient course.
14 May 1855
22. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Pickering and Company have admitted to having a copy of the marriage settlement. Wishes to take charge of it herself. Still puzzled by arrangements for visiting children but will go to daughter's school, as she wishes to see what it is like.
16 May 1855
23. Pickering Tompson and Company to G. P. Wilton. Confirms they hold attested copy of marriage settlement on behalf of trustees.
18 May 1855
24. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Marriage Settlement to remain with Pickering Tompson and Co.
23 May 1855
25. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Asks him to write to Col. Powell to settle her Midsummer Meeting with the children. Has been told that she may not see her son at school without pass from Col. Powell and third person being present at interview.
3 June 1855
26. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Col Powell has returned from Scotland so Wilton must now write to his London address.
6 June 1855
27. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Concerns her proposed visit to her son's school at Blackheath and her correspondence with his headmaster, Mr. Selwyn.
7 June 1855
28. Hughes and Roberts (Aberystwyth) to G. P. Wilton. Are contacting Col. Powell re: arrangements for visit to children.
11 June 1855
29. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Describes her visit to her son at school. Angry that children are to travel to Aberystwyth alone. Considers Col. Powell does not know what to do with the children.
13 June 1855
30. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Had satisfactory interview with her daughter at Lewes. Col. Powell cannot find anywhere to leave the children for the summer.
16 June1855
31. Hughes and Roberts, Aberystwyth, to G. P. Wilton. Mrs. Powell can see her children at the end of their holidays but interviews must be in the presence of a third party.
23 June 1855
32. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Comments angrily on letter from Hughes and Roberts (ADX86/11/31).
26 June 1855
33. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Requests that he write to Hughes and Roberts re: interview with children.
20 July 1855
34. Hughes and Roberts, Aberystwyth, to G. P. Wilton. Suggests date for interview.
23 July 1855
35. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Agrees to date suggested.
25 July 1855
36. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Requests that he write to Hughes and Roberts re: interview with children.
28 November 1855
37. Hughes and Roberts to G. P. Wilton. Suggests date for interview.
4 December 1855
38. Hughes and Roberts to G. P. Wilton. Col Powell directs that Mrs. Powell should not visit either of her children at their respective schools.
30 May 1856
39. Col. W. T. R. Powell to G. P. Wilton, Mrs. Powell to be informed that she may see her daughter in London.
2 June 1856
40. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton, received. Has no intention of visiting her son at Eton. Angry at her husband's continual spite towards her.
2 June 1856
41. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Confirms that she will see her daughter.
3 June 1856
42. Rosa Powell to G. P. Wilton. Wishes to make arrangements to see the children. Met Col. Powell by accident and he seemed very shaken by their meeting.
4 July 1856
43. Hughes and Roberts to G. P. Wilton. Have forwarded reguest for interview to Col. Powell.
7 July 1856
ADX86/12 1. Undated memorandum by Rosa E. Powell relating events preceding, and following the quarrel with Col. Powell at Derry Ormond (23 pages).
ADX86/13 1. Instructions to peruse and settle Deed of Separation. Manuscript containing copies of letter between Pickering Smith and Company and G. P. Wilton for period 13 February 1854 - 10 March 1854. Letters concern Deed of Separation and the amount of allowance due to Mrs. Powell.
ADX86/14 1. Draft copy of covenants entered into by Col. Powell and Trustees, annotated with instructions for fair copying.
2. Draft copy of Covenants entered into by Col. Powell and Trustees.
3. Copy of opinion of Mr. F. P. Morris on the implications of the marriage settlements of Cherry's daughters, Rosa Edwyna Powell and Williama Amcotts.
18 January 1857
4. Bill for copying documents from Pickering and Company to Mr. G. P. Wilton.
14 March 1856
ADX86/15 1. Annotated draft copy of Deed of Separation between Col. W. T. R. Powell and Rosa Edwyna, his wife. Contains clauses re: residence and possible future adultery by Mrs. Powell which were removed from final deed.
7 August 1854
2. Copy appointment by William George Cherry Esq. and Eleanora his wife of a Moiety of Settled Stock.
16 May 1839
ADX86/16 1. Final signed copy of Deed of Separation between Lieut. Col. William Thomas Rowland Powell and Rosa Edwyna his wife
7 August 1854
ADX86/17 1. Powell v. Powell, Bill of Complaint, In Chancery, filed. George Ernest John Powell seeks an injunction to prevent his father's agent William Edward Phelp from felling timber on the Nanteos estate.
14 May 1867
2. Powell v. Powell, Amended Bill of Complaint, In Chancery (2 copies).
24 June 1867
3. Powell v. Powell, Joint and several answer of the Defendants: W. T. R. Powell; W. E. Phelp and T. J. S. Hotchkin.
Filed 30 September 1867
ADX86/18 1. Phelp v. Amcotts. Bill of Complaint. Seeks to challenge a Deed of Covenant made by the late William George Cherry by which W. T. R. Powell was prevented from inheriting any of the Cherry Estate. Alleges breach of marriage covenant of 17 May 1839
Filed 23 September 1867
2. Phelp v. Amcotts. Answer of the defendant Thomas Sale Solicitor to late W. G. Cherry, denies all charges of fraud and misconduct.
Filed 12 February 1868
3. Phelp v. Amcotts. Joint and several answer of the defendants Weston Cracroft Amcotts, and others.
Filed 17 February 1868
4. Phelp v. Amcotts. Answer of the defendant George Ernest John Powell.
Filed 15 February 1868