

Archifdy Ceredigion Archives
ABY/NCB: North Cardiganshire Beagles

Acc. 2551


Reference: [GB0212] ABY/NCB
Date(s): 1925-1941
Level: Sub-Fonds
Extent: 2 Series
Scope and Content: Administrative (A) and Financial (F) material relating to the North Cardiganshire Beagles (N.C.B.).
Appraisal: Twelve duplicate copies of the N.C.B. Statement of Accounts 1925 & 1926 (ABY/NCB/F/8); and two duplicate copies of the Treasurer’s Financial Report for the 1926 Hunt Ball (ABY/NCB/F/24) were not retained.System of arrangement:
Arrangement:The collection is arranged chronologically in two Series.
Condition: Some documents are a little fragile.

North Cardiganshire Beagles: Administrative

Reference: ABY/NCB/A
Date(s): 1926
Level: Series
Extent: 19 Items
Scope and Content: Material, mostly correspondence, relating to meetings, dances, and the sale and supply beagles.

Reference: ABY/NCB/A /1
Date(s): 19 January 1926
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Letter to Emlyn Abraham from G.E.F. Goring-Thomas, Honorary Secretary, urgently requesting his presence at a Business Committee Meeting to be held on 25th January 1926; relates to Item 4 on the agenda.

Reference: ABY/NCB/A /2
Date(s): 10 March 1926
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Letter from G.E.F. Goring-Thomas, Honorary Secretary, notifying that the Annual General Meeting of the Subscribers to the N.C.B. is to be held on 29th March 1926, and gives details of the agenda.

Reference: ABY/NCB/A /3
Date(s): 29 March 1926
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Copy Report of the Honorary Secretary of the N.C.B. on the Business of the Hunt, to be presented at the A.G.M. on 22 March 1926

Reference: ABY/NCB/A /4
Date(s): 3 October 1926
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Letter to Emlyn Abraham from G.E.F. Goring-Thomas, Honorary Secretary, requesting his presence at a Committee Meeting to be held on 11th October 1926.

Reference: ABY/NCB/A /5
Date(s): 9 November 1926
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Copy letter to G.E.F. Goring-Thomas, from Emlyn Abraham, noting names he would like added to the invitation list.

Reference: ABY/NCB/A /6
Date(s): 12 November 1926
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Letter to Emlyn Abraham, from C.T. Daley, requesting resignation of the membership.

Reference: ABY/NCB/A /7
Date(s): 19 November 1926
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Copy letter, to be sent to various people, from G.E.F. Goring-Thomas, Honorary Secretary, notifying them of a Committee Meeting to be held 22nd November 1926.

Reference: ABY/NCB/A /8
Date(s): 11 December 1926
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Letterhead from The Earl of Lisburne. No further details.

Reference: ABY/NCB/A /9
Date(s): n.d [c.1926]
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Telegram to [Horse] Repository Leicester, from [G.E.F.] Goring-Thomas, notifying of beagles for sale or to give away.

Reference: ABY/NCB/A /10
Date(s): 13 December 1926
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Letter to the Editor Manager of the Cambrian News from G.E.F. Goring-Thomas, Honorary Secretary, regarding the N.C.B.’s weekly announcement. He also mentions his regret at the mislaid Dance invitation, and invites him to send his account for advertisement to Mr Abraham.

Reference: ABY/NCB/A /11
Date(s): 12 Jan 1927
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Photostat copy of notification, from G.E.F. Goring-Thomas, Honorary Secretary, of Extraordinary General Meeting of Subscribers to be held on 24th January 1927; includes agenda.

Reference: ABY/NCB/A /12
Date(s): 14 - 17 January 1927
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Correspondence between Messrs. Warner, Shepheard [sic] & Wade, Leicestershire Horse Repositories, and Emlyn Abraham, regarding the best time to sell beagles.

Reference: ABY/NCB/A /13
Date(s): 10 April 1927
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Letter to [G.E.F.] Goring-Thomas, from Lewes T. Pryce, requesting food for the beagles.

Reference: ABY/NCB/A /14
Date(s): 25 May 1927
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Copy letter to be sent to various named people from Emlyn Abraham, Honorary Treasurer, notifying them of a Committee Meeting, to discuss urgent business, to be held on 26th May 1927.

Reference: ABY/NCB/A /15
Date(s): 30 June 1927
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Letter to Emlyn Abraham from G.E.F. Goring-Thomas, Honorary Secretary, notifying him of a Committee Meeting, to discuss correspondence from the North Cardiganshire Co-op, to be held on 5th July 1927

Reference: ABY/NCB/A /16
Date(s): n.d. [c.1926]
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Typed list of names and addresses [probably dance invitation recipients].

Reference: ABY/NCB/A /17
Date(s): n.d. [c.1926]
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Letter to [Emlyn] Abraham, from [G.E.F.] Goring-Thomas, regarding invitations and complementary tickets which he would like dispatched.

Reference: ABY/NCB/A /18
Date(s): n.d. [c.1926]
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Postcard to Emlyn Abraham, from [G.E.F.] Goring-Thomas, regarding more invitations to be posted; and asking that he notifies the Committee, not the Dance Committee, of the meeting scheduled for Monday night.

Reference: ABY/NCB/A /19
Date(s): n.d. [c.1926]
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Postcard to [Emlyn] Abraham, from [ ] Rees, regarding dance tickets.

North Cardiganshire Beagles: Financial

Reference: ABY/NCB/F
Date(s): 1925-1941
Level: Series
Extent: 40 Items
Scope and Content: Correspondence, invoices, cheque-book stubs, and material relating to subscription reminders, payments, and, as time goes on, the failing finances of the N.C.B.

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/1
Date(s): 1925-1941
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: File entitled ‘N.C.B. Vouchers’ comprising invoices issued by businesses and individuals for services and goods provided, 1925-1941. These include: Association of Masters of Harriers & Beagles, C. Rees, Dr David Ellis, Moss Bros & Co. Ltd., North Cardiganshire Farmers’ Co-operative Society Ltd., Scott and Drenon Ltd., Shaw & Sons Ltd., University College of Wales Aberystwyth.
Interleaved is a Dog Licence issued to Mr Dan. Lloyd-Jones, 28 January 1941; and Fees for Ticket of Admission for the Faculty of Arts, University College of Wales Aberystwyth, 1940-1941, dated 31 Oct 1940.

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/2
Date(s): 28 July - 4 December 1925
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Paying-in book stubs, Lloyds Bank Ltd. Aberystwyth

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/3
Date(s): 10 December 1925 - 24 January 1927
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Paying-in book stubs, Lloyds Bank Ltd. Aberystwyth

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/4
Date(s): 28 July 1925 â€" 30 August 1926
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: File entitled ‘ For the North Cardiganshire Beagles’ comprising correspondence relating to cheques sent by the North Cardiganshire Beagles, in payment of goods and service; including the sale of beagles. Recipients include: Aberystwyth Chronicle & West Wales Advertiser, Association of Masters of Harriers & Beagles , Cambrian News and Welsh Farmers Gazette, Daley & Co. Ltd., Emlyn Abraham, Miss C. Rees, North Cardiganshire Co-op Society; and various individuals.

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/5
Date(s): 13 July 1925
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Agreement between John Pryse and The North Cardiganshire Beagles, wherein John Pryse agrees to sell 4.5 couples of beagles to the N.C.B.

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/6
Date(s): 18 August 1925
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Letter relating to a cheque sent to Richard Edwards of Bow Street from N.C.B.

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/7
Date(s): 1 December 1925
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Letter relating to the Hunt Ball held on 1 December 1925, and accompanying Honorary Treasurer’s Account.

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/8
Date(s): n.d. [1926]
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: N.C.B. Statement of Accounts 1925 & 1926 (two copies)

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/9
Date(s): November 1925 â€" December 1926
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Bundle of receipted invoices issued to N.C.B. by various businesses (mostly newspapers). These include: Aberystwyth Chronicle & West Wales Advertiser, Cambrian News & Welsh Farmers’ Gazette, Cardigan and Tivy-Side Advertiser, David Duncan & Sons Ltd. (proprietors of South Wales News etc.), North Cardiganshire Farmers’ Co-operative Society Ltd., Scott and Drenon Ltd. Western Mail Ltd., W. H. Smith & Son.

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/10
Date(s): May - November 1926
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Bundle of invoices issued by The North Cardiganshire Farmers’ Co-operative Society Ltd., to the N.C.B.

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/11
Date(s): 15 February 1926
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Copy receipt issued to Colonel J Rea for his subscription to the N.C.B.

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/12
Date(s): 12 February 1926
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Letter sent to [Emlyn] Abraham to accompany subscription cheque. From J. Rea.

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/13
Date(s): 2 October [1926]
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Letter, from R. Cosens, sent to accompany subscription cheque for 1926-1927.

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/14
Date(s): 4 October 1926
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Letter sent to Colonel Cosens, from Honorary Treasurer of N.C.B., as official receipt for his subscription payment.

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/15
Date(s): 15 October 1926
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Letter to [Emlyn] Abraham, from Goring-Thomas, both of N.C.B., regarding an enclosed letter (not attached) which he requests be sent for inclusion in the ‘Field’.

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/16
Date(s): 18 October 1926
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Advertisement Voucher [Receipt] for ‘The Field’, to be published in Issue dated 21 October.

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/17
Date(s): 26 October 1926
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Letter to [Emlyn] Abraham, from Goring-Thomas, both of N.C.B, requesting that he send a receipt to Major and Mrs Crawley Boevey; and advising him of a Committee Meeting which is to be held on 1st November.

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/18
Date(s): 6 November 1926
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Copy subscription reminder letter to Col. J. C. Rea from Emlyn Abraham of the N.C.B.

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/19
Date(s): 6 November 1926
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Subscription reminder letter to Lionel Harries from Emlyn Abraham of the N.C.B.; sent back to N.C.B. with cheque (not included).

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/20
Date(s): 11 November 1926
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Letter sent from Emlyn Abraham, Honorary Treasurer of N.C.B., as a 1926-1927 subscription reminder , to the people listed therein.

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/21
Date(s): 3 February 1926
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Letter to [Emlyn] Abraham from Goring-Thomas requesting that he issue a cheque to his wife so that he can send it to F.S.W. Cornwallis.

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/22
Date(s): 9 December 1926
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Letter card from H.E. Bonsall send to accompany subscription cheque (not attached).

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/23
Date(s): 29 December 1926
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Letter to E. Abraham from The Cambrian News and Welsh Farmers Gazette Aberystwyth requesting payment of the Beagle’s account.

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/24
Date(s): 13 December 1926 â€" 23 May 1927
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Bundle of papers comprising: Treasurer’s Financial Report for the 1926 Hunt Ball, notes of monies expended re same, draft statement, list of subscribers, notice of a Committee Meeting to be held 10th January 1927, and a letter regarding the return of two dogs.

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/25
Date(s): 3 January 1927
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Copy letter to The Cambrian News Aberystwyth to accompany a cheque sent to settle the enclosed account (not attached).

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/26
Date(s): 21 January 1927
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Letter to [Emlyn] Abraham from Goring-Thomas regarding an enclosed cheque from Frd. Cross and H. Johnes Lloyd. He mentions other monies in hand and owed.

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/27
Date(s): 29 April 1927
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Letter to the Honorary Treasurer of the N.C.B. from the Secretary of The Field Press Ltd., requesting payment for an advertisement they submitted.

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/28
Date(s): 3 May 1927
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Copy letter to The Field Press Ltd., from Emlyn Abraham, to accompany a cheque sent to settle the enclosed account (not attached).

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/29
Date(s): 19 May 1927
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Letter to the N.C.B., from The North Cardiganshire Farmers’ Co-operative Society Ltd. Aberystwyth, requesting settlement of an outstanding account.

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/30
Date(s): 27 May 1927
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Copy letter to Messrs. Warner, Sheppard & Wade Ltd., from Emlyn Abraham, to accompany a cheque sent to settle the enclosed account (not attached).

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/31
Date(s): 3 June 1927
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Important Notice letter, to the N.C.B., from The North Cardiganshire Farmers’ Co-operative Society Ltd. Aberystwyth, notifying them that unless payment of the overdue account is received within 14 days steps will be taken to recover the amount.

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/32
Date(s): 5 July 1927
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Letter to Emlyn Abraham, from the Manager of Lloyds Bank Ltd. Aberystwyth, relating to the account of the N.C.B.’s overdrawn funds .

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/33
Date(s): May - July 1927
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Bundle of papers, mostly correspondence, relating to the account of the N.C.B. with The North Cardiganshire Farmers’ Co-operative Society Ltd. Aberystwyth.

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/34
Date(s): 31 December 1927 â€" 12 March 1928
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Correspondence, account and receipt, relating to advertisements placed in the Cambrian News (Aberystwyth) Ltd., for the 1927 Beagles Ball.

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/35
Date(s): 20 July 1928
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Copy letter to H. Bowker relating to measures to be taken to liquidate the debts accrued by the N.C.B.; including the sale of Ash Grange, Llanbadarn.

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/36
Date(s): 8 August 1929 â€" 16 May 1930
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Correspondence, mostly between W. Jervis and Emlyn Abraham (as guarantors to the bank, along with Colonel Lloyd) regarding payment of the N.C.B.’s overdraft for which they are liable.

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/37
Date(s): 17 May 1930
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Letter to [Emlyn] Abraham, from Herbert Lloyd-Johnes, regarding losses incurred by the N.C.B. the letter also congratulates Abraham on his marriage.

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/38
Date(s): n.d. [c.1929-1930]
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Letter to [Emlyn] Abraham, from G.E.F. Goring-Thomas, regarding raising funds to pay off the N.C.B.’s overdraft.

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/39
Date(s): n.d. [c.1926-1930]
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: Draft list of names and amounts. No further details.

Reference: ABY/NCB/F/40
Date(s): n.d. [c.1926-1930]
Extent: 1 Item
Scope and Content: List of names to whom subscription notices have been sent.

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