

Ceredigion Archives Conditions of Deposit

1. General Conditions
Ceredigion Archives accepts records of local and historical interest for care and preservation and for the use of the public either as a gift or a loan. These powers are in accordance with the Local Government (Records) Act 1962.

2. Deposit
• Records on deposit remain the property of the Depositor. It is the responsibility of the depositor to ensure that the Archives Service is notified of any change of address and/or change of ownership (whether by inheritance or otherwise) of the records.

• The Archives Service reserves the right to refuse records, to return to the depositor any records deemed not to merit permanent preservation or with the consent of the depositor destroy such records.

3. Preservation
• The records will be stored in the Record Office of the Authority in conditions considered acceptable for the storage of the Authority's own records and those of Public Records deposited by the direction of the Lord Chancellor.

• The Authority will take all reasonable precautions to preserve the records from damage, loss or theft but shall not otherwise be liable should the records be damaged lost or stolen.

4. Conservation
The Record Office will be entitled in its absolute discretion:
• to photograph, microfilm or otherwise copy documents
• to number documents for identification and security
• to carry out conservation work when considered necessary by the County Archivist
• to restrict or withhold public access to documents if in a fragile condition until necessary work has been carried out.

5. Listing
Records will be listed as part of the Archive Service's cataloguing programme and in accordance with the Archive Service's current cataloguing practice. Depositors are entitled to receive a copy of the catalogue of their documents but the copyright of the catalogue remains with the Council. A copy of the catalogue may be provided to other persons or bodies considered appropriate by the County Archivist.

6. Access
[Subject to the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018 and UK GDPR]
• The records on deposit will be made available to the public for purposes of academic research free of charge in the Authority's Record Office during their advertised opening hours.
• By agreement between the Depositor and the County Archivist restrictions may be placed on public access to individual deposited records.
• Depositors may inspect their records in the Record Office during opening hours by prior appointment
• Subject to copyright legislation copies may be provided to members of the public for the purposes of private study and research.
• The County Archivist will give consent to the verbatim publication of deposited documents in whole or in part only on condition that copyright is not infringed and an appropriate acknowledgement is made by the publisher to the depositor.
• Records may be removed from the Record Office for purpose of exhibition subject to the County Archivist being satisfied that reasonable security for the records is provided.
• Any request for the production of the deposited documents for declared use in legal proceeding shall not be granted without the consent of the Depositor, except where a court orders the production.

7. Withdrawals
• Deposited records may be temporarily removed by the Depositor for a period considered reasonable at any time subject to 5 working days' notice being given in writing.
• The Depositor who wishes to remove records permanently must give one calendar month's notice in writing. The Archives Service reserves the right to copy the records and to retain the copies as the property of the Authority after the removal of the records. The Archives Service will continue to make such copies accessible to the public, save only that publication will not be allowed without the consent of the Depositor and where copyright is infringed.
• The Archives Service reserves the right to levy a charge to compensate it for the expenses incurred in cataloguing, conservation and storage when and if a deposited collection is removed permanently.
• The Depositor or any other person requiring removal of records whether temporarily or permanently must, whether as the owner or agent, prove their entitlement to receive the records to the satisfaction of the Authority.

8. Parish Records
Parish records of the Church in Wales are deposited in accordance with the agreement made between Local Authority Record Offices, the National Library of Wales and the Church in Wales in 1976.

9. Gifts
Documents received as gifts become the outright property of Ceredigion Council to be preserved in Ceredigion's Record Office. These terms of agreement do not apply to such gifts.
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